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Chapter 623 The Black Water that Appeared in Advance (Two Chapters in One)

Eric said to Xu Ang: "Sir, you are from Huaxia, and the attitude of the people and government in your country towards veterans is really enviable."


Xu Ang was puzzled.

"I know that being a soldier in China is a respectable profession. Retired soldiers will not only be taken care of by the government, but will also receive a lot of preferential treatment from the people."

Xu Ang said: "In China, the soldiers defend their homes and the country. It is precisely because of their existence that the people can enjoy the beauty of a peaceful life. Therefore, it is right to respect the soldiers."

"Yes, this is the correct perception." Eric said with a depressed face, "but people in the United States don't see it that way. Those damn politicians treat us as a tool to be thrown away, and the people hate us and reject us. We, my comrades-in-arms and the seniors in the military who have given so much to this country don't even have a decent job when they retire."

"No one wants to hire us. People are crowding us out and avoiding us like the plague. Discrimination against us has become the right thing to do. If the factory does not perform well, we will be the first to be laid off. I really don't like it." Understand what we did wrong and why we should be discriminated against like this.”

Eric got more and more annoyed.

Xu Ang knew that what he said was indeed the truth. Lao Mi discriminated against veterans. This trend has always existed, especially after the South Vietnam War, the trend of discrimination against veterans has intensified.

From Eric's point of view, American soldiers braved the hail of bullets to go thousands of miles away to carry out their orders and fulfill their duties. He didn't think there was anything wrong.

But if Xu Ang were to say it, the answer would be two words - deserve it.

The soldiers of Huaxia are defending their homes and the country. They are not afraid of sacrifice for the people, and they protect the people of their own country. Of course, they will be respected by the people.

Look at the American soldiers, they are exporting war and turmoil all over the world under the command of American politicians and financial groups.

Wherever there are busy American soldiers, there will be death, famine and disaster.

Just like you, what is the difference from an executioner with capital wages?

Since you choose to make a knife for a capital consortium, you must have the consciousness of being hated by others. Don't be a watch, but also want someone to set up a memorial archway for you.

Do you think such a good thing is possible? We are all adults, so it’s better to be realistic, and don’t fantasize about unrealistic things.

I think so, but I can't say it that way.

Xu Ang asked Eric: "If I'm right, you want to do something."

"Yes, sir."

Eric said: "There are too many retired soldiers in the United States. Not everyone is as lucky as me, and has a father who is good at doing business. Most of them have unhappy lives after retiring. We are in the military. The skills learned can only be slowly wasted after retirement, and I think this is a great waste."

Xu Ang raised his eyebrows: "Waste?"

"Soldiers have been training in the army for so many years, and the skills they have acquired with great difficulty have not been used after retirement. Isn't this a great waste?"

Xu Ang said: "I remember that there is such a profession as a mercenary, and it is said that they earn a lot of money. Could it be that what I heard is different from the actual situation?"

"Not everyone has the qualifications to be a mercenary. It needs a network. After becoming a mercenary, can you get a good job? Is the employer worthy of trust? Whether Jin will be ignorant or not, etc., there are many situations to face."

Xu Ang looked at Eric: "Hey, Eric, why did I see a business opportunity?"

Eric replied with a smile: "Your business sense is so keen, that's exactly what I want to do."

"Being a mercenary intermediary?"

Xu Ang didn't know if he should say something or not.

If Eric's so-called entrepreneurship is just like this, it would be too petty. In an industry with a gray nature like this, the value of investment is actually not great.

At least at Xu Ang's current level, a mercenary agency company is not worth his troubles.

"It's not just that."

Eric shook his head and explained: "I don't want to just be an intermediary. In my vision, I want to be a security company involved in recruiting, training, accepting tasks, and doing a whole set of tasks."

You call this a security company?

Xu Ang felt that Lao Mi's definition of a security company was different from his own.

Thinking about it carefully, if the security company's security means security, and security means protection and defense, Eric's idea seems to be fine.

"I understand what you mean. You want to recruit veterans and then take over the business in the name of the company."

Xu Ang was stunned.

