Feel the system sound coming to your head.

Li Mo’s heart became calmer.

“Invincible Chaos Knight, it’s very touching to listen to.”

Subsequently, Li Mo looked at his talent and core skills.

Every profession.

Talent and core skills are very important.

It can even be said that talent and core skills are the soul of a profession.


Invincible Chaos Physique: LV1.

Each unit killed increases the maximum health by 100 and the maximum health by 1 for each attack.

[Core vocational skills].

Invincible Defense: LV1 level.

Enter a defensive stance, immune to all damage, decay speed to 10%, and bounce 100% of damage to enemies.


With a review of your innate abilities and core skills.

Li Mo was a little unsure.

“This… The invincible meat shield system is really literal! ”

“Defensive, immune to all damage, this is truly – invincible!”

Not to mention six-star, it is the core skill of the legendary eight-star, nine-star profession.

In front of Li Mo’s invincible defense, it was completely inadequate.

After a surge of thoughts in his heart, Li Mo quickly stabilized his mind.

“Although it’s just a defensive stance that is invincible, and the speed is seriously decayed.”

“However, defensive posture, immunity to all damage, this alone, is an absolute invincible god-level skill.”

“While the defensive posture is invincible, you can also pay 100% of the damage back to the enemy.”

“If you carry damage, you can shoot the enemy to death.”

The deeper you think.

Li Moyue found that this [Invincible Defense] was too tough.

“At the same time, this invincible chaotic physique of mine.”

“It’s also very against the sky.”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly, looking at his innate ability invincible chaotic physique.

“Increases the health cap by 100 for each unit killed, and increases the health cap by 1 for each damage taken.”

“I remember that the Chaos Knight’s Chaos physique can only absorb a small amount of health when it can kill boss-level creatures.”

“After turning into an invincible chaotic physique, killing a unit at random can increase your health.”

“If you kill 10,000 units, it will directly be 1 million health points.”

“If you find a place like a beehive, the number of bee monsters there is millions, even tens of millions.”

“At that time, the health value was directly hundreds of millions, or even more than a billion!”

“The meat is outrageous!”

Li Mo, who took a deep breath.

Calm yourself down gradually.

Whether it is invincible defense, or the life growth of this invincible chaotic physique.

will make Li Mo a mountain that no one can surmount.

Open the Get Properties panel after your job transfer.

[Invincible Chaos Knight] (6 star).

Level: 0 rpm, 1 level.

Life: 608/608

Energy: 38/38

Attack: 14

Defense: 22

Power: 10

Physique: 21

Agility: 4

Spirit: 18


“An ordinary profession has only started with about 100 health points, and a six-star Chaos Knight, more than six hundred health points is already very good.”

“If I kill a unit, I can increase the entire health of the normal class level.”

“And as the level increases, the characteristics of high blood defense and low attack of the meat shield will become more and more obvious.”

“And I have a 100% damage rebound and don’t worry about not having enough output at all.”

Inspecting his attributes, Li Mo thought secretly.

The transfer is complete.

Li Mo’s more than twenty classmates also involuntarily focused their eyes on Li Mo.

They were also curious about what career Li Mo had chosen.

After all.

This is a six-star profession!

In the decades of city-state history of the Shenghui city-state, there have been two six-star professions.

And Li Mo is the third.

“Okay, after the transfer, you can all go to the trial tower next to you and carry out upgrade battles.”

At this time, the teacher who presided over the transfer said in harmony.

While speaking, this beautiful mentor still skimmed Li Mo from time to time.

Six-star career.

No matter where you go, you are the focus of attention.

“The monsters in the trial tower are not powerful, and they are experienced.”

“Perform well, upgrade a few more levels, even if your professional star level is not high, as long as you show enough strong professional combat ability.”

“There is still hope to enter those large city-state guilds.”

Although the beauty mentor said so.

But everyone understood.

At least a third-order profession is required to be able to enter the three main guilds of the city-state.

If it is a second-order, it requires super combat talent.

If you want to enter the guild, your combat talent will not soar to the sky, and you will not have a chance to enter the city-state guild at all.

However, even if you don’t enter the large guilds of the city-state.

Some small guilds, they still have a chance to enter.

Even joining the city-state legion is very good.

Everyone was still walking towards the teleportation array.

Get ready to enter the Trial Tower.

The Trial Tower is a specially built experience pool area of the Academy.

More than a dozen layers in front, monster thieves are weak, and experienced thieves are many.

There is no such good leveling area outside.

The experience pool of the White Academy has and only once has it.

Everyone naturally cherishes it.

When Li Mo and the others passed through the teleportation array and entered the academy’s trial tower.

The discussion about Li Mo in the school square only subsided.

And at this time, not far away, above the audience.

The recruitment leaders of the three major guilds of the Holy Radiance City-State all looked at the headmaster of the Holy Blue Academy.

“Principal Qian, the previous two academies have already been transferred, and the highest is only 4 stars.”

“Saint Blue Trainee, this time a good seedling has emerged!”

“This time, we can’t let the guild outside snatch away the genius of our city-state again!”

The old man in charge of the White God Guild looked at the principal and said seriously.

Although the other two city-state grand guilds did not speak, their attitude was clearly the same.

“Huh…” the principal of the Holy Blue Academy smiled faintly.

“If you want to keep such a genius, your three major guilds must also come up with capital!”

“Otherwise, the federal-level guild will give this kind of genius too many resources.”

“I can’t keep it if I want to!”

After all, the city-state guild is still difficult to compare with the human federation-level guild.

“This little money, Principal, don’t worry, no matter how many resources you take out this time, you must leave such a genius professional.” The old man of the White God Guild swore by it.


The old man of the White God Guild made such a statement, and the principal of the Holy Blue Academy nodded.

“Then again, what profession did this six-star trainee choose?”

The head of the White God Guild asked.

“Let me ask.”

Principal Qian immediately transmitted a voice to inquire about the past.

A moment later, Principal Qian’s body trembled slightly, and even his smiling expression stiffened a little.

“Principal Qian?”

The old man on the side asked suspiciously.

“That six-star cadet chose – knight!”

Principal Qian’s tone was obviously not as confident as before.

When the recruitment leaders of the three city-state guilds heard this, their expressions instantly froze.


Meat shield?



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