Chapter 175 The whole army pressed down!

Palmeida looked up at the sky, and by now, it was close to noon, and he could not continue to drag on.

The situation of the war is now in his favor, if he hesitates any longer, the second attack will be fruitless, and after thinking about it, Palmeda made a bold decision, he wanted to break the defenses of the undead in one fell swoop, and strive to end the battle once.

The intelligence of the coalition army is really unreliable, and he still can’t determine what kind of troops the undead have, and there are undead beasts and hammer skeletons, but he is afraid that this is the tip of the iceberg among the undead.

Yu Qi has been hesitating, it is better to fight, take advantage of the other party’s lack of reaction, directly break through the defense of the skeletons in front, to attack their fortress, as long as the fortress can be taken, the undead will be unable to return to the sky.

Palmeda carefully observed, in front of the simple skeleton, those powerful hammer undead before were nowhere to be seen, if his speed was fast enough, the other party might not have time to support!

This is the opportunity!

The opportunity for the whole army to attack!

Palmeda’s eyes were firm, and he gave the order to the herald.

The herald officer fell, and immediately passed the order out.

The coalition left 50,000 men, and the rest of the fighters, all mobilized, slaughtering forward.

Shouting to kill the heavens, trumpets sounded in unison, people shouted horses neighing, like a flood of collapsed dikes, landslides and tsunamis, and suddenly launched a charge towards the battlefield.

Li Ziyu standing on the watchtower is stupid, what is the situation, the whole army assault?!

Needless to say, Palmeida caught Li Ziyu off guard, he was just thinking of replenishing a wave of bone undead, but he didn’t expect that the next moment, the other party actually pressed the whole army.

Liu Xingxing and Zhang Peng were also stunned, the battle ahead was very fierce, but what did the other party mean, didn’t they talk about martial virtue?

Li Ziyu was calmer than them, and soon understood, it seems that because there are only bone undead in front of them, causing the other party to fight to the death, he is really afraid of something.

If it has always been a goblin attack, Li Ziyu is really happy, just drag, who is afraid of whom, he is most afraid of this situation, regardless of it, a swarm rushes over, there is the suppression of the sun, the bone undead may not be able to block each other.

Without having time to think about it, Li Ziyu immediately gave an order: “Bone Undead Legion, all dispatch!” ”

As soon as this order came out, the entire undead fortress shook, and then countless bone undead, like dumplings, jumped down from the fortress and rushed to the front to support the battlefield, which was extremely large.

Looking at the tide of white skeletons that looked like a waterfall in the distance, Palmeida gasped.

There are actually so many undead!

Hide too deeply, if it is not a wave pressed up, so many undead, when to hit, even if it is hit for a day, the undead will not hurt or itch.

Fortunately, the whole army was launched to attack, otherwise it would really suffer a big loss!

Palmeida was overjoyed.

And Li Ziyu observed the battlefield, the bone undead in front were defeated and retreated, Fang Cai’s wave of stones, so that the front line lost a lot of bone undead, the defense became weak and weak, if there is time, don’t care, Li Ziyu has sufficient resources to replenish these killed undead.

But the fact is that the opponent’s whole army has blown out, and it is too late to replenish the number of bone undead on the front line, even if it is the undead that has just been sent, it is estimated that it is enough to stop the other party, and the speed of the coalition forces in the distance is much faster than the speed of the bone undead.

The other party should arrive at the battlefield first, which means that the front line of the bone undead is bound to rout, not that the undead want to escape, but the loss is too great to stop the other party.

Damn, careless!

Strength can no longer be retained.

Xenomorph Undead Legion, go to war!

Bones short archer, go to battle!

Bones longbowmen, line up, prepare for a volley of arrows!

Skeleton Hammer Warriors, go to battle!

Elite Heavy Hammer Skeleton Warriors, in front of the fortress!

A series of commands emanated from the network of souls.

The fortress of the dead seemed to be alive, and all kinds of undead swarmed out, densely packed, each rushing to their place.

Palmeda looked at the fortress in the distance, saw countless undead, his eyes almost didn’t pop out, good guy, and what!

I thought that Fang Cai’s wave was already all the strength of the undead, but I didn’t expect that there were more, and almost all of them were not ordinary skeletons, and they looked much stronger than those skeletons that were simple and easy to kill!

Just when the undead were in full swing, the coalition forces had already killed, this time not the goblins’ combat power, but much stronger than them.

People have not yet arrived, all kinds of magic, arrows, throwing knives, flying axes, like a rainstorm falling from the sky, long-range troops have taken the lead in attacking.