"Indeed, compared with individuals, companies have too many advantages. With the company's reputation and endorsement, soldiers on missions can avoid a lot of trouble and worries."

Xu Ang affirmed Eric: "Not bad, it's a good idea."

Then he changed the subject: "Professionally, I don't question you, but what I want to make sure is that you can get a job? Also, are you sure you won't cause trouble from the government regarding your recruitment of veterans?"

"Retired soldiers are an unstable factor in society in the eyes of those politicians. These people have military skills, and their lives are not satisfactory. There are not a few crimes. In fact, a large part of the crime rate in the United States is contributed by them. If We can solve the employment problem of veterans, even if it is only part of it, those politicians are too late to welcome it, and they will not obstruct it."

The employment problem of veterans is not only a difficulty in China, but also in the United States.

Compared with the Chinese soldiers, the lawless American soldiers are even more troublesome in this country where guns are not allowed.

"The business problem you mentioned, my idea is this, we can find the military to cooperate. You know, those of us who are soldiers don't know much, and there are many colleagues in the military."

Eric expressed his thoughts: "If the funds are sufficient, we can hire retired military officers as military consultants for the company."

How old is an officer?

Xu Ang took a deep look at Eric. The latter should have thought it through before he said such a thing, and he had already found a consultant, and he was waiting for the money to arrive.

"It seems that you have considered everything comprehensively. I like to cooperate with people like you. I believe you know me too. I have never been stingy with trusting my partners."

Xu Ang thought for a while and said, "Well, I will make up for your lack of funds. I will let my legal team help you with legal issues and company procedures. At the same time, I will send professionals to assist in the company's financial and daily management. You, so that you and your people can concentrate on the business of the company."

To be honest, such conditions are too much, but capital has always been like this.

When it is in an advantage, it is not only ninety-nine nine-tenths of a dollar, but it even tries to get a share of more than one dollar.

Eric hesitated and didn't agree: "Sir, you ask too much."

Xu Ang didn't play tricks on him, and directly smashed him: "Initial investment is 30 million, and I will add another 70 million in the next two years, making up a total of 100 million US dollars. I only need 50% of the shares, and how to distribute the remaining 50% I don't care. Eric, you have to understand that there are many people with ideas, and you are not the only smart person in the world, but I am the only one who is willing to invest so much money."

"ah this"

Can Eric say no?


100 million only accounts for half of the shares. Doesn't that mean that my company, which is just an idea, is valued at 200 million US dollars!

Compared with the unfavorable and undervalued investors he had contacted, Xu Ang offered too much, too much for Eric to refuse.

Even because Xu Ang's bid was so high, Eric felt resentful towards the American venture capitalists and wealthy businessmen he had contacted: Even a Chinese person is so optimistic about me, you Americans are really not worth cooperating with.

"Have you considered it?"

"Sir, I am very glad to meet you. It is you who keep my dream from being sold at a low price."

Seeing Eric's appearance, Xu Ang knew that this poor child was severely suppressed by capital.

"We Huaxia people pay attention to win-win. Cooperation is for the benefit of both parties, not for one party to suck the blood of the other. Believe me, Huaxia does not play the game of squeezing partners."

As he said that, Xu Ang asked Eric: "Have you thought about the name of the company? If you think about it, let me know, so that my legal team can start preparing. Time is precious, and we should seize every minute of it." Every second, avoid pointless waste."

"Your words are so right. Win-win, what a wonderful word, compared to those guys who look down on other people's dreams and only want to lie on others to suck blood, you are really a perfect partner."

Eric was moved.

It's not easy. Eric can only describe it as a miracle when he meets an investor who is willing to invest a lot of money and doesn't suck blood hard enough to suck people dry.

It's better for Huaxia people, praise Huaxia.

There is no harm without comparison. At this moment, Eric's praise for Xu Ang came from the bottom of his heart.

As an authentic American, he actually feels that Huaxia is more kind and lovely, which makes him feel incredible.

Who made Xu Ang the angel of Eric?

Angel investors are not angels, what else are they called angel investors.

Smiling, Xu Ang unceremoniously accepted Eric's compliment.

