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Chapter 1002: After I finish talking about my plan, who is in favor and who is against it?

How different are real estate companies in the eyes of outsiders and real estate companies?

Not to mention anything else, just talking about conference rooms, many people think that since real estate companies are in the real estate industry, their conference rooms are definitely spacious and beautiful.

If this kind of understanding is placed in China, 99% of it is correct.

However, there are no absolutes.

If it were placed with its counterparts in District 11, the situation would change.

As a unique flower in the real estate industry in District 11, Niyori Real Estate relies on being bold and careful to do things that others dare not do.

But that's just one of them.

Its real core lies in careful budgeting, that is, saving everything that can be saved, and using the unique search and euphemistic name of the island people to search and refine management to save costs to the maximum extent.

When costs are reduced, expenditures will be reduced, which is considered economical as saving money.

"Managing money is nothing more than increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. You have done a good job in reducing expenditure, and your ability to control costs is admirable, but in terms of increasing revenue and expenditure, you are not satisfactory."

Xu Ang commented on Qingshan Gangtian.

The latter smiled wryly.

Open source?

Think he doesn't want to.

The property market and real estate industry in District 11 had its roots damaged the last time Western capital cut leeks, and the entire industry entered a long cold winter as the country's economy fell into a lost twenty years.

The Chinese people have no money in their pockets, and the economic environment is not improving. How do you ask me to open source?

Being criticized by a young man younger than his own son made Aoyama Gangtian feel uncomfortable.

This unpleasant feeling is mixed with dissatisfaction.

You beep so much, why don't you open source it and show it to me? I wonder if it is already very difficult to reduce expenditures. If you look at the entire District 11, there were so many colleagues in the industry. Most of them have gone bankrupt. Isn’t it because their ability to reduce expenditures is not as good as mine?

Qingshan Gangtian thought: In terms of cost-saving ability, who in the real estate industry in District 11 can compare with me?

No one who can fight is good or bad.

If you can still be dissatisfied with me like this, your demands must be too high.

If you have a high eye but a low hand, you will only beep too high.

If it weren't for the severe economic situation within the island country, which would have irritated Xu Ang and put him at risk of losing his job, Qingshan Gangtian would definitely say back to him: "You can do it."

After taking a plan book, Xu Ang handed it to Aoyama Gangda: "Look at this. These are some of my ideas. If you don't do a good job in open source, I will only take over Niyori Real Estate and spend a lot of money on it." I'll make it up for you in one afternoon. I hope you remember that this is your responsibility and I shouldn't do it for you only once. You don't have a second chance."

Qingshan Gangtian heard the meaning of Xu Ang's words. If his future performance cannot satisfy Xu Ang, his position will be replaced by someone who has the ability to satisfy Xu Ang.

After hearing this, to say that Qingshan Gangtian is at peace would be to deceive oneself and others. He admitted that he was somewhat resentful.

What I haven't done for more than ten years can be solved by a plan you wrote in one afternoon?

How possible.

Young man, you think of business too simply.

With seven dissatisfactions and eight dissatisfactions, Qingshan Gangtian opened the plan.

At first, he was careless and critical, but within two minutes, his mentality took a 180-degree turn.

Li Ke, who was the driver, and Hu Yi, who was riding in the same car, saw the middle-aged Japanese looking at the plan written by the boss with dull eyes and a few unclear bytes in his mouth from time to time.

If they could understand the Japanese language, they would know that it was Aoyama Gangtian who was exclaiming: "It's still possible to do this!"

Before he even finished reading the plan, Aoyama Gangtian only had one thought in his mind - it was simply amazing.

The open source problem that has troubled him for twenty years has no less than ten solutions in this plan, and this is only half of the result that he has seen. If he reads the entire plan, Qingshan Gangtian can guarantee that there will be at least ten more methods.

Holding the plan tightly and feeling its existence with his hands, Aoyama Gangda sighed: "You are really a genius."

Xu Ang not only solved the open source problem that he couldn't solve, but also solved it in more than one way. Qingshan Gangtian felt that he was like a freebie compared with Xu Ang.

It turns out that he is really good at fucking him.

