All-in-one Sign

Chapter 1035 Bulletin Board

Xu Ang replied without raising his eyelids: "I betrayed them? Where to start? Am I on the same side as them? They don't even understand this issue."

Xu Ang never considered himself a professional player from the beginning when he entered the NBA. Whether he acquired the Clippers or became a player, it was all just to complete the annual signing task. He has never concealed this. Everyone within the Clippers team knows that this rich man from China is just playing in the NBA.

"Some people will not say a word if it is not related to their interests. Once their interests are harmed, they will make excuses and blame others, as if as long as they put the fault on others, they themselves will be harmed. There is no responsibility at all. They don't think about it, it's their own interests, they are the ones who benefit, why should others help you? Don't say I don't take sides in this NBA labor negotiation, I do. I can’t support the players in the team, the management is my choice.”

The Clippers are nominally Xiao Gouzi's players, but in fact the real helmsman is Xu Ang.

Ma Zhe has long said that individuals may betray the class, but the class can never betray the class.

As the de facto team owner, how could Xu Ang turn his elbow outwards? By not speaking up for the management, he has given the players a hand. Some people are still not satisfied. They are the ones who are not satisfied.

"So, Westerners don't say anything about gratitude."

Yang Xiaomi wondered: "Why is there no more? Don't they have Thanksgiving?"

Hearing these words, Xu Ang wanted to slap her broad forehead.

"If you have nothing to do, just read more. Don't follow what others say. I really think Lao Mi's Thanksgiving is a good holiday. This thing is exactly the opposite of its literal meaning. Not only is it not beautiful, on the contrary, the existence of Thanksgiving is the barbarism of Western civilization. The best portrayal of a villain’s triumph.”

Seeing that Yang Xiaomi didn't understand, Xu Ang had to explain: "What kind of gratitude are you grateful for on Thanksgiving Day? What you are grateful for is that the first batch of Europeans who came to America were short of food and clothing when they arrived there, and they were about to die, so they were taken in by the local Incas. He gave them food and helped them gain a foothold in America."

"Doesn't it sound wonderful? Shouldn't such days be recorded so that future generations can remember them?"

"Don't even think about how these established Westerners treated the Inca people. They occupied their benefactor's land, robbed their benefactors of their money, and almost wiped out their benefactors. The tens of millions of Inca people who moved westward People's resentful souls are buried in the ground. If one day the spiritual energy revives... cough cough. "

Xu Ang coughed twice.

Damn it, I said it so smoothly that I couldn't help but get excited. It was really embarrassing.

"Anyway, in a word, being grateful in those days was not a thing, disgusting people, they are really good at it."

Yang Xiaomi said, "So that's it," and then walked away without interest. Girls and boys always have different concerns. Things that boys find interesting are difficult to attract to girls.

"Sister Xiaomi, you came just in time, three are missing and one is missing."

Liu Ruoxi greeted Yang Xiaomi. She and Zhao Xiaodai had just put the little sisters to sleep. Seeing Yang Xiaomi coming, he immediately pulled her and Tang Lu together. The four women gathered at the table and exchanged Chinese quintessence skills.

Xu Ang saw the four of them starting to play and wanted to go over, but he never imagined that he would be disliked by the four girls.

"Go away and don't come here."

"We are four women playing, and you, a man, come over to play, what's going on?"

"It's none of your business, just go and enjoy yourself."

Girl, you are going too far.

You are sitting on my plane, playing my mahjong, and I am not even allowed to watch the game. Is this appropriate?

Tang Lu scolded him: "Why is it inappropriate? You are capable of counting cards, and you are capable of playing by yourself."

The four girls have all played mahjong with Xu Ang and are well aware of Xu Ang's abilities. This guy has a very good memory, and counting cards is easier for him than Xiao Gouzi doing one plus one, etc. one or two. Before everyone has played a few cards, Xu Ang can count all the opponent's cards. How can this be played?

When meeting such a guy who relies on himself to cheat, even Tang Lu doesn't want to be at the same card table with him.

"Playing mahjong with you feels like we are just like a bunch of fools. It's not fun at all."

The four women disliked Xu Ang and all told him: "Go away and stay here."

What can Xu Ang do in this situation? He can't just play one versus four.

He could only retreat angrily, still sitting by the window, looking at the clouds rolling in and out of the window.

Fortunately, he doesn't have nothing to do. He can consider which song to choose to complete his monthly check-in task this month.

There are new sign-in tasks in the new month. Xu Ang's sign-in this month is both difficult and simple.

"Billboard: Publish a song. When the song is on the bulletin board, you can sign in. After signing in, you will receive a reward: Lenovo Xiaoxin iPad and related technical materials."

Lenovo Xiaoxin Xu Ang remembers that it was Lenovo’s product in the field of tablet computers in the future. Although it was criticized by Chinese people at the time because the price was different at home and abroad. Because it is relatively expensive to sell at home and relatively cheap to sell abroad, it has been scolded by Chinese people and they want to kill this thing directly. But judging from the horizontal comparison of product prices, among tablet products priced around a thousand yuan, its price-performance ratio is indeed good.

If it's really about living within your means, it's worth considering at this price point.

Of course, this is not the main thing.

What attracted Xu Ang the most was that this thing was a tablet, and its technology, even if it was assembled, was better than the current technology.

Be strong.

If we could get its technical data, not to mention 100% restoration, the performance and requirements would be reduced by one or two levels. In this era, it would be a depth bomb in the industry, which would be enough to shock countless people.

In other words, a lot of the technology for this thing is in the hands of foreigners. Even if they get it, not to mention the difficulty of production, sales will only be a stumbling block.

The West is looking for trouble with you with a magnifying glass. You give others the excuse. Isn't this inappropriate? It's embarrassing for others not to take advantage of you.

It seems that the fruit company and Steve will come in handy again.

Xu Ang has always known that Steve has not given up on his original idea. This guy has been making computers that are lighter and more convenient to use. The reason why he was kicked out of the fruit company was because his persistence failed to pay off. The products produced did not sell well in the market.

Many people say that Steve's success started with the love of Crazy Four and iPad, and that it happened after the new millennium, but this is not the case.

He had been making related products before the New Year, but he was not taken seriously because he had no results.

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