"So, have you decided on a company name?"

"Bckater a." Eric said, "That's the name I thought of, what do you think?"


Xu Ang inexplicably felt that this name was familiar.

black water?

No, it should be black water.

This is the famous name in the future, right? Is it the notorious Black Water?

Xu Ang looked at Eric, it was you, it turned out to be you, I didn't expect that the Blackwater Company in the wind and smelly three miles was founded by a guy with big eyebrows and big eyes like you.

It is true that people cannot be judged by appearances.

Seeing that Xu Ang didn't speak, Eric asked nervously: "Why, is there something wrong?"

He thought the name Heishui was very cool and pleasant to hear, after all, he thought of it for a long time.

Of course, no matter how good the name is, if the sponsor's father doesn't like it, Eric will change it.

The name is just a code name, as long as the donor's father is willing to invest, even if the money is in place, it will not frown even if it is called Yi Tuo Xiang or Ma Jie Fa Ke Eric.

Everything else is imaginary, only money is the most real.

Without money, let alone the name of the company, you will not even have a dream.

"Why is bckater a, not bckater ide?" Xu Ang asked Eric, "The company should not be limited to the United States. A company that really wants to grow bigger and stronger must have an international perspective at the beginning of its establishment. There are only a few businesses in the United States. The company It is essential if you want to expand your international business.”

"Blackwater International."

Eric muttered, and he agreed: "You are right. Compared with Blackwater in the United States, Blackwater International is better. It not only demonstrates our strength

, also showed our determination. "

Who said Lao Mi can't flatter?

Xu Ang smiled and asked, "Then it's settled? The company name is Heishui International, is it okay?"

"Yes, it's called Blackwater International."

After getting Eric's nod, Xu Ang took out his mobile phone in front of him.

"Hendry, I need you to do something for me. Bring your team to Detroit. I have reached a cooperation with Mr. Eric from the Prince family to start a security company called Blackwater International. "

"Yes, you can start preparing now. Eric and I are both practical people. You should finish it as soon as possible. Also, there is no one in the company's legal department, so you need to arrange staff as soon as possible. You should also pay attention to this matter .”

After calling Hendry, Xu Ang sent a task to Vitti: "I need talents who are proficient in the management of security companies. You can contact Cai Shuangxin and form a management team for me in the shortest possible time. Time? No more than one moon."

Eric and his people are all veterans. They have nothing to choose in terms of military skills, but they are really unfamiliar with company management.

If they were given time, they would get used to it gradually, so Xu Ang asked Vitti and Cai Shuangxin to form a management team within a month, and did not give Eric the opportunity to get familiar with them.

Man is an inert creature, accustomed to doing what he is familiar with, that is, staying in his comfort zone.

If Eric and the others are allowed to do what they are good at from the beginning, they will not think about the position of the company's daily management, and they will also be able to avoid future troubles.

Eric, who was immersed in the joy of finding a benign father who was not harsh, would not have imagined that Xu Ang had made long-term plans from the moment the two parties reached a willingness to cooperate.

The struggle for actual control of the company had already begun before Eric was aware of it.

Some things are inconspicuous at the beginning, and even after you send them out, you feel relieved and very happy. When you want it later, you will find that it is easy to give it away, but it is impossible to get it back.

"I don't care about the profitability of Blackwater International. How much money does it make a year? The legal income is only so little. I don't feel bad about sending it all away. What I care about is its hard power."

Sitting on the Gulfstream G550, looking at the gradually shrinking city, Xu Ang said so.

What is the annual profit of Blackwater International?

Even if it is given ten years, the annual profit will not exceed 300 million U.S. dollars.

Ten years later, Xu Ang's wealth will be several times that of 300 million US dollars.

Xu Ang really didn't care how much money Blackwater International made, what he valued was its hard power to start a small national war, as well as its influence and convenience in certain aspects.

No matter how much wealth there is, if there is no strength to keep it, it will be the greatest disaster.

There has never been a shortage of guys who steal and plunder in the world, and it is impossible to have enough power to deter these young people.

I am not the fat sheep you think, if you dare to ask for my money, I will dare to take your life.

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