It took three or four minutes.

Digest the content of Guo Mirage step by step.

Only then did Hong Lie speak.

“If it’s really as you say, then this Li Mo is indeed a little amazing.”

“The possibility of getting through 15 depths is very high.”

“But then again, that Zhuge Changyu is also amazingly powerful, and he can actually see so many things in one round of copies.”

“Zhuge Changyu is also very special, but it is more of a soul talent ability, and Li Mo is a real attribute.” Guo Mirage explained.

“These two people really need to be focused.”

“Especially this Li Mo.”

“In the future, he can even become a strong person in our human world.” Hong Lie said.


For Li Mo, Guo Mirage also has extremely high expectations.

“In that case, the previous plan to unite several surrounding city-state guilds went ahead as usual.”

“At the same time… I’m also going to contact several thousand-level powerhouses in the human race. ”

“The creation of mythical-level copies by humans, although it is only a 200-level mythical-level copy, is also a huge event.”

“Even an event that caused great turmoil in the human world.”

“It has to be treated with caution.”

“Remember, let Li Mo brush slowly, wait for me to reply.”

“I understand that.” Guo Mirage nodded.

The call ends.

Guo Mirage took a deep breath and looked at the Black Mountain copy.

“It’s only been a long time, Li Mo has already been able to make such a big movement, he is only level 299 now.”

“If he grows up, I can’t imagine it.”

“The outside world is vast, but unfortunately we humans have never been able to go out.”

“Even our own territory, it is difficult for us to effectively hold it.”

“Maybe in the future, Li Mo will become the top powerhouse of our human race!”

However, Guo also has his own concerns.

Li Mo’s performance is outstanding, which is good.

However, the higher the rank, the more important the characteristics of the profession.

Li Mo’s six-star profession is a top profession in the human world.

But in the vast realm world outside, there are so many geniuses.

Li Mo’s injury reduction plays a big role at this stage.

But as you encounter more strong people, various depths of damage will gradually emerge.

At that time, the damage reduction characteristics of the Chaos Knight may not be able to bear it.

Of course, if Li Mo can open up a copy of mythology, or even in the near future, help mankind open up a “copy of the world tree”.

Their own professional characteristics have been enhanced.

Li Mo still has the potential to become a top powerhouse of mankind.


Top of Montenegro.

Depth 8.

Li Mo carried the damage alone as always, against the output of the boss, there was no pressure at all.

And the frequency of boss attacks is not very high.

Li Mo, who is in the invincible hegemonic state, even has the free mind to chat with Zhuge Changyu in the guild channel.

“Long Yu, at present, this top of the Black Mountain is a legendary-level copy.”

“Under normal circumstances, after the new land height, there is a high probability that legendary equipment will be dropped.”

“Just now, we opened up depth 7, why didn’t the legendary equipment drop?”

Li Mo did not study the characteristics of the copy deeply.

But Zhuge Changyu is an expert in this area.

“This Black Mountain copy, opening up new heights, there will indeed be a high probability of dropping legendary equipment.”

“However, before, the three major guilds of our Holy Radiance City-State, as well as that Blue Crystal Guild, brushed too many times.”

“This results in a certain amount of attenuation of replica resources.”

“In addition, the legendary equipment is very face-watching.”

“It means, our faces are black!” Li Mo said with a smile.

Zhuge Changyu smiled faintly.

“That seems to be the case at the moment.”

“However, at this depth of 8, there is a high probability that legendary equipment will be dropped.”

“The higher you brush up, the greater the probability of dropping legendary equipment.”

“Legendary equipment, still very strong!”

“Later, we really want to open up the land to a depth of 10, and the iron will definitely drop epic equipment.”

“If the depth is 15, it is the first time in human history, and 100% of the mythical equipment will be dropped.”

“Epic equipment, mythical equipment!”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

Dark gold and ordinary equipment below dark gold, Li Mo can’t look at it.

