Chapter Eighty-Nine: Stealing the Sequence!.

This unhealthy or even deformed way of use.

That is, everyone relies on resurrection and does not penance their fighter skills. Do not delve into the property framework.

The Assassin doesn’t want to develop agility in depth, improving critical hits and burst damage.

The mage did not want to deeply cultivate spiritual power to make the spell effect stronger. The warrior does not want to cultivate fighter skills to make his blows smoother. Fight damage with the invincibility after resurrection.

This leads to a lot of meaningless consumption of resurrections. There are tens of billions of human professionals.

There are about two billion combat professions.

And Li Mo’s resurrection ability, he knows, can supply more than 200,000 resurrections every day. The current situation is that the main large guilds of humanity are covered, and the small guilds are not yet covered.

That’s just over 200 million people.

If all humans are covered, Li Mo’s resurrection ability is also difficult to support.

The reserve of resurrection times, which is short for some time, cannot even be increased, but decreases. It is possible to know how many resurrected people have abused resurrection.

“Li Mo, there is something I want to say.”

“What happened to Dragon Drink senior?”

Li Mo looked over.

“That is, about the abuse of this ability of resurrection of yours by many professionals.”

Long Drink said so.

Li Mo also remembered the relevant report of the person in charge of the Resurrection God Kingdom some time ago. That is as the number of people in the range of resurrections increases.

The accumulation of invincible resurrection can no longer grow, and even for a short period of time, it will decline. There are many professionals who rely on their own money, do not care about those resurrection fees, and abuse the resurrection. When Long Drink said this, he obviously noticed these aspects.

“Senior, you said.”

“This resurrection ability of yours is very strong.”

“The purpose is to give us humans a guaranteed resurrection ability and be able to better compete with other professionals.”

“But the problem now is.”

“Too many people use resurrection indiscriminately, so that the number of resurrections is stacked, not increasing but falling.”

“And too many people rely on the damage immunity time after resurrection and die intentionally.”

“In the long run, it is obviously detrimental to the development of professionals in the human world.”

“My advice is if you can manipulate the resurrected state.”

“This resurrection ability, it is better to be weaker.”

“Such as……… The resurrection time is shorter, and it is best to control it within a dozen seconds. ”

“Even, over there in the Resurrection Source Pool, don’t you have multiple progress bars?”

“These different resurrection progress bars can partition different resurrection characteristics.”

“Build connections between different contexts.”

“For example, people who have not been resurrected for a long time can last longer to be invincible.”

“Those who are resurrected in a row, the duration of invincibility will gradually decrease.”

“When the number of resurrections reaches the standard, there is no invincible time for immunity injury 197.”

“Preferably, even guys who are often resurrected, there is a situation of dropping the level and so on.”

“In this way, it can effectively curb their motivation for death and resurrection and reduce their subjective thoughts of resurrection.”

“When there was no resurrection before, everyone didn’t want to die.”

“Now, they are all proud of death, and when they die, they are invincible and resurrected, who doesn’t like this.”

“Even, continuous high-intensity resurrection death, then completely give up and not let it be resurrected.”

“Death is inevitable.”

“This can make those guys who have resources dare not die at will.”

“In this way, more people can better enjoy the resurrection.”

Long Drink’s words made Li Mo’s heart move slightly. That’s true.

Resurrection is invincible for ten minutes, which is simply to make people try to die instead.

“Senior, you really thought about it very right, I still thought less about it before.”

“I’m going to start building the resurrection feature.”

“Even the resurrection ability is zoned for storage.”

Resurrection of the Kingdom of God area.

Li Mo felt the large number of professionals shrouded in the major professional guilds today. The number has reached 280 million.

Skill Reserve Magic Stone, the current reserve number is 1.02 million. But this amount just can’t go up.

It even drops from time to time.

When the number of people increases further, the number of mahjong reserves is exhausted. I’m afraid that at that time, everyone will have to wait for the resurrection.

If there is a state of waiting for resurrection. Then those aliens who fought against each other are not stupid.

They will immediately inflict devastating damage on the corpse.

If the corpses are completely destroyed, and the corpses are destroyed, there will be no corpse activity. Then there really cannot be resurrection.

Therefore, it is imperative to curb the motive of the active use of resurrection in many human occupations. Li Mo began to conceive one strategy after another.

“Resurrection invincibility time is 30 seconds.”

Li Mo is also ruthless.

Directly from the previous 990 seconds of invincibility, cut to 30 seconds of invincibility.

“Turn the reserve area into five districts.”

“Separately used to reserve different resurrection opportunities.”

“In the first area, the reserve resurrection is 30 seconds invincible, and the maximum vein guidance is 3 times.”

