More than eighty years ago.

The game shines into reality.

Everyone can change jobs and become a professional.

Then kill monsters and upgrade to become stronger.


Before humanity enters the universal profession.

There are already many powerful races that have entered the era of national professionals one step ahead.

And the human world, which has just entered the era of national occupations, is undoubtedly a novice village.

A strong man of different races can be called a full-level boss.

Although high-level aliens cannot enter this novice village in the human world.


Those professionals who turn one and two can enter the human world.

At that time, human beings were only 0 revolutions, dozens of levels.

There are not many of the 100 levels.

As a result, those who come in outside are fully equipped and develop their skills in all directions.

The level is as high as one hundred and seventy, eighty levels, more than two hundred levels of alien powerhouses.

Naturally, these aliens rubbed humans to the ground.

But whenever you see a foreign race, you must go around.

One more look is a crime.

Even some alien races brush humans like monsters.

The massacre of the city occurred frequently.

In order to reverse this situation.

Humans turn to the gods for help.

The three gods responded to humanity’s plea for help.

So, the gods left one sanctuary after another.

And these protected areas are the city-states of today.

Any alien race that dares to storm the reserve will be regarded as provoking the authority of the gods.

It will become a “red name” and be hunted down by professionals from the faction to which the gods belong.

This allowed humanity to survive.

This has also formed the pattern of human beings living in the form of city-states today.

The protection of the gods is not without cost.

In addition to the protected area, which belongs to humans, other territories in the human world have become leveling areas to which the gods belong.

In the neutral camp area established by the gods, alien races can justifiably come to the human world to level up.

and humans to grab secret realm resources and snatch world boss resources.

Nominally, there is normal competition between humans and aliens.

But actually.

It’s not like that at all.

In the leveling area, aliens kill humans, and even capture humans, and sell them as slaves.

It’s already an open secret.

Especially a high-star level professional like Li Mo.

Being captured by a foreign race may be directly used as “material” for being promoted by a high star rank.

As long as it is within the safe zone of the city-state.

Li Mo’s safety can still be guaranteed.


On campus.

The awakening transfer continues.

But most of the trainees have already completed the transfer.

Some students who have awakened two-star, three-star professions.

Recruited by guilds one by one, recruitment scrolls were cast.

Enter the guild!

The treatment is undoubtedly the best.

You can follow the guild staff, swipe dungeons, and go to the wild to level up.

You can even participate in the plane where the faction is located and grab the lord boss and even the world boss resources.

If not in the guild.

Or develop a side occupation in the main and do the support staff of the city-state.

Engaged in collection, refining, production and other aspects of work.

Or join the Union Legion.

In this era of national job change.

Everyone is a screw in the Federation.

The academy copy area, where a large number of students have gathered.

After leveling up a certain level inside the Trial Tower.

Then the next thing is the next copy, brush the equipment.

With the arrival of Li Mo.

Around the quest area, there was a burst of noise.

“Look, it’s Li Mo, a six-star genius!”

“Six-star genius is good, but it’s a pity that it’s a meat shield, and the yarn output is not.”

“You know a hammer, the meat shield is king, steady! Understand? ”

“No output? Do you know that Li Mo directly cleared the 99th floor of the Trial Tower. ”

“It’s already level 99.”

“Groove! Really fake? ”

“Of course it’s true.”

“The meat shield can also clear the level by swiping the trial tower alone? What is this called a meat shield? ”

“I heard the grapevine that this matter has even alarmed the Lord City Lord.”

“Lord City Lord spent a huge amount of money in order to keep this Li Mo.”

“What are you, my eldest brother just sent me a message saying that their White God Guild has now spread, and this Li Mo will be cultivated by the White God Guild as an absolute big daddy.”

“Even, the battlefield merit points that the White God Guild has painstakingly accumulated must help Li Mo to exchange core skills.”

“Meat shield as a core to cultivate? I heard you right! ”

“As far as you are smart, the White God Guild thinks so highly of Li Mo, obviously Li Mo is very special.”

“I understand the truth, isn’t this Li Mo already 99 level 0 full level? Still coming to the next copy? ”

“Maybe it’s a fighter skill!”

In the eyes of everyone.

Li Mo came to the entrance of the replica teleportation array.


It is one of the special products of the game that reflects the real world.

There are a lot of monsters with energy condensation inside.

Professionals can enter it, kill monsters and upgrade, explode equipment, and hone their combat skills.

It can be said that the copy, is one of the perfect areas for the upfront excess.

Li Mo naturally didn’t come to upgrade and brush equipment.

Li Mo is here to brush health.

[Invincible Chaos Physique] Kill a unit to get 100 health points, hit once to get a little health.

Not much to watch.

But if you kill more units, it’s an exaggeration.

A smaller copy.

That’s three or five hundred weird.

And large copies, monsters are all in the thousands.

Four or five thousand at every turn.

Just count it as 4000.

After a wave of brushing, 400,000 health points starts.

You know, Li Mo’s six-star as a meat shield, level 100 is only 350,000 health points.


What Li Mo wants to choose is not an ordinary copy.

Click the replica portal.

Li Mo pulled all the way down.

【Queen Bee Mother’s Hive】

Level: 80 to 99.

Difficulty: Advanced.

Inspecting the copy, Li Mo smiled softly.

Normal copy, monster four or five thousand.

And the queen bee nest.

The number of demon bees is a huge number of forty or fifty thousand.

After a wave of brushing, Li Mo’s health value can directly soar to about 5 million.

Brush 20 waves, health value of more than 100 million, not too much!

“Open brush!”

Li Mo directly entered the queen bee’s nest and began his own road of crazy health brushing.

Queen Bee Mother Hive Replica.

There are three floors in total.

There are a large number of fist-sized and a large number of demon bees inside.

A single demon bee does not give much experience.

But the victory is in the quantity.

There are also elite demon bees, capable of bursting bronze equipment.

The bosses on the first two layers are silver bosses, and there is a probability of dropping silver equipment.

The final level is a golden boss, and there is a probability of dropping gold equipment.

However, the student’s copy is not a good copy in itself.

The probability of dropping silver and gold equipment is still very low.

The demon bee attacks high, the body is brittle, and it has toxin damage.

Therefore, generally no one will have nothing to find the thrill to brush a copy of this queen bee’s nest.

But this copy was simply perfect for Li Mo.

Come in and open the shield.

Under the crazy attack of a large number of high-attack and low-blood demon bees, they can soon be rebounded to death.

Li Mo’s health value is rising.


When Li Mo came to the copy area.

A gloomy gaze in the corner kept staring at Li Mo.

When Li Mo disappeared into the copy.

The strange-looking boy then withdrew his gaze, and then sent a message to the friend he added using his friend’s business card after his transformation.

“That six-star Li Mo has entered the copy area.”

“It is said that his level is already level 99, and he should not stay in the quest for long.”

A moment later.

The “friend” sent him a message.

“I know, I’m on my way, and when I get this six-star career root, it won’t be less beneficial to you.”

A positive response was received.

This well-behaved boy smiled gloomyly.

“What about six stars? The sequence of the great bloody goddess is even more powerful than your six-star star. ”

“When I get the Bloody Goddess career sequence, those students, teachers, who once looked down on me, they will all die!”

This gloomy young man thought with a gloomy face.

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