For many people, the days of penance may be boring and tormenting.

For Li Mo, it’s fun.

Li Mo enjoyed the process of becoming stronger.

Every drop of sweat I shed turned into damage and hit the enemy.

Every day, Li Mo groped for how to shoot faster, stronger, more accurately, and more ruthlessly.

Every day, Li Mo was immersed in the invincible blood demon damage that matched the blood vein and attack, how to make his invincible blood demon damage higher.

Every day, Li Mo could feel the development of his skills.

The details of skills can be more accurately grasped, controlled, and then used.

Every day, Li Mo could feel his physical body, more solid, thicker, and more powerful.

This is not only the use of attributes, but also the development of the essence of being an invincible tank in the flesh.

With his cultivation, Li Mo could gradually feel that his professional framework was slowly getting stronger.

The class framework of [Invincible Chaos Knight].

Every time you attack, practice, and feel.

All can make the career framework thicker and more stable.

At the same time, the deeper the immersion.

Improve a little bit every day.

What’s more, Li Mo’s [Invincible Chaos Knight] has not improved a little.

It’s very efficient.

This made Li Mo’s cultivation battle full of strength.

Every day’s bits and pieces have become the cornerstone of Li Mo’s step by step strengthening.

As the career framework is solidified, strengthened, precipitated.

Li Mo’s physical body also began to exude a sense of heaviness characteristic of a knight.

At that stop, there is a majestic mountain!

Above the towering cliffs.

Li Mo wears a legendary suit.

The shield gun is placed across the legs.

The cold wind blows.

The hair is like a stone mountain pine, gently shaking.

Li Mo’s entire breath was like a mountain range entrenched in the earth.

“Whew… Suck it…”

With every breath, there is an undercurrent of thunder.

At this time, Li Mo was examining his properties panel.

[Invincible Chaos Knight] (6 star).

Level: 3 turns, 348 levels.

Surface health bar: 650 million 650 million.

Core health bar: 36.5 billion/36.5 billion.

Energy: 74,000/74,000.

Attacks: 66,000.

Defense: 90 thousand

Power: 42,000

Physique: 75,000

Agile: 21,000

Spirit: 62,000



Invincible Chaos Physique: LV8 level.

Invincible Blood Demon Damage: LV7.


[Core vocational skills].

Invincible Defense: LV9 level.

Invincible Taunt: LV6 level.

Invincible Overlord: LV7 level.

Invincible Charge: LV6 level.


In terms of level, basic attributes, the improvement is not great.

Blood bars, increased ok.

In these two months, Li Mo did not deliberately kill those zergs.

It also increased the amount of blood by nearly ten billion.

In terms of the development and application of skills, the improvement is more intuitive.

The level has increased considerably.

Of course, the focus of improvement is Li Mo’s cultivation in attributes and actual combat ability.

And these things are not displayed on the properties panel.

Take the most intuitive attribute example.

That is Li Mo’s [Invincible Blood Demon Damage].

Two months ago, Li Mo’s level 1 invincible blood demon damage was only 100 points.

And now, the level 7 invincible blood demon damage has reached 8400.

One damage adds an additional 8400 damage.

A hundred times is added up to 840,000 damage.

This makes Li Mo’s current output ability also explode powerfully.

“Killed millions of Zerg in more than two months.”

“The level has only been raised by two levels.”

“After all, they are all low-level zergs who don’t give much experience.”

“If you want to level up quickly, you also have to kill high-level bosses and those high-level aliens.”

“Kill a level 800, or even a level 900 alien professional.”

“Not to mention that you can upgrade to more than ten levels, or even twenty levels.”

“Kill more, and the level will go up.”

“Keep practicing!”

After the inspection, Li Mo got up.

Li Mo, who was just about to jump off a cliff.

But he was stopped by the dragon drink behind him.

“Senior, what’s going on?”

Li Mo turned around.

“During this time, your cultivation results have been amazing.”

“I have already found my own way, and I am improving rapidly every day.”

“So next, you don’t have to kill these low-level zergs to do basic cultivation.”

“No need to cultivate?” Li Mo raised his eyebrows?

“It’s not that you don’t have to cultivate, but you don’t have to kill insects to cultivate.”

“After all, those zergs below are some live targets.”

“If you continue to kill, it will not improve your comprehensive combat ability much.”

“So next, we have to enter the actual combat link!”

Actual combat link?

Li Mo laughed.

PVE, of course, is refreshing.

But PVP is the way to the strong.

Although Li Mo also knows that the road to actual combat must be experienced.

I just didn’t expect it to come so soon.

“That… Where to go? ”

Li Mo asked.

“Your current level still needs to be improved.”

“So, next we are going to the core area of the Shattered Star Sea.”

Long Drink said cautiously.

“In the core area of the Shattered Star Sea.”

“The Shattered Star Sea fell due to extraterritorial meteorites, causing the region to be shattered.”

“But in fact, ordinary meteorites cannot break the boundary barrier where the group is located.”

“And the reason why this area of the Shattered Star Sea is broken is naturally because this extraterritorial meteorite is very special.”

“This extraterrestrial meteorite has not only brought powerful zergs.”

“At the same time… In the core area of the fall of extraterritorial meteorites, there are also powerful world-class terrifying boss creatures. ”

World-class bosses?

Li Mo’s heart moved slightly.

There is also a difference between bosses.

For example, the weakest silver bosses are basically used to brush equipment casually.

In the era when human beings have only just entered the era of national job transfer, brush copies and get silver equipment.

You can also sell it for some money.

But as humans gradually accumulate wealth.

Nowadays, silver equipment is already very common.

The gold equipment dropped by the golden boss is considered more valuable.

On top of the golden boss, there is the boss boss, also known as the “dark gold boss”.

Boss bosses drop dark gold equipment.

Then there’s the lord boss.

Legendary equipment, linked to lord bosses.

Once you find a lord boss in the wild, it is basically equivalent to discovering the legendary equipment of walking.

But lord boss, that’s not easy to kill.

A second-rate guild, the main force is exhausted, and it can barely be killed.

Then there is the extremely rare “world boss” that Long Drink explained just now.

Lords and bosses are not easy to kill.

Not to mention the world bosses.

Bosses of this level have the terrifying strength of a single boss to destroy a city-state.

Whether it is body shape, attributes, or attribute framework, it has the ultimate oppressive force.

In human history, there have been a few world boss incidents.

Even humans have a city-state that has been destroyed by the world boss.

However, they were all killed by alien races.

Humans don’t even touch the hair.

And killing the world boss is at least epic equipment.

Moreover, there will be a probability of dropping mythical equipment.


The value of world bosses is not only epic equipment, mythical equipment.

It can be said that epic, mythical equipment is only the tip of the iceberg of the value of world bosses.

The real big head is the material, with upgraded Dan.

Materials, including but not limited to, skill magic stones, upgrade materials for epic equipment, mythical equipment, powerful skills, and world level framework upgrade materials.

The amount of these materials is like a hill.

A world boss.

It’s nothing but a walking moving treasure.

In addition to the material.

The number of upgraded Dan is also very staggering.

And the experience of the world boss, that is more explosive.

Li Mo estimated that a 300-level world boss was enough to directly upgrade himself from level 348 to level 399, and there was still experience overflowing.

Of course, this is the case with a single brush.

If you brush in a group, then the experience is divided equally, which is not much.

Does Li Mo have the confidence to brush the world boss alone?

Apparently there is.

What is missing now is the world boss.

Since Dragon Drink said that there is a world boss here, what are you waiting for?

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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