Smiling self-deprecatingly, Aoyama Gangtian didn't know why, but he wanted to cry at this moment.

He felt like a fool. He had been thinking about problems that he could not solve for countless days and nights. In Xu Ang's eyes, he was nothing.

Look at yourself, you can't solve it in twenty years, and look at Xu Ang, he wrote a plan in one afternoon and came up with a two-digit solution. Is this comparable?

This can't be done!

Geniuses are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people like me. Even if you want to look up to them, you have to see whether they give you a chance.

Aoyama Gangtian's waist bent. This was not a polite bend before, but he was convinced.

When a person's mentality changes, his energy and spirit will also change accordingly.

People with strong perceptions perceive it easily.

Xu Ang smiled, and a standard friendly smile appeared on his face. He patted Qingshan Gangtian on the shoulder and said to the islander who had chosen to surrender: "Qingshan Lord, if you have no objections, You just execute the plan above. My greatest advantage is that I make the best use of my people. If you do a good job, I will basically not interfere with the operation of the group."

The opposite of this is: If you are not capable enough and can't do it well, then don't blame me for telling you to get out.

Aoyama Gangtian naturally sat upright, lowered his head, and said hi loudly.

He was convinced by Xu Ang, and the details were immediately different from before.

"Do a good job and don't let anyone say I'm wrong."

Xu Ang also gave orders very naturally, and the tone used by a superior to his subordinates was not even the slightest bit discordant between him and Qingshan Gangtian.

Good guy!

Li Ke, Hu Yi and others are all good guys.

They were surprised that Qingshan Gangtian looked very dignified and a proper social elite. This kind of person was obviously not so easy to tame, so how could he be subdued by Xu Ang in just a short drive.

I thought you were a rebellious and rebellious person, but I didn't expect you to kneel down so quickly.

Hu Yi and the others exchanged glances silently. They were all confused: Didn't they say that the islanders had some bushido? What happened to this guy?

Is he a special case, or is this the case for everyone in the island nation.

They were surprised, but Xu Angke was not surprised at all.

What are the virtues of islanders?

Isn't that just a matter of bullying the weak and fearing the strong in the bones, being timid when encountering strong ones, and bullying when encountering weak ones?

As soon as you let them know that you are far stronger than them, they will immediately fall to their knees.

Of course, Xu Ang has to thank the Americans, especially Lao Mai.

If this guy hadn't broken the backbone of the island nation, Aoyama Gangtian wouldn't have knelt down so quickly.

But having said that, that plan was the result of many years of exploration of the real estate industry and properties by later generations. It was a trick to make a little money from the corners, which was in line with the habit of the islanders.

For Xu Ang, the methods here are not grand enough. In Beiping dialect, it is the situation. But in the eyes of the islanders, it is a supreme treasure.

If Xu Ang was right, Qingshan Gangtian would have to regard the various operations of real estate companies and properties in later generations that he wrote based on his memory as a management manual.

If you think about it carefully, this actually cannot be said to be wrong.

Take property management as an example. Many property owners think that such companies make money by charging property fees per square meter. If you really think that way, you are totally wrong. People and property can still make money even if you leave this item aside.

There are vehicle entry and exit fees, parking space management fees, TV advertisements in elevators, sign advertisements in residential areas, etc. There are many places to make money.

But don't underestimate these inconspicuous incomes. For a normal community with a parking garage underneath and ten 33-story buildings - in fact, many communities have far more than that. It is not unusual for people to make millions in a year with these humble incomes.

How many years does it take for a normal working-class person to earn over a million?

And this is not the income of first-tier cities such as Beiping Magic City, but the second-tier and third-tier cities. If it's the former, the income will only be more.

Xu Ang gave Aoyama Gangtian nearly thirty kinds of gameplay that he knew that later generations had explored, and it was also a new way for Niyori Real Estate to open source.

Originally, Niyori Real Estate under the management of Aoyama Gangada could achieve the ultimate in cost-saving. It could become a miracle in the industry in the 11th district. If there were more open source methods, the performance would be so good that countless The people of the island country shouted that they were selling their father.

With the performance as support and the beautiful data speaking, it is impossible for Nippon Real Estate's stock to rise sharply.

