The territory has changed into a regular circle with a radius of about ten kilometers.

From 111 square kilometers, it has increased to 315 square kilometers.

The increase is two fallen territories with a side length of about ten kilometers, so the reduction is very small.

After all, the two fallen territories fused this time were about the same size as the original territory, and the rock density was similar.

The next time you fuse the ten kilometers long Fallen Territory, the magnitude of shrinkage will increase.

In addition to the original planned area, there are many more lakes on the territory, and the lake next to the World Tree has also become larger.

Now the area of the entire lake has exceeded 20 square kilometers, which is a full 20-fold expansion!

The other two lakes have also become larger, plus several new lakes have been added.

Now, the waters in Wang Yiming's territory are about 50 square kilometers.

"It seems that it will soon start to breed mermaids."

Wang Yiming thought.

The circulation of the river is also modified when they merge, and it will not be destroyed by expanding the territory.

The plants are now arranged in an orderly manner in the inner circle of the territory, and the outer circle is still a blank area of the newly expanded.

However, because it is still winter, the entire territory is covered with snow, and it even tends to fall more and more in the past few days.

Although there is no way to work or anything, the eight ice elemental goblins all benefit from this heavy snowfall.

The fastest Ash has already risen to level five, and the other ice elemental goblins also have level three or four.

And now that the territory has expanded, the area covered by snow in the territory is larger, and the ice element goblins are upgrading faster.

The outermost part of the territory is still three walls, all spaced a hundred meters apart.

The base of each wall is about fifty meters, and the three walls occupy a space of four hundred and fifty meters.

Compared to other leaders' one-kilometer defense line, it is not a large area.

Inside the walls are thorny bushes, and further inside are the phantom fog forests.

They are also all adjusted by the earth element goblins to form a circle.

The width of the phantom fog forest is still 300 meters, and after it became circular, the area is also a little larger, and it is now about 17 square kilometers.

"It's time to expand the Phantom Mist Forest to 600 meters."

Wang Yiming thought.

The 600-meter ring-shaped phantom fog forest, surrounded by the edge of the territory, is spectacular to think about.

At that time, the area can also reach about 34 square kilometers, which is about one-tenth of the total area of the occupied area, which is also suitable.

"Asahi Mist, sow the seeds."

Wang Yiming called Chao Wu and asked Chao Wu to lead the Cloud Mist Fairies to start expanding the Phantom Mist Forest.

After this expansion, if the cloud fairy can give birth to 100 per square kilometer, there will be 3,400 cloud fairy.

Now ten cloud fairies can be born every morning, and the time it takes for cloud fairies to reach the upper limit is not short.

But as long as it can be increased, Wang Yiming does not care about time.

After all, he is not yet 19 years old, and the days ahead are still long.

Although the phantom mist forest has doubled, because there are many cloud fairies now, it only took half a day to complete the seeding.

Not only the phantom fog tree, but also the phantom mist grass has been sown.

The phantom fog vine has to wait for the new phantom fog tree to grow before it can be planted, after all, it must grow attached to the phantom fog tree.

At this time, Wang Yiming was also busy with the flower fairies.

When fusing the territory, Wang Yiming asked Yu Yao to vacate a piece of land to expand the flower field that could give birth to flower fairies.

To the east of the World Tree are vast lakes and to the west are lush flower fields.

"It's a beautiful view."

Wang Yiming said.

After this expansion, the area of flower fields has reached one square kilometer.

That is, 1,500 acres of flower fields, it is not an exaggeration to call it a sea of flowers.

Now there are more than forty flower fairies, but it is still a bit small to take care of such a large territory.

After enlargement, it can be increased, and the inhabitants of the territory can be increased.

In this way, Wang Yiming can see beautiful fairies wherever he goes, and his mood will also improve.

The area of the flower field, Wang Yiming plans to expand later, but it will be phased.

After all, the flower field is more delicate than the phantom fog tree, and it absorbs the aura more slowly.

It expands a lot at once, but it is not conducive to absorbing aura, and the speed of giving birth to flower fairies will slow down.

So first expand to one square kilometer, and then continue to expand.

The Heavenly Court is still winter, but after Wang Yiming sows the seeds, they will grow when the winter passes.

Winter is about to pass, and when the snow melts, Wang Yiming also plans to plant gorgonians and shining fruits.

The water level of the enlarged lake has not yet been raised, and the snow can be filled after it melts.

The day passed quickly.

Because of the upcoming 'final exam', many lords couldn't sleep at night.

There are even fewer posts on the forum discussing the annual list, and almost all the lords are scared.

However, Wang Yiming still slept soundly.

After getting up the next day, Wang Yiming went to the World Tree Canopy to overlook the entire territory.

The territory that became circular after becoming larger was a distance from any direction, and Wang Yiming could easily see the edge of the territory twenty kilometers away.

First, because the air in the Heavenly Court is good and there is no obstacle, and secondly, Wang Yiming's super vision after strengthening can make it easy for him to see in the distance.


The elemental fairies flew to Wang Yiming's side, and the flower fairies also came.

After all, no one knows if the 'final exam' will appear to be a match.

On the city walls in all directions, there are cloud fairies standing.

The circular territory cloud fairies are all separated by a few meters, and there is no clear direction regulation.

After all, the black fog will also appear in an arc with the territory that turns into a circle, which means that it may appear from any direction.

For other lords, the round territory did not dare to think that a larger area of defense would make them collapse.

Wang Yiming dared because the enchantment of the World Tree was circular.

The Cloud Mist Fairy can fly over for quick support, and the elemental goblins can quickly come to the front line with Youyang.

In other territories, the circle slows down the time to the front, and sometimes it will cause the entire battle to be lost.

However, the level of the light element fairies is still a little low, if it is raised, the cloud and mist fairies in other directions can also be directly brought over by the light element fairies.

Therefore, the appearance of the Radiant Fruit is still very critical.

"Master, the black fog appeared in the direction of three o'clock to six o'clock."

As soon as eight o'clock arrived, the black fog appeared on time.

The black mist appeared in the southeast corner of the territory, which was the direction of three o'clock to six o'clock that Yuyang said first.

"Master, let's go."

After Yuyang finished speaking, he took the other elemental goblins to the battle line.

The cloud fairies in other directions also went one after another, and Wang Yiming was brought over by Coco.

"Is this the mixed beast tide..." Wang

Yiming was taken by Coco and flew in the air, and after seeing the black fog appear outside, a large number of monsters rushed out from inside.

It is worthy of the 'final exam', so that a monster that is usually difficult to deal with now appears in a team.

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