Chapter 57: Divine Messenger! Riding the world boss is coming!.

“Senior Dragon Drink, you and several other seniors have made such a decision, so what kind of pretense to deceive me under the guise of the Human Federation is too uninteresting.”

Li Mo said angrily.

“Isn’t this for you to see what kind of goods the group of guys in the Human Federation is?”

Speaking of this, the anger in the heart of the dragon drink also came up.

This wave returned to the human world, the convening of the human federation conference. Four other human alliance hilltops.

That is, they were afraid that the city-state of Shenghui would rise, and they were afraid that Li Mo would suppress them after he rose up. He even offered to keep peace with foreign races.

This can be regarded as choking the dragon breath.

Rather give friends not to be domestic slaves, it is true that they play clearly!

Naturally, Long Drink also took out the posture of the group of sycophant and ugly guys in the Human Federation to Li Mo.

“Aren’t those four aliens trying to talk?”

“Aren’t the other Federation Hills also trying to talk?”

“Let them talk slowly!”

“Anyway, it’s just like that, as long as I don’t agree, it’s useless for them to pull the sky and the earth old.”

Li Mo said lightly.

Now Li Mo not only has the right to speak, but also the real power of the mythical copy. More importantly, Li Mo has strength.

Come as you want. No one can interfere with Li Mo.

“What about the other four alien races?”

“They are all very powerful races and are not afraid of you at all.”

“Even if we retreat from the human world, we humans do not have the strength to counterattack the past at this stage.”

“They are still organizing their power to enter the human world.”

Long Jiu said so.

“Very good!”

Li Mo nodded.

Some of these senior clans have a heritage. There are many cadre-level powerhouses.

They are naturally not afraid of Li Mo.

And what Li Mo wants is their head iron, to continue to come in. Anyway, in the human world, it is impossible for other gods to enter. What Li Mo has is the time and energy to play with them.

“The current situation of mankind is still in a state of high pressure and stability.”

“However, if you have achieved something on the side of the Star Sea, I estimate that they will also take action against you.”

“You just need to be stable now, and follow your path to becoming stronger and push steadily.”

“Moreover, I have discussed with several other people in the future.”

“I’m going to give you an ultimate cultivation package!”


Li Mo25 raised his eyebrows. The ultimate training package? Do humans still have this means?

“Senior Long Drink, you still have this means, why didn’t you take it out earlier?”

Li Mo asked.

“It’s useless to take it out before, this thing, ordinary professionals can’t afford it.”

“Didn’t you say before that you have a twelve-star rank profession?”


Li Mo nodded.

Although his twelve-star rank profession was obtained later. But Dragon Drink didn’t know.

It is not impossible to think of it as your own core hidden professional class.

“The twelve-star rank profession is already very powerful, enough for you to enter that forbidden area and help humans harvest some good things.”

“Forbidden area?”

This word made Li Mo’s eyes condense slightly.

“No wonder the senior of Long Drink said that ordinary professions can’t afford this.”

“Forbidden area!”

“Can you tell us about the specifics?”

Li Mo asked.

Long Yu glanced at the mixed yuan gluttony under Li Mo and said lightly.

“Keep the item!”

“Wait until you cultivate well in the Shattered Star City-State and complete the development of the Star God City-State.”

“Back to the Terrans, you need to open up the Black Mountain quest again, as well as several other quest areas.”

“Let the strong ones on our side all have mythical copies.”

“Then it’s time to plan for your restricted zone.”

“Once this plan is completed.”

“For you personally, the help is huge, and for us senior thousand-level powerhouses, it is also of great help.”

“It can even help those professionals of level 999 to advance to level 1,000.”

“This forbidden area plan is so violent?”

Li Mo was also slightly surprised.

“It varies from person to person.”

“To put an ordinary professional forbidden area is to give it for nothing, and to send it to death.”

“Let you go, that’s another story.”

“Got it.”

Li Mo nodded.

Star God City-State, these days can be described as an undercurrent rush.

But with the Star God sitting in the town, plus three thousand-level powerhouses were killed. The situation gradually stabilized.

On this day, many professionals in the Star God City-State, the Broken Star Quest Area, were brushing the dungeon. Not far from the exit of the canyon.

Mixed element gluttonous boss, huge figure moved.

Every step that heavy step landed on the ground, there was a shocking crashing sound. The gluttonous boss is like a moving mountain.

God made Li Mo ride more than 600 levels of world boss mixed yuan gluttony!

This news immediately caused agitation in the replica area.

Although I know that the bastard gluttonous boss has something to do with the Star God.