If according to what Xu Ang told Aoyama Gangda, after he takes over Nihe Real Estate, he will expand it into Nihe Group. By then, he will definitely be able to open several more branches according to different businesses. Then investors and investment institutions will not be crazy about it. That's weird.

The bright and beautiful future is in his own hands, and he can have it as long as he follows Xu Ang. Qingshan Gangtian knows exactly what choice he should make.

Therefore, in the conference room that made Xu Ang feel very small and very in line with the Japanese people's search style, facing a group of directors summoned by Xu Ang, the new major shareholder, Qingshan Gangtian was surprised and confused by these people. With shocked eyes, he stood firmly on Xu Ang's side.

Without much effort from Xu Ang, the company's president rolled up his sleeves, regarded himself as a soldier fighting for Xu Ang, and started tearing apart his former colleagues and partners.

The tearing force showed no trace of the close cooperation before. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were facing sworn enemies.

For money and a future, what can’t people in society do?

Isn't it common practice to fall out and be ruthless?

Xu Ang waited until they were almost noisy, then he knocked on the table, and the clicking sound made everyone quiet.

Facing a pair of eyes that were either scrutinizing or hostile, Xu Ang was not affected at all. He told these people calmly: "After my plan is finished, who is in favor and who is against it?"

"I object!"

Several board members expressed their opinions.

Xu Ang looked at these people and found that they were all older, and the youngest one also had gray hair on his temples. He must be sixty years old at least.


Or are you a stubborn old man who was born in a certain period of time and grew up in a certain period of time?

Perhaps, both.

Although respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional Chinese virtue, it also depends on whether the old is worthy of respect and whether the young need love.

For islanders of this age, Xu Ang thinks it is unnecessary.

After all, no snowflake is innocent when blood collapses.

So, he said to these people expressionlessly: "According to the board of directors' procedures and company regulations, your

invalid objection. "

The privilege of a major shareholder is that my voice is loud and I have the final say.

As for the proportion of equity, Nihe Real Estate was established too early, and the division of weight ratios within the company is not so precise. Basically, one share corresponds to one point of power. Although they have wanted to change in recent years, there has been too much internal opposition.

Coincidentally, those who had previously opposed Nippon Real Estate's change in the company's weight ratio were the same people who stood up against Xu Ang this time.

As vested interests, what their group dislikes most is change, and what they dislike most are the people who bring about change.

"As an old man, it's normal for you not to want to move. I understand you."

His eyes swept over these people and then around the conference room. Xu Ang said to these people: "Since you are old, you might as well go home and take care of yourself. I can buy it from you at a price that is 30% higher than the market price." What do you think of the shares?”

"How about it?"

"Of course not!"


"Please let me think about it."

When they share the same hatred, they are very neat.

But when it comes to money, these people reveal their rabble-rousing nature.

Even though everyone had expressed dissatisfaction with Xu Ang's arrival, they thought they were on the same front.

This is not the case.

Each of these people has their own interests, and each of them is making their own little calculations.

Their starting point is to fight for their own interests, and the fundamental reason for their troubles is to consider themselves.

They had opposed Xu Ang before because they felt that their interests had been violated. If they followed Xu Ang's pace, they would suffer losses.

That's why they jumped out immediately after Xu Ang finished speaking and opposed it with a clear-cut stance.

But Xu Ang's method was very neat and he told them directly: "If you don't have confidence, if you are afraid that your own interests will be damaged, you can take the money and leave."

Facing a major shareholder, these people all know that it is difficult for them to defeat the other party.

Compared with money, they don't have much.

If they had money, they wouldn't be miserable at Rihe Real Estate and earn some dividends every day by relying on Qingshan Gangtian's careful planning.

And it’s still a meager dividend income.

When it comes to power, they who were born and raised in a capitalist society are very aware of the capabilities of the rich, and this rich man has a closer relationship with their American father than they do.

Should he take the money and leave after a premium, or should he stay and have his shares diluted, becoming a silent and marginalized member of the company, and risk the failure of Xu Ang's plan?

Isn't this an easy multiple choice question?

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