Chapter 51: Upper Limit 12 to 1299 Level!.

“Human, you just dare to touch those treasures.”

“I swear that I will slaughter your human race in the future.”

The threat of the Star God came over and over again, hissing with exhaustion.

“It seems that you know that you have not been beaten by society.”

“But yes, this guy is born a god, born for eternity, and is a high-ranking being.”

“It seems that when I digest these treasures, it is necessary to let her know what the beating from society looks like!”

Li Mo very simply used energy to block the noise of the star god in the outside world.

“Twelve Star Profession!”

Taking a deep breath, Li Mo looked at this twelve-star super profession in front of him. Immediately, Li Mo touched it with one hand.

The blooming colorful brilliance slowly converged, and finally converged into a colorful professional scroll.

【Twelve Star Class】

The original 12-star class, after inheritance, your profession will be promoted to the 12-star level.


With Li Mo used.

The colorful professional scroll brilliance, turned into a rainbow streamer, and poured into Li Mo’s body. A moment later.

“6-star Chaos Knight converted to 12-star Starry Sky Chaos Knight.”

“Ding! 12 stars [Starry Sky Chaos Knight], automatically promoted to [Invincible Starry Sky Chaos Knight]. The front is a tip for career change. ”

This is followed by a system prompt.

Li Mo looked at his attributes.

There was no change because of his promotion to 12 stars, the Invincible Starry Sky Chaos Knight. Subsequent upgrades.

This 12-star Starry Sky Chaos Knight can play a role.

2-star tough class.

This will bring Li Mo’s level cap to 12 turns to 1299.

In other words, as long as Li Mo brushes the copy, he will inevitably be a thousand-level powerhouse. That’s not all that is more important.

Rather, Li Mo’s career framework, along with the promotion of 12 stars. The strength of the career framework soared several times. According to the theory of the occupational system.

The base frame strength of a 6-star profession is about 36.

The basic framework strength of the 12-star class reached 144. The intensity has increased directly by a factor of four.

Li Mo’s practice during this period of time is estimated to be able to make the strength of the career framework reach about 50. With the career frame strength of the 12-star rank of the transfer.

Li Mo’s current base career framework strength is estimated to be around 160. And this is still the strength of the basic career framework.

Combined with the invincible characteristics of the [Invincible Meat Shield System] itself. Li Mo estimated.

Now even if you go out.

That god may not be able to do much damage to himself.

On the contrary, the other party’s explosion output, but he first remnant blood. Feel your career framework like a thick brick wall.

Li Mo laughed softly.

You know, before it was only a reinforced wooden house level.

Now that it has reached the level of thick brick walls, this level of improvement is naturally self-evident. But that’s not the end of it.

Li Mo came to the second treasure [Divine Kingdom Crystal Nucleus]. One hand move.

The crystal nucleus of the Kingdom of God fell into his hand.

“This thing, refining still takes a while.”

“But it won’t take long.”

Glancing at the [Star God Shield] skill scroll. This is a reserved item, don’t move it for now.

As Li Mo took away the two treasures.

The barriers in this core area are rapidly shrinking.

After almost shrinking, it stopped. Li Mo came to the copy.

And did not act rashly. Instead, he waited.

It was determined that the barriers to the core area had not continued to shrink. Only then did Li Mo click on the copy of the Angel Wings Root.

Angel Wings Root Quest inside. There is only one unit.

Before, Li Mo had already come in to see it.

is a powerful six-winged angel. Angel!

This creature, in the era of the universal professional. Very tough.

One of the perfect creatures. First, they are born divine.

The framework of the angel sequence is perfect, and the strength is amazing. Secondly, their injuries are varied.

The light system was played in their hands.

Finally, their means of attack, even if they hold a sword, they can attack from a long distance. Born to be a hand-length unit, and melee combat is also very fierce.

Many powerful angels even have natural abilities such as resurrection, invincibility, etc. After this angel saw Li Mo come in.

Wielding his angelic holy sword, he carries a mixture of light real damage, magic damage, and physical damage, like a wave of scorching air.

It was directly pasted on Li Mo’s face. It is separated by a distance of more than two hundred meters.

Angels armed with the Angelic Holy Sword can still carry out long-range attacks.

“Energy-type creatures are born with long-range attack means, just like gods.”

It’s just that!

The angel attacked himself every time.

Li Mo’s body only surfaced -1-1-1 damage. And that angel.

It was -6 million, -6 million blood, one after another.

Even, from time to time, the other party even came with a powerful lightsaber attack. A lightsaber attack.