Although he knew that the world-class boss was the mount of Li Mo, the current god envoy. But when the mountain-like behemoth moved. The oppressive force of the huge body still terrified many people.

After all, this powerful world-class boss is really a skill sweeping a group of professionals. If the members of a guild stand too densely.

One skill comes down, and the guild is destroyed on the spot. Even if it is one or two thousand-level powerhouses.

Face the bulldozer mode of the world-class boss with more than 600 machines. Still unable to stop it from destroying a city-state.

The huge size is too devastating. Not to mention this intelligent large-body world boss.

Mixed Yuan Gluttonous BOSS, God makes Li Mo come!

This news quickly spread throughout the Star God City-State in the form of an explosion.

Even many people ran out one after another, in order to aim for the heroic posture of the gods, and to observe the majestic physique of the powerful world-class BOSS.

…【012512425214522170】Star God Temple!

“False gods?”

Watch for the latest news. Xingshen Xiu’s eyebrows furrowed.

When reading these similar news rumors. Star God scoffed at this hand of “fake news”. Then Li Mo is a false god, can she not feel it?

Then it is good that Li Mo has a little divinity. But weak.

Divine Godhead, Kingdom of God Characteristics, Divine Fire, Divine Breath. Then Li Mo is nothing.

Whether Li Mo is a god or not, she knows too well.

Although this is obviously the “fake news” deliberately spread by someone. But Star God had a new idea.

That’s why Li Mo is so tough.

“It is very likely that this Li Mo has obtained the inheritance of the gods, but he has not refined the godhead of the gods.”

“Instead, it absorbs the powerful skill set of the gods.”

“Otherwise, I can’t explain how this Li Mo has such a powerful anti-injury reduction, and that kind of skill characteristic that I can’t understand.”

“Fortunately, this Li Mo, from being promoted to a professional, has only been in half a year now.”

“If the strength of his skills is higher, I’m afraid that I and the Mixed Yuan Gluttony will die in that battle.”

Thinking of Li Mo’s defensive characteristics and anti-injury, mocking characteristics.

She still has palpitations.

Fortunately, now Li Mo is not an enemy. Although she was very unbalanced in her heart, she also knew it. The gluttony is the right thing to do.

“Lord God! God has come! ”

At this moment, an eight-hundred-level mage walked in and reported to the Star God Salute.

“Well, let him in! All of you get out! ”

With the order, many personnel of the Star God Hall began to retreat.

A moment later!

The Star God Hall was empty.

Li Mo entered the Star God’s Divine Spirit Hall alone. Night shrouds the main hall.

The situation inside is completely unknown to the outside world.

Li Mo looked at the Great Hall of Gods with interest.

“The material properties are very advanced, and the starting point is also a 500-level material.”

“With a little Divine Kingdom characteristics, you can innately absorb energy and convert it into experience points.”

“At the same time, the main hall connects to the experience pool.”

“This allows the Hall of Gods to provide a steady stream of experience pools for the Star Gods.”

“But… It’s all decades, and it’s still an epic copy. ”

“The level of the Star God is only more than five hundred.”

“It seems that the experience required by the god level is really much.”

“It is estimated that the five-turn experience pill has no effect on her.”

“Upgrade in the future, but you can take the star god out.”

“For Star God, experience can be accumulated, and it is never too late to break through after returning.”

Without outsiders, Li Moke is not so polite.

Coming to the throne of the gods, Li Mo sat up directly, and even cocked Erlang’s legs.


“It’s much more comfortable than the energy seat of mixed gluttony.”

Seeing Li Mo sitting on his throne, the corners of Star God’s eyes twitched slightly. But she still forced herself to hold back the anger in her heart.

If you really want to fight here, the dignity of the gods she maintained before will be shattered in an instant. If you want to fight, you must also choose a place where there is no one, and Li Mo raised his hand.

The three treasures suitable for the Star God were directly taken out by Li Mo. Looking at these three treasures, the anger of the Star God immediately died down. These three treasures fit her very well.

Absorbed and digested.

Her strength has definitely improved a lot.

There will be a lot of improvement in attributes, and more importantly, the potential of being a god will also have a lot of transformation.

“How are the resources I need to restore life, how are you preparing?”

Li Mo asked slowly.

“Already preparing.”

“How much has been prepared?”

“About twenty copies!”

“More than twenty?”

Li Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at the star god.

“It seems that you have no intention of preparing materials for me at all!”

“I’m on the free exchange market, shouting with my eyes closed and buying life restoration materials.”

“You can buy dozens of copies in minutes, and you only have more than twenty.”

