Tang Youyou didn't plan to participate either. After fighting monsters for a day, her bones were about to fall apart.

There is no spare energy left to participate in the Ten Halls of Yama, let alone 10,000 credits. Even if you have 100,000 credits, you won't go.

"I go."

Lin Mo was immediately interested when he heard that he had 10,000 credits. Don't give up 10,000 credits for free.

Zhuge Wuwei glanced at Lin Mo, smiled slightly, and nodded, feeling more favorable towards Lin Mo in his heart.

Chen Zixuan, who was behind Lin Mo, snorted and looked at Lin Mo contemptuously.

"As long as you can, you're stupid, do you know what the Ten Palaces of Yama are? You just dare to go."

"I'm afraid that by then you will never come back. A country bumpkin who goes to the countryside will know nothing and be nothing."

Ouyang Jian on the side sneered.

"If he wants to die, just let him go. In this case, he will lose a strong competitor."

"I think this kid is quite evil. If he doesn't die, we will be under greater pressure at Holy Spirit College in the future."

Hearing this, Chen Zixuan sneered.

"The Ouyang family is really good at strategizing, and Brother Ouyang admires them."

Ouyang Jian chuckled.

"No matter how powerful the Ouyang Family is, they can't compare to the strength of your Chen family."

Ouyang Jian and Chen Zixuan were complimenting each other like this.


"Okay, Lin Mo will stay, and the other candidates can go back."

Zhuge Wuwei said loudly.

At this time, there was only one candidate, Lin Mo, in the entire playground.

Zhuge Wuwei looked at Lin Mo and smiled.

"Boy, do you know the contents of the Ten Palaces of Yama?"

Zhuge Wuwei thought that Lin Mo chose to stay because he didn't know the contents of the Ten Palaces of Yama.

"The Ten Palaces of Yama are very difficult. Every year, a large number of candidates are killed by demonic spirits during the examination."

"Can you bear such a result?"


Lin Mo nodded.

Lin Mo still knew something about the Tenth Palace Yama. Although it was not comprehensive, he knew that this assessment was very difficult and there was a possibility of being killed at any time during the assessment.

But the temptation of 10,000 credits is really too great. 10,000 credits can be exchanged for a lot of good equipment and martial arts.

These are what Lin Mo needs, he wants to become stronger quickly.

In fact, the core reason why he chose to join the Ten Halls of Yama was his confidence in his own strength.

Lin Mo felt that he was fully capable of passing the test of the Ten Palaces of Yama.

As the official purpose of holding the Ten Halls of Yama, it is to select a group of Transcendent Level geniuses with excellent combat literacy and excellent psychological quality, and then conduct secret and focused training.

This is also very helpless. In order to ensure that Demon Realm can crush the strength of the human race, the Demon Realm often eliminates the Transcendent Level geniuses of the human race through assassination.

In fact, the real Tenth Palace of Yama is not as well known as it is. Candidates often die unexpectedly.

Those so-called candidates who died in battle actually did not die, but were gathered together by the state for high-intensity secret training.

After training, he directly entered the special operations department of the Demon Hunter Army.

Students who can successfully enter Holy Spirit College through the fourth round of assessment are rare talents.

How could the country be willing to let these precious geniuses die in vain?

The reason why the country describes the Ten Halls of Yama assessment as so cruel is that it is actually a screening method.

Only the most determined people will choose to participate. The most core departments of the country select talents.

The most important thing to look at is two aspects, one is combat power, and the other is fighting will. In the eyes of the military, the latter is even more important than the former.

Only the candidates with the strongest will are qualified to enter the most core departments of the military and become the talents who can carry the Shenlong Empire.

As the name suggests, the Ten Halls of Yama are divided into ten halls. Each hall is guarded by a hall master, and there are many Warcraft soldiers under the hall master.

The difficulty increases from low to high. The stronger the palace master is, the corresponding monster strength will become very abnormal, but the corresponding points will be more.

In fact, ten thousand credits are only the superficial reward for this assessment. In fact, this is not the only reward for the Ten Palaces of Yama.

Candidates who participate in the assessment will be awarded as many credits as they earn in this assessment. This is also a special reward for students who participate in this assessment.

After all, there are not many students who have the courage to take part in the assessment of the Ten Halls of Yama.


Suddenly Lin Mo's vision went dark and he entered an independent space.

Lin Mo looked around. He was now in a wide river valley.

There are mountains on both sides, and only the middle area is a large plain. ,



Suddenly, the examination room monitor on the big screen in the examination committee turned into a bloody mess.

The invigilators of the exam committee looked confused. What happened? Is the monitoring broken?

Zhuge Wuwei looked away from the monitor and said calmly.

"You have no right to watch this level of assessment."

An invigilator was very unconvinced.

"We are the invigilators of the Jiangbei Provincial Examination Committee. None of us are qualified. Who is qualified?"

Zhuge Wuwei sneered.

"Don't talk about you, even I, the chairman of the examination committee, am not qualified to watch the game."

Some teachers complained after hearing this.

"It's true. Isn't it just an assessment? Is it necessary to make it so mysterious?"

Seeing that everyone was unconvinced, Zhuge Wuwei smiled lightly.

"You should stop complaining. The bosses of the war department don't want to see you pointing fingers at their decisions."

"War Department!"

At this time, the grumbling invigilators looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the matter.

Zhuge Wuwei did not explain what he said, because it involved a lot of secrets, so he could only make them shut up by making insinuations.


There was a majestic hall in front of him, and Lin Mo walked towards the hall.

There was a gray-brown mist surrounding it, and the smell of carrion was everywhere.

Lin Mo summoned all the Great Qin Tigers just to be on the safe side.

Gradually the outline of the main hall became clearer, and I could vaguely see the name Qin Wang Palace on the plaque.

"Prince of Qin's Palace! Which Prince of Qin!"

Lin Mo was a little surprised. At this moment, a group of huge figures slowly rushed toward Lin Mo.

The figure looked at least five or six meters tall, holding a giant ax in his hand.

"Ton tons~"

The ground was shaking, Lin Mo's eyes narrowed slightly and he yelled to fight.


Da Qin Hu Ben responded in unison.

The monsters came closer, and Lin Mo could see their appearance clearly.

[Troll Berserker]

[Level: 14]

There are twenty Troll Berserkers in total, which is not a lot.

The Troll Berserker has long red hair, a ferocious face, and a blue body.

Wearing heavy armor and holding a giant ax in his hand, he looked very scary.


The leading troll berserker let out a deafening roar after seeing Lin Mo.

When he called out like this, all the troll berserkers behind him started shouting.

The scene was simply more shocking than a group of sows having sex, and it felt a little scary at first.

But seeing a group of monsters barking there, the scene was a bit ridiculous.

Although he found it ridiculous, he did not dare to take it lightly.

There are no weak monsters in the Ten Halls of Hell, otherwise so many candidates wouldn't die every year. Lin Mo didn't want to go head-on.

Ten Halls of Yama As the name suggests, there are ten Yama Halls. This is just the first one. It is better to deal with it in a wretched manner.

Racing all the way can only be considered obscene in a novel, but in reality it is still more important to save one's life.

Anyway, no one sees the wretchedness here, the hero is the one who laughs in the end.

"Know yourself and your enemy and you will never be in danger of a hundred battles!"

Lin Mo ordered twenty Great Qin Tigers to fire a volley first to test the strength of the Troll Berserkers.

"Bang bang~"

The Troll Berserker was actually alive and kicking like nothing happened.

Seeing this, Lin Mo was slightly shocked. It seemed that the magical beasts in the Ten Palaces of Yama were indeed very powerful.

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