In the night, under the moonlight, white figures swayed leisurely, appeared around the cattle, and gradually approached.

The adult bighorn cow mooed, trying to scare off the approaching invaders, and reminded his people that an enemy was coming, and the bull’s eye was rounded as the skeleton undead approached, becoming more and more vigilant, and the old horned oxen and calves in the inner circle got up and paced restlessly.

For the warning sound of the bighorn cattle, the undead did not take it seriously at all, they are hunters, they will not give up their prey because of a few words hummed from each other, not to mention the mooing of the bighorn cow, even if it is a wolf howl, it is what to do, and it will not waver.

The approaching undead brought great pressure to the bighorns, and they were unusually affected by these guys in front, it was the intuition of the beast, it was fear, it was the oppression brought by death, if there was a chance, the bighorn did not want to face these invaders. Under the pressure, the

black eyes of the bighorn oxen in the periphery were gradually covered with a layer of blood, lowered their heads, there were sharp and curved spiral long horns facing the enemy, their hooves constantly stepped on the ground, making a treadling sound, and the dust rose under the hooves, which was a signal to prepare to attack.


An undead with a bone knife, stood still, the soul fire in the skull soared, as if gasoline was thrown into the fire, and the soul fire that skyrocketed in an instant almost enveloped the entire skull, he opened his jaw and roared at the opposite bison herd, no sound, but with trembling.

With the roar of this undead, the other undead also stood still, and the soul fire soared and roared. The soul roar is not a real sound, it is

normally inaudible, but when groups of undead roar at the same time, it will form a special sound wave, directly impact the soul, make the soul tremble, make the living creatures fearful, and have a feeling that death is coming, which is a unique means of the undead. Compared with dealing with

highly intelligent creatures, dealing with beasts with low intelligence, soul impact is more useful, the battle of beasts is based on intuition, under the pressure of soul impact with fear and death, intuition will tell them not to move, do not move, the body will also stiffen.

Sure enough, after the undead roared, the outer layer of adult bighorn cows trembled, their bodies stiffened, and the hooves that kept gouging the ground also stopped, the blood in their eyes dissipated a lot, faintly showing fear, adult bighorn cattle are like this, the old bighorn cattle and calves in the inner layer can be imagined, and their eyes are scattered.

Taking advantage of this moment when the bighorn cattle were impacted, the undead attacked, they may take bone knives, I carry spears, guns, machetes, and kill them in a storm.

There were no shouts of killing, no shouting, only the clicking sound of bones rubbing, but it was even more terrifying at night.

As the most basic low-level undead, their speed of action is not fast, some stiff, even ordinary people can outperform them, let alone the bighorn bull, but Fang Cai bighorn cow has just been shocked by the soul roar, and at this time is in a state of inner panic, completely unadjusted.

Seeing those undead who had been killed, the first thing an adult bighorn cow thought of was not to fight, but to run!

Run, run as fast as you can!

It will be dead!

Stay and die!

That’s not something we can compete with!

The soul roars cause the sequelae of fear, and that sense of fear makes the adult bighorn cow that was originally full of strength shrink his hands and tails, and he does not dare to attack the undead at all, and he turns around and flees, even the old bighorn cow and calf can’t take care of it.

They didn’t dare to look back, as if they would die at the first glance, as if there were predators like natural enemies behind them, chasing them in a panic.

The old bighorn cattle recovered one step ahead of them, although they were old and weak, but after all, they lived longer than those younger, but the undead had arrived in front of them, and they could only barely fight. The

calves mooed in fear, trying to find adult bighorns that could shelter them, only to find that the adult bighorns that usually guarded them had rushed away with a trail of smoke and dust, ignoring them.

The undead did not rush to chase and kill the adult bighorns, intercepted them very casually, ignored them, and rushed to the old bighorns and calves that were left behind, which was their real target.

The old bighorn cattle use their sharp horns against the undead, and whenever an undead approaches the calf, they will rush up and fly the undead or break up, but soon, the undead will get up again, converge, and rush again unharmed.

A bone knife, a spear gun pierced into the body of the bighorn ox, blood continued to flow, staining the ground red, the old and frail bighorn cow wanted to protect the calf, but the physical strength no longer allowed them to do so, the strength continued to disappear, and the bighorn cow fell to the ground, making a sad mooing sound.

The old bighorn cattle are the last guardians, and when they fall, the calves that have not yet grown become a dish for the undead, and are quickly slaughtered and transported back to the mobile fortress.

There is no mercy, no mercy, only merciless killing, for Li Ziyu and the undead, these bighorn cattle are resources and necessities for their development. All mercy is the charity of the strong to the weak,

and in the choice of whether to be strong or leave the life of the weak, Li Ziyu will not hesitate to choose the former.

In the mobile fortress, a bighorn oxen was sent over, but Li Ziyu didn’t have time to check, stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and ordered, “Full horsepower, continue to pursue!”

He didn’t want to just let go of those adult bighorn cattle, who knows if he could hunt other prey tonight, so he was aimlessly searching, it was better to chase those bighorn cattle.

The undead transported the corpse back to the fortress and reintegrated it into the fortress, the speed of the mobile fortress began to increase, the bone engine was launched, soul energy was injected into it, and the hideous alien skull opened its mouth, as if spitting blue flames, and the horsepower was enough, pushing the mobile fortress all forward. The

speed of the bighorn ox is about 40-50 kilometers per hour, which is similar to the current speed of the mobile fortress, but the bighorn ox is a living animal after all, it is impossible to run endlessly, but it is a mobile fortress, as long as there is enough soul energy, it can be maintained forever. Every 10 kilometers of speed up the bone engine, it consumes 1 point of soul energy per minute, and

now it brings a 20-kilometer speed increase to the mobile fortress, consuming 2 points of soul energy per minute, and Li Ziyu is also looking forward to catching up with the bighorn ox quickly and consuming less soul energy.

The panicked bighorn ox did not hide at all when running, pulling out a long trail of smoke and dust above the wasteland, and the mobile fortress moved along the trail of smoke, closely chasing behind the bighorn ox, without relaxing in the slightest.

Rushing into the smoke, the undead don’t have to hide, the blue fire is dotted, like monsters, and from time to time they will let out excited soul roars.

Standing at the window, Li Ziyu stared hard ahead, although he couldn’t see anything clearly because of the dust, but he believed that the undead’s perception was not wrong.

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