All kinds of light exploded from the pile of undead, and before the bone undead could react, they were already blown up to the bones.

The coalition forces have finally shown their terrifying side.

They come from three races, they are the elite of the three races, there are all kinds of troops, although the discipline is slightly worse, but the elite level is very high, and they are very adaptable to fighting in groups.

Shamans, mages, priests, etc., have already begun to chant, add BUFFs to the surrounding warriors, what increases speed, increases strength, heals quickly, petrified skin messes, they also do not specify a certain person, directly follow the large range.

This kind of large-scale plus state, the consumption of French professionals is very large, and because the range has expanded, the buff effect on each person has become smaller, but it can’t stand the number of ah, each coalition soldier is covered with magic buffs, less one or two buffs, more than a dozen or twenty buffs, directly increasing the combat effectiveness by several levels.

Some shamans directly took out the totem pole, inserted it into the ground, and constantly prayed to the ancestors, and the bottom of the totem pole emitted a circle of aura, and all the warriors who passed through the aura naturally strengthened.

But it’s not just the minotaurs who have totem poles, in fact, every tribal shaman has its own tribal totem, and different totems have different mysteries.

The fastest team rushing to the skeleton undead is a team of lizardman cavalry, this cavalry is from a nomadic lizardman tribe, their clan is different from normal lizardmen, some special.

Lizard people are not viviparous, but oviparous, normal lizard people from birth, is lizard man form, and their tribe, I don’t know because of incomplete evolution, or atavism, not all of them are lizard people, some are still lizard form!

This kind of lizard born with lizardmen, generally the relationship between the two will be very close, is the best partner, companion, and companion lizards are often very powerful, they will be attached to scale armor, body length can grow up to three meters, and fast, is a natural mount, can communicate with the lizard man’s heart.

And this nomadic lizardman tribe, it is by the lizardman cavalry that rises, they have green streamers tied to their heads, hold spears in their hands, ride companion lizards, whining strange screams in their mouths, and fiercely rush into the skeleton undead position.

Don’t look at only a few hundred people, but even the injured skeleton undead can’t stop each other at all, the lizardman knight is fast, plus the lizard is large, rampage, kill back and forth, when the other warriors just arrived, they have already killed from the skeleton undead position.

Then there are the cavalry of other lizardman tribes and the cavalry of the hunter tribe, there are tens of thousands of cavalry in the coalition army, taking turns, the bone undead front line is completely collapsed, although it is still fighting, but the number has plummeted, Minmin wants to gather to resist the enemy, there will be magic, the cavalry rushes, and the gathered bone undead are scattered.

The 500,000 Bone Undead Legion on the front line was completely thrown inside, while the Bone Undead Legion in the rear had not yet arrived.

When the senior skeleton warrior saw the battle situation ahead, he immediately gave the order, stopped support, lined up on the spot, and prepared to resist the enemy!

The order they got was to attack, but how to fight, but it is up to them to judge, if there are no high-level bone warriors, then the bone undead will definitely use it in a swarm, fight nonsense, the big deal is death, their undead can still be afraid of death?

But there are high-level skeleton warriors are different, they still know how to judge the time and size up the situation, those brothers in front obviously have no way to save, the city lord means to win, and definitely not rush up to die in vain, since this is the case, then the strategy must be adjusted.

Attacking is only divided into how to attack, rushing up, is a sorty, integrating soldiers and horses, and then confronting the enemy, it is also a sortie.

The high-level skeleton warrior instinctively realized that only by lining up a good formation could he better meet the enemy.

With reinforcements, the Goblin Warriors went even crazier, pushing forward until they found an open space ahead.

Killed out?

We killed it!

The goblin warriors raised their heads and were about to cheer, but the neatly arranged bone undead in front of them made their voices hold back.

How is there still one?

Moreover, it was still like the bones and undead that were neatly arranged before Fang Cai’s battle.

They you look at me, I look at you, there is a fierce light in the eyes, if you can defeat the undead once, you can defeat them twice, rush, brothers!

The victory of the battle on the front line has made the goblin warriors already carried away, and the smoother the battle, the stronger their combat effectiveness, so the goblin warriors once again launched a charge towards the bone undead.

Li Ziyu is paying attention to the battlefield while using the system to summon more bone undead, other arms are too late for the time being, but bone undead, there is time, as long as this thing has enough materials, it can be continuously summoned, and the speed is fast!

Are the materials still worried?