It was able to knock out more than 35,000 of Li Mo’s blood.

This kind of attack obviously has extremely strong core damage, so it can hit a certain amount of damage. And the angels themselves lost more than 35 million blood.

“This angel’s damage is really high, and the attack speed is very amazing.”

“At a distance of more than two hundred meters, there is almost no ballistics, and there is damage when the starting hand falls.”

“No wonder many professionals crave angel sequences.”

“Just this hand length trait, as well as real, magic is a mix of physical damage plus special damage.”

“Ordinary people can’t really eat it.”

“It’s a pity, Chaos Knight, who is born to restrain this multi-damage hybrid damage.”

“Not to mention, my surface blood bar, and high damage reduction.”

The angel watched as his blood bar dwindled and dwindled. Actually stopped.

This made Li Mo stunned.

“Did I tell you to stop?”

A mockery goes down.

The angel instantly entered a state of rage, and his attack increased significantly. Against Li Mo’s various skills, he began to bombard indiscriminately.

A dozen seconds later.

The angel was rebounded alive by Li Mo and died. With the death of this mighty six-winged angel.

A feather about one meter long and golden, like a steel alloy poured feather, appeared in front of Li Mo. Li Mo tried it, although it was said to be a feather.

But the material is quite hard.

【Angel Wing Roots】

Absorb the Cultivation Angel Wing Root, and you will get the Angel Clan’s Feather Blade. But, you will also gain the hatred of the angel sequence.

“Good fellow, once you use this treasure, does it have a mocking effect on the angel?”

“This is simply wonderful!”

Li Mo, who received the treasure, quickly left the copy.

At this time, the already small energy barrier began to contract again. Li Mo quickly ran towards the last treasure [Star Shield].

Li Mo guessed well.

With the energy barrier search of this last treasure.

The replica area where it was before was directly cut off from the outside. Wait until the energy barrier stabilizes again.

This bowl-shaped energy barrier is only more than four hundred meters in radius. Li Mo even patrolled the edge of the barrier with interest.


“Anyway, that crazy woman can’t come in.”

“As long as I practice here for a month or two, absorb and digest the treasure, I can go out.”

“Start cultivating!”

Subsequently, Li Mo was so upright next to the [Star Shield Scroll] and made a disc. While refining the “Angel Wing Root”, absorb and digest the “Divine Kingdom Crystal Nucleus”.

At the same time, the star god above the heavenly dome also contained his anger at this time. Dark indifferent looked below.

She didn’t believe that little Chaos Knight could stay in it for the rest of her life.



A dragon drink in the jungle of a mountain peak not far away.

Looking at the rapidly shrinking and eventually stable energy barrier, he breathed a sigh of relief. The gods had already spoken up just now.

Li Mo collected some of the treasures, and then continued to retain the energy barrier. Obviously, he planned to absorb and digest the treasure first, and then come out.

“Just let Li Mo practice in it for a while.”

“When Li Mo’s career framework is stable enough to be strong enough, he can also perfectly reduce damage in the face of gods.”

“As far as Li Mo’s ability to fight and resist, if you can’t do it, you really don’t fear that god.”

“On the contrary, the god… In itself, he was extremely hostile to Li Mo. ”

“It’s a mocking buff by nature.”

“Cooperate with Li Mo’s own characteristics.”

“Beaten and slaughtered? A bit of an exaggeration. ”

“But at least it can make that star god suffer a big loss.”

“After all… Li Mo this guy! You really can’t be treated like a regular professional. ”

“I’ll just wait here.”

“If Li Mo can’t resist that god, I’ll take Li Mo and escape.”

“Now, Li Mo’s peculiar and idea Flying Thunder God Technique, I have already cultivated, and the effect is surprisingly good.”

“Some time ago, that star spirit chased me twice, and I calmly retreated.”

“Even when necessary, the root of the loss point, I can also cross the barrier of the Shattered Star Sea and fly directly back to the human territory.”

“This star god, don’t dare to arbitrarily involve the human territory, there is the sequence camp of the god of war.”

“Unless this star god wants to start a divine war.”

“But obviously that star god is not qualified to start a divine war with the god of war.”

Immediately, Long Drink was also silent and waited on the side.

And around the core area barrier where Li Mo is located.

The three thousand-level powerhouses of the Star God City-State had already ambushed nearby. In addition to the three thousand-level powerhouses and one god of the Star God City-State.

The 600-level world-class boss [Mixed Element Gluttony], which has a good relationship with the star god, also brings 5 lord-level bosses under him.

Came to the vicinity of the core area. Such a luxurious lineup…….

