All-in-one Sign

Chapter 603 Xiaodu Xiaodu

"Will the artist over there really have the situation you are worried about?"

Zhao Xiaodai sorted out a row of puppets on the desk, and asked Xu Ang curiously.

These puppy dolls are very cute, and Zhao Xiaodai doesn't know where Xu Ang bought them from. She only knows that during the few days she stayed with Xu Ang in Beverly Hills, there will be one more every day.

"Prevention is always necessary. If I don't warn Zheng Chao and the others, maybe they will really follow other people's way. Some people look innocent, but their hearts are dark."

Xu Ang didn't explain too much, he would not let the matter of Nose Emperor appear on his artist.

Although people can still be worth hundreds of millions even if they leave the entertainment industry, and still have enough money to fund the country's education, why should it happen when it can be avoided?

Zhao Xiaodai didn't ask, but just kept this matter in his heart.

There are so many duplicity people in the world, it is not surprising to meet them when filming.

"All your luggage is packed, we have to go home later."

What Xu Ang said about going home was naturally going back to Beiping, he had no other meaning in what he said, but the listeners had to think about it.

Zhao Xiaodai didn't know what to think of, and a blush flew across his cheeks.

"You left while the movie was still showing?"

"The potential of this movie is limited. I've squeezed 400 to 500% of its box office value. The North American box office alone has earned nearly 200 million now. It doesn't matter if the box office crashes in the future."

The box office of Pixar's movie has far exceeded expectations because of Xu Ang's promise of a big lottery. Every lottery draw means that some lucky people will become rich overnight. It keeps soaring, and more and more Lao Mi contributed to the movie's box office out of curiosity.

At this time, if you change to another boss, you must stay in the United States to follow up the whole process in order to make more money. Unfortunately, Xu Ang was not like this. Ever since he showed up during the lottery draw on the first day, he handed over the matter to Lasseter and hid himself.

If Xu Ang couldn't get out on the second day after the film was released because of the listing of the blind box company, then from the third day onwards, Xu Ang really couldn't get out.

After all, even if the rest of Xiaoxiao Media returned to China, Tang Lu and Yang Xiaomi also left because of their respective career developments. Isn't there still a Zhao Xiaodai.

In view of Xiao Dai's poor English, Xu Ang decided to give her extra lessons in person.

This make-up lasted for several days. Xu Ang was either making up lessons or preparing to make up lessons all day long, and he only had to drive occasionally to rest.

There are many kinds of cars, including luxury cars, famous cars, custom-made cars, private cars, off-road vehicles, and buses, but Xu Ang never cared whether the car was famous or brand-name when driving, what he cared about was the condition of the car.

He wouldn't touch a car that was in bad condition. If the lights went out, the accelerator was blocked, and the exhaust pipe was black, it would be troublesome.

Different from female celebrities who often have a few or more than a dozen boxes in later generations, Zhao Xiaodai has very little luggage, only two boxes.

One for clothes and the other for personal items, so there is no delay when leaving.

The Gulfstream G550 carried its owner into the sky again. If there was no urgent matter, Xu Ang would not set foot on Lao Mi's land until the alliance's Christmas battle.

A funny situation happened. When Xu Ang returned to Beiping, Li Ke and Hu Yi who had set off about ten days ago were still floating in the sea.

After all, those who swim in the sea cannot catch up with those who fly in the sky.

Sitting together with Xu Ang in the spacious body of the Cavalier XV, Zhao Xiaodu saw that Xu Ang had carefully arranged those puppy puppets on the back seat, she couldn't help but wondered: "It's all made of cloth and cotton. Yes, it’s not that easy to break, so it’s necessary to be so careful?”

But she didn't know that these puppets are not as ordinary as they look, they are the kind of treasures that you can't even buy if you want to buy them.

It turned out that Xu Ang didn't buy these dog puppets with money, but got them by signing.

Since the day when Blind Box Company went public, Xu Ang’s daily check-in rewards for the past few days have all been random rewards—except for its prototype chicken on the first day, the rest are all in the shape of cute puppies.

Repulsive Chicken, also known as Repeating Chicken, this thing will be used for people to decompress in the future. The more common shapes on the market are the three treasures of the countryside-chicken, duck, and goose.

Xu Ang told Zhao Xiaodai: "This is not an ordinary toy, it is a high-tech."

Taking a puppet dog and looking left and right, Zhao Xiaodai didn't see its high technology.

It's obviously a puppet toy, so it's not high-tech, so it must be fooling me.

The girl looked at Xu Ang suspiciously.

Holding the girl's waist, Xu Ang said with emotion: "I can only increase your homework if you do this, and it is imperative to make up lessons, student Xiaodai."

Zhao Xiaodai struggled lightly, how could this gesture, which was more symbolic than practical, make her escape from Xu Ang's control.

Seeing that she still didn't believe it, Xu Ang snapped his fingers and said: "Xiaodu, Xiaodu."

In an instant, the eyes of all the puppet dogs lit up.

This brightness is not an adjective, they are really shining.

At the same time, several voices said in unison: "I am here."

"Eh? Electronic toys!"

Zhao Xiaodai became interested.

However, what happened next showed her that she was wrong.

Xu Ang said to the puppet dog: "The one next to me is Ms. Zhao Xiaodai, please introduce yourself to her."



The dogs turned their heads and stared at Zhao Xiaodai with their blue-lighted electronic eyes: "Hi Xiaodai, my name is Xiaodu. I am a newborn baby, and I am trying to learn knowledge so that I can grow up quickly. Because I'm too young and don't know much, I hope you don't think I'm stupid."

Zhao Xiaodai opened her mouth slightly, she was stunned for a moment and then said to Xu Ang: "This is set up, it's just like the high-end electronic toys sold in American shopping malls, isn't it?"

Xu Ang didn't answer her, the puppet dog in her hand touched her hand with its front paws, and protested: "It's rude to ignore people, be a polite and good boy."

Now not only Zhao Xiaodai felt that Xiaodu was extraordinary, but He Xing, Hu Erhusan and the others all knew that Xiaodu was extraordinary.

Only then did Xu Ang explain: "Have you seen Truck Driver's "Terminator", you know the artificial intelligence mentioned in it, Xiaodu is the most basic artificial intelligence."

While driving, He Xing praised: "Boss, you made this, right? I said that you read a lot of books about computers and programming in your spare time. Are you studying artificial intelligence?"

"It's not what you think. I didn't do research. I just expanded my knowledge. As for the birth of Xiaodu, I just applied what I learned. A great man once said: Without practice, there is no right to speak."

The most shocking to people in the lightest tone, is talking about the current Xu Ang.

You can't blame Xu Ang for being like this, you try to sign in every day and get one of these things, and you can be so calm after several days in a row.

How good do you think the random rewards for daily sign-in can be, and its upper limit is nothing more than a three-year-old Xiaogouzi, so it's worth making a fuss about?

"Be calm."

Someone said leisurely.

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