In front of the Blue Crystal Guild, this group of four or five hundred level masters beat each other together.

These kinds of things are really extraordinary.

If it was really Li Mo who did it, then Li Mo’s previous ridicule was very powerful, and the significance was too great.

It will even directly subvert the pattern around the current Shenghui city-state.

“Li Mo, what’s going on?”

Guo Mirage looked at Li Mo cautiously.

“Taunt, hatred transfer!”

Li Moyan explained succinctly.

There were several people at the top of the guild who knew that Li Mo was special, and they awakened their taunting skills.

When I heard this, I was shocked.

Just a mockery, and then a little divert hatred.

Is that powerful?

Guo Mirage was also shocked.

His eyes condensed slightly, carefully examining those four-hundred-level and five-hundred-level Blue Crystal Clan professionals.

Those Blue Crystal Clan masters who were ridiculed were completely in a state of madness.

Crazy output to their own people, the kind that my own mother does not recognize.

Li Mo’s mockery is not only literal, but also directly plunges the enemy into madness.

Anger has reached the point of irrationality.

You know, these masters of more than five hundred levels are very resistant in all aspects.

At this time, it was completely under Li Mo’s ridicule, and he was wantonly played.

Seeing more and more people dying on the other side

Guo Mirage looked at Li Mo again.

“What if it’s seven or eight hundred levels strong? Can it be mocked? ”

“Hmm… It shouldn’t be much worse. ”

Li Mo was still very confident in his invincible taunting skill.

“More than five hundred level professionals, all completely lost their minds, and it lasted at least half a minute, and it continued.”

“Even if it’s a level seven or eight hundred powerhouse… The effect is worse, then it will take at least ten seconds and twenty seconds. ”

“Just these times…”

“It’s enough to deal with those powerhouses of level seven or eight hundred.”

Guo Mirage’s eyes condensed slightly, and the killing intent gradually surged up.

Alien races are raging in the human world.

In particular, this member of the Blue Crystal Guild of the Blue Scale Clan was a blessing in the Holy Radiance City-State.

Even the guild personnel of the Holy Radiance City-State were not allowed to enter the copy.

If you want to say that there is no anger, then it is naturally false.

But Guo Mirage is clear.

The major city-states, in their respective realms, fought separately.

Once the war begins, their Holy Radiance City-State will face the Blue Crystal Guild.

It’s really not an opponent.

But now something is different.

This Li Mo’s skills are too tough.

Counter-damage, damage reduction, and this terrifying taunt skill.

Definitely a guy who can fight and resist.

With this Li Mo.

As long as you get the top few former of the Blue Crystal Guild.

Their White God Guild was in the Holy Radiance City-State, and they were no longer afraid of that Blue Crystal Guild.

With this in mind, Guo Mirage had already made a quick decision.

“Li Mo controlled them.”

“Everyone go up together, kill them all!”

With Guo Mirage’s order.

The many remotes of the White God Guild have long been unable to wait.

The various long-range skills pinched were frantically thrown towards the members of the Blue Crystal Guild.

In itself, more than fifty members of these Blue Crystal Guild beat each other themselves, and more than twenty died.

Ten more fell into a taunting spiral.

At this time, more than a hundred people from the White God Guild gathered in waves.

The remaining thirty people did not run away and were all killed.

One wave killed more than fifty people from the Blue Crystal Guild.

Moreover, these people are all above level four hundred, which can be regarded as the Blue Crystal Guild

Guo Mirage also knew that it was impossible to give up on this matter today.

Today, if the two sides do not fight to the death, it will be impossible to stop.

If you want to fight, you have to have a big one.

Immediately, Guo Mirage sent a message to the other two guilds, as well as the city lord.

Orders were given to the presidents of the three chapters at the same time.

“Convene, all combatants.”

“Today, we will destroy the human garrison of the Blue Crystal Guild!”

Listen to Guo Mirage’s order.

Everyone around immediately raised their minds, and their bloody will to fight surged up.

Vice President Guo Mirage, this is obviously going to be a big wave.

Apparently, the war is coming!

And they have been waiting for this war for a long time.

“Fuck their mother, they have long wanted to fight with them.”

“Haha… Lao Zitun had a large number of potions, which was ready to fight with the Blue Scale Clan, and it could be regarded as using it today. ”

“The Blue Scale Clan is still so arrogant in our human realm, I really think that we are soft persimmons, what to do today, I will kill them with fear.”

Many members of the White God Guild brandished their weapons and roared loudly at this time.

Human beings themselves are weak and suppressed by foreign races.

Today, the White God Guild finally wanted to export its anger.

The crowd was excited.

And Li Mo in the crowd is naturally very happy to see this situation.

Drive invincible, do not fight?

What’s the use of being invincible?

Even Li Mo, who is only level 199, can smash a level 800 or even a level 900 expert to death with a shield.

