The silver butterfly slowly changed into its original form and landed on Chen Lin's shoulder, and the silver airflow disappeared instantly.

It was wrapped around its wings.

However, it did not affect Chen Lin at all.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this young, handsome, and extremely fair face.

This was completely different from the previous fierce and ferocious image that instantly tore apart several mutant creatures!

"What's the matter with the gray fog here?"

Hearing Chen Lin's indifferent question, Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately sorted out the information in his mind for a moment and replied: "We don't know how it was born."

"Half a year ago, it suddenly descended from the sky above the capital city, and most people instantly mutated into different monsters. Until now, it is impossible for anyone to survive there, and it has become a place where countless terrifying mutant monsters are entrenched."

"The gray fog spread quickly in the following time. Even if countless firepower was sent out at the first time, no army had ever attacked the capital city."

"Even if nuclear weapons were used, it would be useless. Once this thing entered the gray fog, it would be blown up in the sky."

"Therefore, in a short period of time, humans have been unable to even step into the periphery of the gray fog. These mutant monsters are really terrible..."

"Point in a direction." Chen Lin interrupted.

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then he spoke carefully, "What do you mean?"

"Where is the capital city?"

Lin Yuan's eyes gradually reflected shock, "Are you sure? The mutant monsters in the capital city are dozens of times larger than here!"

As soon as the words fell, a sharp roar suddenly came from a distance, and a monster with a body of 100 meters long and numerous limbs came towards them.

Fear instantly appeared on everyone's face. Under the body that was larger than all the buildings, a sense of insignificance arose spontaneously.

This place is completely different from the Blue Star, which is hundreds of times larger.

There, the mutant beasts with a body of 100 meters are just weak existences of more than 40 levels, but here, they are terrifying giants, like evil gods walking in the world!

Lin Yuan's hands and feet trembled a little. He had seen this mutant monster once before, hiding in a building.

At that time, it was fighting, and the buildings collapsed with a random blow, and the ground of 100 meters shook, which was extremely terrifying!

"Sir, let's escape..."

"Did you get attracted by the roar? Hei Ming, kill it." Chen Lin said indifferently.

Since this mutant monster likes to die, let's send it off.

"Ah! Obey my Lord!" Hei Ming responded with his mind, and then instantly moved a thousand meters away from here, slowly raised his head and opened his mouth.

Instantly, the pitch-black flames on his body gathered rapidly, forming a terrifying black ball that was constantly compressed and enlarged!

Skills, gathering!

In just a few seconds, the pitch-black fireball had become hundreds of meters huge, and the terrible power aftermath was booming down, stirring up circles of hot air waves rushing in all directions!

Everyone felt the temperature around them rise sharply, and stared blankly with shocked eyes.

If Hei Ming hadn't moved away in advance, ordinary people like them would probably have turned into charcoal, and this was just a little bit of Hei Ming's power!

Aw! Accompanied by a thunderous roar, the pitch-black fireball instantly blasted through countless buildings along the way!

In a flash, it hit the mutant monster with a body of 100 meters, and exploded directly, engulfing the thousands of meters range over there. The compressed terrifying power destroyed everything!

This scene, like a nuclear explosion, was deeply imprinted in everyone's mind.

The shock wave blew them back and raised their hands to cover their eyes.

Soon, the dark flames that burned for a moment returned to Hei Ming's body like long chains with extremely low energy and evolution values.

Everyone was stunned looking at the thousands of meters of vacuum zone where no buildings survived.

As for the 100-meter mutant monster, there was no trace of it!

"This is... too scary?" One person swallowed his saliva.

Chen Lin turned his head and asked Lin Yuan on the side, "What are you running away for, where are you running to, and why are you running away?"

He was speechless.

The strength of this adult is really terrifying!

He couldn't even imagine it, as if it didn't exist in this world!

"Sir, there is fog here, and I can't recognize the direction, but I can determine it through some landmark buildings and maps." Lin Yuan said hurriedly.

Upon hearing this, the officer behind him immediately called a soldier, took his map, ran up, and immediately spread it out.

The map is very detailed and has been improved by countless people.

"We are in Dongyang Park, located...


Soon the officer drew a route to the capital for Chen Lin. As long as he followed the national highway, he would not get lost.

Chen Lin glanced at it a few times. Fortunately, he didn't read the book in vain and he could understand it completely.

Riding back to Heiming next to them, they were getting ready to set off.

Lin Yuan on the side suddenly asked: "Sir, what are you going to do in the capital?"

"Solution to the gray fog."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's minds were shocked. Lin Yuan trembled: "Really...really?"

Seeing Chen Lin nodding, the officer immediately said, "We can go together and at least help you a little!"

They had just witnessed how strong this black wolf was.

Maybe Chen Lin can really enter the capital, and even if he can't solve the gray fog, he can still bring back some information.

This is an action that is meaningful even if you die on the road!

But Chen Lin glanced at them and refused directly, "No need."

This time the transfer dungeon was more difficult than before, and it had a clear goal to complete, so it was impossible for him to bring these people with him due to limited time.

It will be very slow.

What's more, if they follow him, they will only die.

boom! As the ground exploded, Hei Ming's figure instantly disappeared and rushed towards the distance.

Lin Yuan looked at it for a few seconds, and then said: "We really can't help him. Let's go back and report the news."

The distance of just over two thousand kilometers was reached in just a few minutes due to Heiming's huge size and explosive power after using deification.

It still takes time to check the road conditions.

Looking at the city ahead with extremely thick gray fog, huge mutated monsters loomed, letting out terrifying roars and roars.

Suddenly, a mutated monster with a wingspan of more than 800 meters swooped down from the gray fog layer, its head shaped like a pterosaur, and rushed towards Heiming at extremely high speed.

In the deified state, Heiming instantly waved his claws, entwined with dark flames and directly tore it into several pieces. His incomplete body crashed to the ground, bringing up a burst of dust!

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