Until now, there is still a steady stream of corpses in the Revenant Mountain Range that have been mined and sent to the warehouse, which is the distant army of undead.

Li Ziyu gritted his teeth, as long as he could hold on to the front line, he would continuously send the bone undead to join the battlefield, dragging those guys to death.

All-army sorties?

Come, let you see the horror of the low-level bone undead, and you will live in fear of the undead for the rest of your lives!

The Goblin Warriors’ charge this time was not as lucky as the last time, the last time they encountered only the Bone Undead Legion used to block their footsteps, so they could rush in unscrupulously.

But this time, in order to deal with the all-army attack of the coalition army, Li Ziyu basically arranged all the undead he could arrange, and among the bone undead who had just lined up, there were bone short archers!

The bone short archers are also chicken thieves, seeing the goblin warriors rushing over, they did not rush to shoot arrows, but hid behind, silently staring at those little green skins, until they collided with the bone undead, the bone short archers drew their arrows and began to shoot cold arrows.


Bone rapid-fire arrows shot from various tricky angles, and the Goblin Warrior was already hit before he could understand what was going on.

In this kind of large-scale battle, the purpose of the Bones Archers is not to kill the Goblin Warriors at all, it takes more time, their purpose is to shoot the Goblin Warriors, as long as they are injured it is enough, and the other Skeleton Undead will solve them.

There were short archers with bones hiding dark arrows, goblin warriors suffered heavy losses, some goblin warriors reacted and wanted to retreat, but it was too late, more goblin warriors had rushed up and joined the battle.

The large forces of the coalition have also been killed, don’t look at the magic bombing, the arrows are shooting, the cavalry charge is very powerful, but the real combat effectiveness of the coalition is still those infantry, this is the real pillar!

Among the tribes, there can be no shamans, mages, priests, no cavalry, archers, but there will definitely be a large number of infantry!

And those who can participate in the coalition army are the elites of all races, but you can imagine how powerful the infantry of these nearly 100,000 lizardmen and hunters are.

They are fundamentally different from the ordinary tribal warriors who fought indiscriminately before, and they knew how to cooperate against the enemy, and after rushing into the front line, their formation was not chaotic, relying on the battle formation, constantly killing the bone undead, and advancing steadily.

Especially the infantry regiment composed of lizardmen, their equipment is neat, there are shieldmen in front who are responsible for defense, and there are pikemen responsible for attack in the back, and a ring is formed, the undead can’t get close at all, just close, there will be several spears piercing out, piercing their braincases.

The battle formation of the hunter is more flexible, and the battle formation they use is one rush and one shrink, killing in front, taking a step back, and rushing in the rear, like gears turning back and forth, tearing all obstacles in front of them to pieces.

In the face of the elite of the coalition army, the remaining bone undead on the front line are only killed, and they have no power to fight back, and it is a foregone conclusion that they will be consumed.

The cavalry had already rushed out and were about to attack the Phalanx of the Bones Undead who were fighting the Goblin Warriors.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook.

The cavalrymen turned their heads a little blankly, and their pupils suddenly dilated.

The xenomorph undead, the army of bone beasts has finally arrived!

They killed from the side, the berserk bone giant porpoise took the lead, behind was a terrifying number of dark bone steppenwolves, and then behind was a motley army composed of various bone beasts, rumbling, it was the sound of their running, from the side fiercely crashed into the coalition cavalry.

The body of the Berserk Bone Giant Fang Dolphin was already dazzlingly red, like a fireball, and it rushed towards it unscrupulously.

Fortunately, many cavalry did not react slowly, so they were directly hit by the other party, it was better to fight, the allied cavalry turned their mounts and launched a charge in response to the xenounct.

The two teams collided together in an instant, the cavalry charge was the fiercest battle, you die and I live!

Even the furious skeleton giant fangpoise could not block the frontal charge of the cavalry, and it shattered instantly under the impact, and the cavalry was not comfortable.

Normal cavalry charge, that is, the mount will open sideways, two knights fight, but the other party is not a knight, the other party is a bone beast, don’t care, you hit me, I will hit you, when the other party is knocked apart, but their own mount is not good.

Hit by a bone giant porpoise running at high speed, the light is injured, and the heavy is directly into mud.

And the dark bone steppenwolf behind the skeleton giant porpoise flew up, throwing knights off their mounts, and also caused a lot of damage.

The Bone Beast Legion came quite timely, and they bought more time for the Bone Undead Legion, so that the cavalry did not join the battle in the first place.

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