“President, I want to go alone first.” Li Mo looked at Vice President Guo Mirage and spoke.


Guo Mirage, who was stunned, looked at this Li Mo in disbelief.

“Li Mo, even if you have reduced injuries and counter-injuries, but the other party has many powerful people, you can’t resist for too long.”

In Guo Mirage’s opinion, no matter how powerful Li Mo is, he is only 199 level.

Moreover, the equipment is just the ordinary gold equipment of the guild.

Letting Li Mo go alone, alone is undoubtedly sending death.

“President, I naturally understand what you said.”

“Since I dare to go alone, naturally there is my reason.”

“If I go alone, I can completely mess up their guild base.”

“Even if I die, I can be resurrected!”

Li Mo said.

“You still have a talent for resurrection?”

Guo Mirage asked in surprise.

The talent of resurrection, in the era of national job transfers, also exists, but it is extremely rare.

“Not now, but soon.”

Li Mo nodded while thinking in his heart.

“Not only is there be, but it can also be resurrected and escaped.”

If he didn’t say that, the chairman would definitely not let Li Mo pass.


Guo Mirage gasped.

This Li Mo is simply a bug-like existence.

Can resist exercises, but also resurrect the talent of escape.

You can’t look at it as an ordinary professional at all.

After thinking about it seriously, Guo Mirage instructed.

“In that case, then you should be careful.”

“If it doesn’t work, just run away.”

Since Li Mo is not an ordinary professional, he cannot be treated in a normal way.

Since Li Mo wanted to do this, then Guo Mirage let go of his hands and feet and let Li Mo do it.

“Hey, hey… It is they who should be careful. ”

Li Mo smiled.

Immediately, Li Mo ran towards the Black Mountain copy area.

The guild stronghold of the Blue Crystal Guild is near the Black Mountain Replica District, not far from here.

Li Mo, who was galloping all the way, was not fast but not slow.

“It looks like the whole mount is going to be the whole mount.”

“Otherwise, it’s a hassle to rush.”

Li Mo wanted to attack the guild camp stronghold of the Blue Crystal Guild alone.

On the one hand, those guys are walking experience babies.

Professionals give much more experience than monsters of the same level.

Once enough people are killed.

Li Mo’s second turn, directly 299 level.

On the other hand, Li Mo is directly invincible with a shield and can turn the enemy upside down.

In this way, when the White God Guild attacked, the losses would be smaller.

Since you are a member of the guild, you must always contribute to the guild.

Just eating resources, without effect, that is not okay.

As the main T, a person carries a guild’s stronghold.

Kill them all, it’s not too much!

When Li Mo jogged forward, he soon encountered several scouts from the Blue Crystal Guild.

There was a battle here in the human teleportation array, and they naturally wanted to come and check it out.

“Since you’re here, you don’t have to go.”

While supporting the shield.

Li Mo faced a scout from one of the five, and it was directly a mockery.

The other scouts were stealthy quickly, and Li Mo only pulled one.

However, one is enough.

Right now.

“Pon!” of a sound.

A muffled blow hit Li Mo on the back of the head.

An assassin didn’t know when, but he had already circled behind Li Mo.

“Stuffy stick.”

This is an assassin’s control skill, which does not have high damage, but can cause stun.

But it didn’t work for Li Mo.

Even if it is control, so what.

The knight’s shield defensive state, that is one of the forms of the knight.

Even if it is controlled, it is still defensive.

Li Mo’s surface blood bar lost more than 100 blood.

That assassin, on the other hand, was bounced back with more than 800,000 blood.

Even if the stuffy stick skill does not have high damage.

But six times the real damage rebound, that’s not vegetarian.

This high rebound damage startled the Blue Clan assassins.

With more than 800,000 blood, his blood bar directly dropped by a third.

For a while, he didn’t dare to continue attacking Li Mo.

Wipe the opponent once.

The opponent dropped more than 100 blood.

He lost more than 800,000 blood, how else to play this?

At this time, the scout who was taunted had rushed to Li Mo at a rapid pace.

“Don’t attack!”

The assassin who gave Li Mo a stick just shouted out.

The scout, who was mocked, had already frantically raised his dagger and kept falling.

Three normal attacks in a row.

This assassin of more than four hundred levels was violently killed on the spot.


Several other stealthy attendants are in a team state.

Looking at the injuries that came out of the heads of their kindred, they were all scared.

One attack, more than 1 million counter-injuries.

This is simply outrageous.

This guy is completely untouchable.

For a while, several scouts were stunned, and none of them dared to come up and continue to attack Li Mo.

Li Mo, who shot an assassin, ran forward slowly with his shield.

60% movement speed, which is enough.

As for the assassins who were invisible, Li Mo didn’t care at all.

Have you guys have a high burst to touch me to try?

Try it and I’m afraid you’ll die!

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