“In the second area, the reserve resurrection is 20 seconds invincible, and the maximum vein guidance is 5 times”

“In the third area, the reserve resurrection is 10 seconds invincible. The maximum number of vein guides is 10 times. ”

“In the fourth area, the reserve resurrection is 0 seconds invincible, and the maximum reserve vein is 20 times.”

“Once these 38 resurrections are exhausted, they are no longer given.”

“Every year, you can increase the number of resurrections a little.”

“The guy who doesn’t value his life, don’t blame me when he dies.”

“The fifth area, which is a war zone, needs to be applied for in advance, and after approval, the guild can receive special guidance.”

“The resurrection time in this area is 990 seconds, which is an infinite number of times.”

After Li Mo’s repeated thinking. The plan was finalized.

Then, Li Mo began to choose zoning.

At the same time, start sending relevant messages to the major guilds.

After the presidents of the major guilds and others received the news, they were also shocked.

The presidents of the conventions, realizing the seriousness of the matter, sent notices to their union members one after another.

Within one copy.

The professionals of this union are clearing the land to depth11.

“Brothers, I sent this wave, see my invincible resurrection.”

Accompanied by a burst of laughter.

That guy directly resurrected Invincible.

Then with his own assassin body, carry the boss.

“Groove! The guild issued a resurrection notice. ”

“It is said that the consumption of resurrection power is too serious, and now the resurrection has begun to demarcate the area.”

This group of guys was stunned, and immediately didn’t even care about the powerful BOSS. There is a resurrection anyway.

But with a step-by-step browsing.

The professionals of this large group are shocked.

“It won’t! The resurrection is only thirty seconds invincible, and it will gradually decay. ”

“When the 38 resurrections are exhausted, there will be no more resurrections?”

“Really fake?”

“Guild notice, can this still be fake?”

“Is it possible?”

Everyone looked at the assassin who carried BoSS invincible. The thirty-second resurrection time is up.

Sure enough.

The invincible golden light disappeared, and the assassin was directly slapped to death by the boss.

“Brothers, there are many resurrections, the more you use them, the weaker they are, but don’t die.”

“Don’t send it, don’t send it, send too much, you will really die.”

For a time, in the guild channel, voices rose and fell one after another.

An assassin in a place of death.

Look at the announcements sent by the guild.

Originally, the place of death with a high degree of danger, he was completely unafraid, anyway, there was a resurrection. It doesn’t matter if you’re dead.

But that announcement alerted him.

The resurrection cannot be used indiscriminately, if it is used too much, it will not be used.

Chaos Star Domain.

The old mansion where humans lived.

Human professionals, this period of time, can be described as infinite. It is even envied by many other ethnic groups.

After all, they use invincibility to revive and openly watch the boss for others to output. But.

With the guild pass sent over.

They all changed their faces.

The price of the resurrection came.

If they die too much, even in the end, they may not even have a chance to be resurrected. Originally, it was planned, a wave of sending to death to resist the attack.

Now, everyone is willing to die.


The intelligence data from the Resurrection God Pool was sent to Li Mo.

“Sure enough! It is better to limit the point. ”

The information of the Resurrection God Pool is clearly displayed. The day before yesterday, 200,000 people died every day.

After sending the announcement, the number of deaths yesterday dropped by 500 hundred. 200,000 to 500.

The effect was immediate.

“Fortunately, it was discovered early, and the previous signs were really not good.”

“At this time, the professionals have a certain guarantee, and at the same time, they will not abuse the resurrection.”

With Li Mo putting on the resurrection patch in time.

The situation of human abuse and resurrection in the past few days has been completely alleviated.

Broken Star Sea!

A team of professionals with more than 300 levels is forming a firepower export front in the canyon. The position they occupy is a temporary cooling array, an energy recovery array.

More than twenty mages unleashed various powerful magical skills towards the Zerg battle line in front. -120,000.

-430,000. -220,000. -280,000.

All kinds of large and small injuries rose densely. Range damage, single damage.

Bombarding various zergs.

The fighters and human shields in front form a front-line strike. Block the Zerg from approaching the mage class.

The assassin class is to wander among the zerg, constantly collecting various equipment dropped. Of course, the most important thing is to resurrect Dan.

Compared to the replica Zerg.

The wild zerg outside this are easier to upgrade Dan. And their team is the Dan Regiment.

Before, they were killed by aliens.

The body was transported back to the Terrans, where it was resurrected.

“Brothers, be careful, those damn guys used resurrection indiscriminately, and now there is a limit to the number of resurrections.”

“If you really run out, there is no guarantee.”

“If you can’t die, don’t die.”

“Don’t say it, I think it’s a good situation now.”

“The Dan Fighting Group over there, it is said that they still want to brush the lord BOSS, they want to use invincible resistance, that the boss is not stupid, looking at the damage can not be hit, it will jump directly.”

