The leader of the lizardmen has told Eminem everything he knows, he is just a small leader of the reconnaissance team, and what he really has to do to the undead can be decided by the leader of the tribe.

Listening to the words of the leader of the lizardmen, Eminem fell into deep thought, and there were people who doubted the undead, but he did not doubt that many people regarded the undead as legends, but the fact is that many legends are true, and it is true that someone has seen it before it has been handed down, although it may be exaggerated, but it does not mean that it does not exist. Like the leader of the

lizardman, even if he knows the legend, he only knows part of it, only a leader like Eminem will know the full content of the legend, and the content that spreads out is only the first half, in fact, the legend about the undead has a lower half, but the second half is easy to cause panic, so only the high-level knows.

When the undead appear, there will be great calamity, death will come, and silence will return.

This is a warning from the ancestors, or prophecy, that the undead are far from as simple as the lizardman leader thinks, which is synonymous with disaster, a terrifying existence, and is inherently opposed to living beings.

Eminem never thought that in his life, he would have the opportunity to know the undead, and even see the undead with his own eyes, and he was not happy at all. But now that the undead

have appeared, close your eyes when you don’t see it, it’s self-deception, the wasteland does not allow cowardice, cowardly life will become the plate of other creatures, the law of the jungle, Eminem knows this too well, he needs to face the undead. What the leader of the

lizardmen said was not enough, he needed more information, he needed to really see the undead, and now was an opportunity.

According to what I saw before, those undead did not seem to be very strong, which showed that they had a chance, a chance to destroy those undead! If they can

eliminate those undead, the warning of the ancestors will be solved, any catastrophe, what death, will disappear, they can still live safely in this wasteland, continue to rob homes, and live happily.

You can’t let the undead continue in the wasteland!

Eminem’s eyes became firm and sharp, and he stood up and looked at Atta, “Ready to go, let’s meet those legendary terrifying existences.” As the leader of the

tribe, Eminem has a very high prestige among the lizardman bandits, and when he first became the leader, their tribe was really poor and dilapidated, but under Eminem’s leadership, they lived better and better, mixed up, and the poverty of the past was no longer seen.

The lizardman robbers will not question the decision made by Eminem, they will only follow, Eminem says to fight, then fight, Eminem says to retreat, then retreat, do not hesitate.

The weapons were raised high, and the lizardman bandits hissed in response to Eminem’s voice, and before he waved his hand, the whole army was dispatched. The

first place to arrive was where the leader of the Fangcai Lizardmen had fought, and several Lizardmen who were good at tracking probed around and found that the traces of the battle were consciously erased, but there were clear indentations on the ground, and something passed here.

According to the leader of the Lizardmen, it should be the movable Skull Mountain.


Getting the reward from the people below, Eminem did not hesitate to immediately order, leading people to chase along the indentation.

Chasing after him, Eminem suddenly raised his hand, causing all the lizardmen to stop, he bent over to look at the indentation on the ground, and looked around again, a little puzzled.

The indentation that was originally going straight forward suddenly messed up here, turned a corner, and made several circles, what is the situation and what happened?

“Eminem, have we been discovered?” A stalking lizardman came over, touched the indentation on the ground, and asked softly.

“It’s impossible, we shouldn’t have been found, but the undead may have guessed that we would pursue, this is the Confucian Array!” Eminem’s eyes narrowed into vertical pupils and said affirmatively.

“So what do we do now?” The tracker lizardman continued to ask.

“Since we want to avoid our pursuit and kill, messing up the traces, it will definitely delay the speed, we should not be far from those undead, scatter, look for them, don’t fall in love with war after finding out, blow the bone whistle, wait for us to support.” Eminem judged the situation and said in a deep voice.

His order was quickly passed on, and the lizardman bandits were no strangers to such a pursuit search, and soon divided into tracking squads of 5-10 people and rushed into the wilderness.

Eminem stood up, took Atta and a few other Lizardman bandits to continue the pursuit along the trajectory left by the mobile fortress.


The bone undead mobile fortress is still wandering around aimlessly in the wasteland, and under the moonlight, several undead dangling to the fortress, skillfully entering the fortress and heading to the main building of the castle.

Seeing the undead who entered the main building, Li Ziyu’s spirit suddenly burst into news, depending on whether it was good news or bad news.

The undead stood in front of Li Ziyu, his soul beating, and a message was transmitted.

“Discover homeless.”

“A lot of people, scattered.”

Although the news is simple, Li Ziyu has already understood the meaning of the undead, and can’t help but wave his fist, too good, really went in the direction he expected.

If those guys gather together, don’t think about it, the run is over, it is impossible to fight, even if the fight is won, there will be a lot of losses, but now that they are scattered, it will be much easier to do, and a guerrilla sneak attack will be good.

“Recall the other undead and don’t alarm the homeless.”

“The hunt is about to begin.”

Li Ziyu had a sinister smile on his face and ordered.

After his order was given, a short soul fluctuation erupted in the mobile fortress, flashing away, inconspicuous in the vast wilderness, which is a unique way of transmitting information among the undead, transmitting information through soul energy, without making any sound, the information will be directly transmitted to the soul fire, confidential and efficient.

The message was very brief, but the meaning was also very clear, “Return, don’t be discovered.” The undead

closest to the mobile fortress soon received the message, and using their soul fire as a transit station, the information spread out again, reaching the bone undead farther away. In the process of information transmission, the soul

fire of each bone undead is a transit station, and the soul energy forms a network between them, which can transmit information quickly, efficiently and confidentially. Of course, this way to transmit information is simple, the more complex the information, the more

troublesome it is to transmit, because it consumes more soul energy, and even causes damage to the bone undead. The

skeleton undead who received the information immediately turned and moved towards the place where the mobile fortress was located, while unfolding its own search ability to avoid other creatures around it.

Li Ziyu’s side was not idle, he asked the mobile fortress to adjust its direction, to pick up the returning bone undead, organize the strength as soon as possible, every certain distance, several bone undead returned to the fortress, enhance their strength, and bring back more information.

They have already discovered the traces of the lizardman bandits, and judged their strength through the breath of life, telling Li Ziyu which lizardman bandits are stronger and where the lizardman robbers are weaker, which is convenient for the city lord to judge.

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