In order to be able to kill, and even capture, Li Mo. This lineup is the most pinnacle power of the Shattered Star Sea. Proper boss lineup.

Compared to tough world-class bosses.

Li Mo is now the real boss.

Li Mo knew very well that once he moved this last treasure.

He is bound to face the siege of gods and thousand-level powerhouses. For this dilemma.

Li Mo was not worried at all.

Before, Li Mo had made sufficient preparations for the situation that he would be trapped. Food and water, although Li Mo didn’t need much now.

However, Li Mo prepared a lot. That’s enough for hundreds of years on your own.

If the professional does not upgrade for a long time, does not absorb experience, or does not absorb energy, and is in an energy-poor environment. The professional’s own career framework will enter a “withering state”.

Over time, it will slowly drop in rank. Therefore, the energy spar, Li Mo also prepared a lot. As long as Li Mo is willing.

Li Mo was able to spend a hundred years with that god within this barrier.

As a knight, the highlight is a steady, able to resist, anti-hunger is also resistant! However, the current situation is obviously not difficult.

On the contrary, Li Mo enjoys this treatment of his current self. Just ask!

Who can enjoy the close protection of a god plus several thousand-level powerhouses?

The god probably cares more about himself than the personal bodyguards he hired. Every day, Li Mo absorbs the “Kingdom of God Crystal Nucleus” to strengthen his professional framework.

At the same time, practice “invincible mockery” and “invincible charge”. The former is clearly for the enemy.

The latter, on the other hand, can be used both as a skill for macho men charging into battle and as a life-saving skill for strategic retreat.


Wouldn’t it be too wasteful to run fast and not use it to run?

Li Mo is now already a 12-star rank [Invincible Starry Sky Chaos Knight]. Absorbing the crystal nucleus of the Kingdom of God and strengthening his professional framework, the progress is even faster.

It’s only been a week.

Li Mo felt that his career framework began to approach the “reinforced concrete” level from the previous level of “brick wall hut”.

In addition to strengthening the career framework and cultivating the two invincible skills. Li Mo also continued to absorb, digest, and cultivate [Angel Wings].

And now the angel wings have also begun to bear fruit.

Initially unfolded, behind Li Mo, a “gilded light wing” with a wingspan of about half a meter could emerge. Hmm… The wingspan of half a meter is indeed a bit small.

But it was enough to support Li Mo’s flight.

With the invincible charge, Li Mo can now also rampage in the sky.

Li Mo estimated that he could almost have gilded light wings with a wingspan of about three meters. At that time, mobility in the sky will also be directly full.

Time passes day by day.

Li Mo patiently cultivated within the barrier.

And the outside although it looks calm. But Li Mo was clear.

Once out by yourself.

They will be greeted by a stormy attack.

In Li Mo’s 1.0 cultivation, unconsciously, a month and a half has passed.


The core area of the Shattered Star Sea, within the energy barrier!

“Whew… Suck it…”

Li Mo, who was sitting cross-legged, took a long breath. Then slowly open his eyes.

Within Li Mo’s line of sight.

One by one, the other attribute threads spread.

Following these attribute threads, Li Mo was able to see many things. For example, those flowers and trees have minor properties.

The ordinary birds flying in the sky are also attributed, although they do not have the characteristics of attribute manifestation, but there are indeed professionals, creatures with ranks, and their attribute frameworks follow the attribute rule system.

The rules of attributes permeate all things in the world.

“Is this the ability after having a little divinity?”

Li Mo thought secretly.

As Li Mo digested and completely absorbed the crystal nucleus of that Divine Kingdom.

The powerful 12-star class characteristics perfectly carry the characteristics of the crystal nucleus of the Kingdom of God. This makes Li Moxian also have a little divinity.

But compared to divinity.

Li Mo values his career framework more. That’s the point.

After this month and a half of hard work in absorbing the crystal nucleus of the Kingdom of God.

Li Mo’s attribute framework has completely undergone metamorphosis. The original one was close to the “reinforced concrete” class. With Li Mo’s perfect digestion of the Divine Kingdom crystal nucleus.

Now Li Mo’s professional framework already has the breath of the form of the [Steel Fortress] class, and it also has a certain divinity, it can be said that now Li Mo has full confidence and is not afraid of the so-called star god of more than 500 levels.

“The Divine Kingdom crystal nucleus has been digested, and the career framework has been completely strengthened to the extreme.”

“The gilded light wings have also taken shape.”


Li Mo skimmed over the heavenly dome that was shattered like a mirror.

“It’s time to get out too.”

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