But legendary equipment, as well as epics, mythical equipment, even Li Mo, can not be ignored.

Legendary equipment, its own single attribute, is comparable to a five-star professional.

A legendary equipment, even if it is a one-star professional, its attributes will be stronger than that of a six-star professional.

The epic equipment attribute is a single attribute comparable to a seven-star professional.

If it is mythical equipment, it can be comparable to the single attribute of a nine-star professional.

More importantly.

Legendary equipment goes up and has special attributes.

If this particular attribute matches, it will even change the class characteristics.

For example, if Li Mo gets the right equipment in terms of speed, Li Mo’s speed will be directly comparable to that of a five-star agile professional.

Let Li Mo no longer have short legs, and even become extremely flexible.

Legendary equipment can form qualitative changes, not to mention more advanced epic equipment, even mythical equipment.

Although Li Mo is currently capable of various abilities, he has more defensive and invincible means against the sky.

He even killed a level 800 powerhouse.

However, no one will dislike themselves for becoming stronger.

Legendary sets, even epic sets, and even mythical equipment.

Li Mo needs it too.

Since that depth 15 can give birth to mythical-level equipment, Li Mo naturally will not give up such a good opportunity.

After all, this is a rare opportunity to get mythical equipment in the early stage.

Soon, everyone was led by Li Mo.

Successfully overturned the final boss “Black Mountain Stone God” of Depth 8.

With the death of the Black Mountain stone god.

The crowd cheered.

“Hahaha… Brother Li Mo is awesome. ”

“This BOSS is as stable as a mountain!”

“Brother Li Mo, are you still missing leg hair pendants?”

“It’s a pity that Laozi is a man, otherwise he would definitely give birth to a monkey for Brother Li Mo.”

The crowd was bustling and fighting.

“Lying groove, out of legendary equipment!”

Accompanied by an exclamation from the waiter who touched the corpse.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

“Groove, really fake?”

“Is it really a legend?”

“The best piece of equipment that Lao Tzu brushed is gold, and I didn’t expect it to really come out of legendary equipment.”

The assassin directly posted the attributes of legendary equipment in the team channel.

【Stone statue robes】 (legal system).

Level: Level 220.

Quality: Legendary.

Life: 170,000.

Physical Defense: 12000

Magical Defense: 12000

Injury reduction: 2000

Independent Health Bar: The health bar of this equipment is a separate health bar.

Gargoyle’s Blood Bar: When the independent health bar is emptied, you immediately get a gargoyle’s health bar of 340,000 health points for 10 seconds.


Everyone looked at this level 220 legendary equipment.

All of them widened their eyes.

“Lying groove, good legendary equipment.”

“There are really many double defenses, and 2000 damage reduction, horror.”

“This independent blood bar has amazing life-saving ability, and the passively triggered gargoyle’s blood bar is also an excellent means to save life!”

Examine this [stone statue robe].

Many mages have their eyes shining.

Once this legendary piece of equipment is in hand, they have the defensive characteristics of a five-star tank.

Moreover, this is legendary equipment with extremely high cultivation value.

Enough to be used as the core equipment of the ancestors.

But everyone also knows that the price of this stone statue robe is very high.

The starting price is 100 million federal coins.

And the vast majority of them, all of them add up to a few million.

Tens of millions are less.

If you want to get this legendary equipment, there is basically not much possibility.

Not to mention, follow-up equipment training and equipment development are even more needed, and massive resources are continuously invested.

Ordinary people can’t afford to use this legendary equipment.

“Okay, pack up your things, we’ll continue to brush the depth later!”

“Legendary equipment, everyone will have it in the future.”

At this time, Zhuge Changyu’s words pulled everyone’s attention back from the legendary equipment.

However, Zhuge Changyu’s words gave them confidence and hope.

Follow Li Mo, in the White God Guild, as long as Li Mo’s depth of land opening is high enough.

In the future, it is really possible that they will have a legendary piece of equipment.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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