“If you really want to brush powerful BOSs, you still have to have strength.”

“The human wall control unit is not powerful enough, and the boss wants to run, but he can’t stop it at all.”

Within the insect tide, an assassin walks idly, and the shadow moves around, constantly dodging the low damage of sufficient attacks, and with one blow, it is 7.8 million high critical damage, and occasionally a critical damage of 1.5 million.

“That being said, the previous invincibility was really cool.”

“That’s true, but it’s too wasteful to hold those guys.”

“I heard that the resurrection over there in the Resurrection God Pool is too badly consumed.”

“It’s just, those guys did it.”

Although human professionals are also aware of some of the current gossip.

But anyway, humans still have the ability to resurrect, which is already very good. If only those big people above would not give them the number of resurrections.

Then they caught blind!

“Okay brothers, let’s push two kilometers further today as much as possible.”

“Brush a little more advanced upgrade Dan, after going back, everyone will be able to return epic weapons.”

“Come on!”

“Ollie give!”

With a burst of cheers, the output of this group of guys became more and more violent.

Compared to before, they obviously did not dare to easily resist this zerg wave. After all, once the front line collapses, they really have to pay the price of death. But now, at least, there is a resurrection guarantee.

The hand is resurrected, and the heart is not panicked.

In the high-altitude clouds, Li Mo flew by.

Flying all the way, Li Mo has seen many human home buyers enter the Shattered Star Sea again and start the journey of brushing monsters. But compared to the previous prosperous broken star sea.

The response during this time was not bad, but it was clearly not as hot as before. Moreover, whether it is the broken star sea or the human territory.

After experiencing the previous slaughter of the Terrans, the divine messenger. and the god killer’s pursuit of the star god.

This made the entrants of the Shattered Star Sea Region more fearful than before.

Soon, Li Mo descended on the Star God City-State, which was being repaired and rebuilt. With the restoration of order in the human territory.

After Li Mo contacted the Star God. Star God is back.

Now, the order of the Shattered Star Sea has also been restored. Star God Temple.

Feel the Star God City-State that is slowly rebuilding today. Even if it’s a star god.

At this time, I also had some emotion in my heart.

If it weren’t for Li Mo as a reliance, the mother source meteorite was repaired. In the previous battle, she was afraid that she would be seriously injured if she did not die.

Then he definitely didn’t dare to return to the Star God City-State. And now.

With the return of Li Mo.

She also stepped back to the territory of the Shattered Star Sea again and regained a foothold in the Star God Cheng City-State. Originally, those god killers who were chasing her did not dare to come over again.

It’s nice to have a backer.

At this time, this was the only emotion in the heart of the star god. Feel Li Mo’s arrival.

The Star God got up and came directly to the door of the Star God Hall to greet him.

“Your Excellency, Li Mo!”

Because of his face, he didn’t have any luggage, but his tone and posture gave Li Mo enough face. She knew that Li Mo first had four gods.

And none weaker than her.

“I have important matters to discuss with you.”

Li Mo spoke lightly.

With the command of the star god, the maids left, the energy barrier was raised, and the night barrier fell. There were only two people left in the entire hall.

Li Mo casually found a chair on the side and sat down, while Xingshen just stood on the side.

“I need you to contact the Bloody Goddess!”

As soon as Li Mo spoke, Xingshen was shocked.

Li Mo is the camp of the three gods. The camp of the three gods is opposed to evil gods such as the Bloody Goddess.

At this time, Li Mo wanted to find the Bloody Goddess.

That means that Li Mo has the intention to set up his own portal.

He was very clear about the situation in the human territory.


She had quietly established a guild before.

Then he let his henchmen go to the human realm to contact Li Mo. And Li Mo did not refuse, and established a lighthouse stronghold for Xingshen in the country of God. Nowadays, the star gods can also be resurrected.

The ability of human beings to resurrect is indeed against the sky.

And this is also the capital that Li Mo can make human beings independent. In the short term, it is clear that the human territory cannot be independent.

Sequence camp, want to be independent, that is not a simple matter.

At the very least, you must have the power to resist and even deter the original camp to be eligible to stand alone. Otherwise, the army of the sequence camp presses the realm.

A million people can be killed in a day.

Li Mo’s resurrection obviously could not support such a large number of resurrected people. Although I don’t know what Li Mo’s resurrection ability looks like.

But there are limits to resurrection.

There can be no unlimited resurrection.

“Lord Li Mo, contact the Bloody Goddess! What to do exactly? ”

Xingshen thought for a moment before he asked.

“I hope that some human professionals can master the sequence of the Bloody Goddess, the thief sequence.”

Li Mo said lightly.

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