Yes, Xingshen did not have the mind to prepare materials for Li Mo at all. Just these twenty-odd materials are all ready-made in her hands.

“In that case!”

Li Mo beckoned his hand and directly collected the three treasures.

“Then these treasures will be stored here with me for the time being!”

“Hmm……… I think if this treasure is listed in the auction house in the human world, I want to sell it at a high price, which is enough to store a huge amount of life restoration resources. ”

When Li Mo said this, Xingshen was really a little anxious.

She also knew that this guy Li Mo really dared to do something like that.

“All I collected are high-level life restoration materials, general materials, you can see it?”

Star God defended.

Since the other party wanted to borrow the slope to get off the donkey, Li Mo did not entangle the other party’s previous attitude.

“Materials above level 100 can be used, whether they are ordinary quality or rare quality.”

Li Mo said.

Then Li Mo took out one of the treasures and threw it directly to the Star God. The effect of adding radishes to sticks is good.

If you have a stick, you won’t be useful.

“After all, we are also a cooperative party, you don’t have to hate me so much.”

“You have to cooperate well, I have good things in my hands, naturally it is indispensable to your benefits.”

“If you really do it like this, it won’t do you any good.”

“Mythical replicas, this kind of treasure, and a strong ally, these benefits are not what others want.”

“And you, at most, were hammered by me.”

“What’s more, at that time, but you fought more.”

“Isn’t it?”

That being said, how Star God feels a little weird. But Li Mo’s words also softened Xingshen’s attitude slightly.

“Alright! I really didn’t have much to collect the materials you needed before. ”

“Now that you give me the other two treasures, I promise to help you collect all the materials on life recovery ability in the Star God City-State.”

Li Mo thought for a moment. Intend to give way.

The other party is also a lady.

As a knight, there is nothing wrong with showing chivalry at the right time. After all, she couldn’t run away from this star god.

“To show my sincerity.”

“No problem, I hope you will cooperate sincerely.”

Saying that, Li Mo threw away the remaining two treasures. Get these three treasures in your hands.

Xingshen was also in a trance in his heart for 157.

These three barrier treasures in the Shattered Star Sea were the most important to her. Although those treasures in the core area are worth more.

But the degree of rotation fit, and the role for her. These three treasures are clearly the best.

She could not have other treasures, but these three treasures, he was bound to get. In order to obtain these three treasures, she did not spend less energy and time.

And now.

Three treasures, finally arrived. If you don’t forget, there will be an echo.

It’s just that the way this echoes is a little too rough.

“In about three days, I can give you the first batch, and after five days, I will give you the second batch.”

“I will gradually acquire the resources of life restoration materials later.”

“At the same time, I will also release the Divine Spirit Merit Quest, and by paying the resources of life recovery, I can get Merit Points.”

“Buying in the market, buying too much at once, will lead to a price imbalance.”

With this exposition of the star god. Li Mo nodded slightly in his heart.

“That’s what a collaborator looks like.”

“In addition, how are the preparations for the dungeon clearing?”

Li Mo asked.

“Hmm……… Preparing for it! ”

As soon as Xingshen said this, Li Mo knew that he was probably unprepared.

“Let’s get ready!”

“It’s also a god to open up the land, you can’t let me go to the queue and wait for time, find someone to form a team to open the land!”

“I’ll be able to arrange it tomorrow!”

This time, Xingshen answered simply.

As a city-state deity, you really have to prepare, and you can solve it quickly with a word.

“As far as I know, a level 400 Shattered Star Core copy with a depth of 11.”

“But there seems to be something wrong with the copy, what is the situation?”

Other questions may not be answered. But this copy of the Shattered Star Core, she couldn’t know better.

“This copy of the broken star was brought by the original mother source meteorite.”

“The violent impact caused problems with the parent source meteorite, which led to the anomaly of this area.”

“And the derived copy is also problematic.”

“The output efficiency is much lower than the normal copy.”

“Especially in terms of vital resources and high-quality equipment.”

Li Mo nodded, and then asked.

“If I open up higher depths, is there a way to fix it?”


“Can the core copy enter the mother source meteorite along the vein?”

Li Mo asked this.

The star god on the side paused and did not answer. Glancing at the Star God, Li Mo said gently.

“I know your core is there.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to your core.”

“If I expel you, and then carefully open up the copy, you also know my hegemonic characteristics, and you can probably enter.”

“At that time, the same can threaten you.”

“However, I did not expel you, but chose to cooperate.”

“Now we are collaborators.”

“What’s the point of me going in again to destroy your core?”

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