【Epic Dungeon】All Humanity Announcement.

In more than ten years, human beings have not appeared.

And at this time.

Such a huge turbulent announcement swept through all of humanity.

Naturally, it was like dropping a bombshell on a calm lake.

Countless professionals have set their sights on the announcement of the entire human territory of this human world.

“Epic quest! It has not appeared for a long time, and I did not expect that it would appear again today. ”

“Epic dungeons, the three top guilds, it is by relying on epic dungeons that they have achieved the current situation.”

“Now that the human world has given birth to an epic quest, I’m afraid that another top-level Grand Guild is about to be born.”

“There are quite a few guilds that want to develop epic quests, but they have not succeeded.”

“This White God Guild, I haven’t heard of it, why did it suddenly appear.”

“I really haven’t heard of it, could it be that this White God Guild has a super professional?”

“It’s possible that without the appearance of a super professional with the backbone of the main heart, it is generally difficult to conquer an epic copy.”


The major channels of the human world are frantically discussing about the epic copy that has just been born, and this guild called the White God.

Unlike the situation in which humans enthusiastically discussed the birth of epic copies.

The major alien races in the human world frowned even more at this epic copy of the appearance of human beings.

A race that can open up higher-level replicas represents their potential and qualifications.

The more epic quests you explore. The more it means that the group has great potential.

Therefore, epic copies, the more you open up, the more the gods will be optimistic about this group.

It will even actively favor the group.

The reason why these races of other worlds are unscrupulous in attacking the world tree of the human world.

It is because humans do not have such a powerful copy conquering ability.

And the gods basically turn a blind eye to what they do in the human world and don’t care much.

If humans really have the ability and means to conquer epic copies on a large scale.

The gods necessarily favor humans.

Now, humans have opened an epic quest when their races are trying to conquer the world tree copy of the human world.

This is obviously not good news for them.

Soon, these alien powerhouses in the human world began to give orders one after another.

Find out everything there is to know about this Shirakami Guild to conquer epic quests.

Either block this guild and continue to develop other epic quests.

Or kill the core class that pioneered epic quests.

They are almost conquering the human copy of the World Tree

Therefore, they will never let this core professional who conquers the epic copy to conquer the level 200 human world tree copy.

Once the humans have conquered the level 200 World Tree copy.

Then, the difficulty of the level 800 World Tree copy will skyrocket.

At that time, the massive resources they had invested before would be wiped out.

With this momentous announcement for all mankind.

The races of all sides have begun to undercurrent.


Montenegro copy outside!

Accompanied by the All-Humanity announcement.

A tsunami.


“Hahaha… Our White God Guild has also conquered epic quests, which is fucking cool! ”

“At this moment, our White God Guild can also be regarded as making a name for itself.”

“I can’t wait to brush the copy now, if I burst out an epic piece of equipment, I will get rich in place!”

“Epic equipment is too difficult, if only I could burst a handful of legendary equipment.”

The crowd was in a feverish discussion.

City Lord Hong Lie was also full of smiles.

Now the pressure of human beings facing alien races is indeed great.

Both sides are riveting and competing.

Now that Li Mo has conquered an epic quest, it really has a morale-boosting effect on humanity.

Guo Mirage on the side was quickly replying to the congratulatory messages sent by the leaders of the major guilds at this time.

Even many guilds have made it clear that they will increase their efforts on the conditions negotiated before.

After all, the role of an epic copy is indeed huge.

However, Guo Mirage knows that the epic quest is just the beginning.

And the next [mythical] copy for the first time in human history is the focus.

And this!

I am afraid that it will directly make the White God Guild the vortex core of this battle of replica storms in the human world.

But the more so, the more powerful the White God Guild can take advantage of the situation.

After all, if according to the previous script development, humanity is conquered 800 and copies, then humanity is really going to exterminate.

Only by turning over a mythical copy can the human world usher in a turnaround.


Top of Montenegro, depth 10.

The hearts of everyone who opened up the epic copy were both surprised and delighted.

At the same time, the admiration for the guild’s only designated big daddy “Li Mo” has reached its peak.

After all.

This final closing boss.

That was Li Mo alone.

Others, at all, do not dare to approach, whoever approaches will die.

The damage of the boss is too high.


Li Mo carried the shield alone, and just killed the boss alive.

Zhuge Changyu recalled the details of the whole process.

After all, I secretly sighed.

“I’m afraid all the previous inferences are wrong.”

“Li Mo’s professional characteristics completely surpass the 9-star professional characteristics.”

“Life openness, defensive characteristics, even the state of dominance, and the taunt that makes the boss desperate.”

“All completely crush the boss characteristics of this depth 10.”

“You must know that even a nine-star professional will have a state of suppressed attributes when facing a powerful BOSS.”

“But Li Mo does not exist at all, and he can play perfectly in the face of any boss.”

“Be bold, this Li Mo can completely serve as a world-class boss with a death depth of 15 and billions of blood bars.”

Just as Zhuge Changyu was thinking.

The scout who touched the corpse suddenly shouted loudly.

“Out of epic equipment!”

These words suddenly made many professionals squeeze their heads one by one.

And that scout quickly posted the attributes of the epic equipment in the team channel.

【Stone God Staff】 (Dharma).

Level: 2nd turn, 260 level.

Quality: Epic

Spell strength: 21600

True spell strength: 2000

Spell strength: +20%.

Stone God Respect: +20% of total damage done.

Stone God Shelter: Equip the target with two layers of shields, each of which can withstand one damage, and up to 10 layers of shields.

Life Shield: Your healing will become an additional Life Shield up to 200% of health.


As everyone examined this epic stone god staff.

All eyes were about to pop out.

“This life-saving ability is also too strong.”

“Ten layers of shields, three times health, and the output damage is also an explosion.”

“It feels much better to give the priest to the mage, after all, the priest’s blood defense is not low.”

“With real law damage, continuous damage is the most amazing, and the outbreak is not amazing.”

“Indeed, it is much better to give a profession that is more auxiliary to the means and abilities.”

“After all, it is an epic equipment, once it is in hand, it will definitely change qualitatively.”

Zhuge Changyu in the crowd, his eyes slightly condensed.

This epic equipment really helped him tremendously.

As a night priest, he has good combat capabilities.

Once this epic staff arrived, it could indeed form a qualitative change for him.

Legendary, epic equipment, just have this powerful effect.

And that’s why everyone is eager to get legendary and even epic equipment.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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