The dark dragon beast roared back in fear, and the petrified breath that had gathered for less than a second just blew out, and was directly exploded by the terrifying destructive beam!

Boom! !

The destructive beams surrounded by purple thunder and black and gold instantly fell on the head of the dark dragon beast. The dragon scales emitted red light to resist, and the terrifying explosion formed a circle of terrible impact that swept more than 100,000 meters away, like a nuclear explosion, and the shining light illuminated the dark world!

Many weak mutant beasts that were close to them instantly exploded under this destructive shock wave, and they didn't even roar!

"Fuck!" Many students who were closer hurriedly resisted the impact, and their mouths burst into a shocked tone.

This beam of destruction lasted for more than ten seconds, colliding wildly and wearing away the red light of the dragon scales.

Until the red light shattered, instantly annihilating the head of the Dark Dragon Beast, and then the remaining force penetrated thousands of kilometers behind it, and then it barely stopped dissipating.

The Dark Dragon Beast, which had lost its breath, fell from the sky immediately, and its body slammed into the ground with a bang.

Seeing that the king's head was blown away by the beam, the wound was charred and black smoke was coming out, the Golden Feathered Beast looked incredulous.

"Roar! King, how can you die? How can I live if you die!"


Suddenly, the sky and the earth exploded, and Hei Ming instantly exploded into the air and rushed to the scene.

At this time, the extremely shining purple-black-gold divine pattern on its body slowly dimmed, and all the power in its body was almost exhausted, but its might was still undiminished.

The domineering and tyrannical aura it exuded became even more terrifying after killing the Dark Dragon Beast, a level 76 creature.

"This... is Chen Lin's summon?"

"It's a bit scary. I feel like it can kill me with one palm."

"Hiss, retreat quickly. This field can directly kill even a level 50 mutant beast!" Everyone was shocked, and they had not completely recovered from the destructive beam.

Until one person suddenly shouted, they hurriedly retreated.

Hei Ming walked towards the golden-feathered beast step by step. The terrifying destructive suppression force merged with the flesh and surrounded the surroundings. The earth collapsed with its arrival.

The mutant beasts that dared not move under countless threats were instantly crushed and exploded.

The terrifying power was like the existence of an ancient overlord, and the golden-feathered beast trembled with fear. Its head directly smashed the ground with a bang, "Roar! I am willing to submit to you."

However, before it could answer, the extremely powerful and terrifying claws instantly blew its head.

"Ah! Trash, unworthy."

The golden and black flames devoured the body and life crystal of the golden-feathered beast in an instant.

Then Hei Ming looked at each person and roared in the universal language, "Ah! Leave, don't disturb me from eating."

All the students and teachers who understood the meaning of this sentence did not hesitate at all, and immediately sprinted towards the distance at high speed.

This pitch-black demon wolf was ferocious and violent, terrifying, even though they knew it was a beast with an owner.

They couldn't help but worry a little.

Just as everyone ran far away, the more than 200,000 meters of land behind them suddenly collapsed, and all the giant trees and rocks were instantly shattered, turning into a terrifying collapse zone.

Everyone who looked back immediately swallowed their saliva, and they were a little shocked.

We are all students, and you are still level 30. Isn't the combat power of this summon too unreasonable?

The three Beilong teachers looked at each other for a while, and all smiled bitterly.

In just two months, Chen Lin, this year's provincial champion, was left behind even by their teachers.

"Although the school competition has not yet taken place, it is not an exaggeration to say that Chen Lin is the best in contemporary China."

"Yes, it is no longer a question of whether we can compete with him, but whether we can survive his attack?"

"Anyway, in front of this black wolf, I can be killed by its claws."

Speaking of this, the three people looked a little complicated.

It seems that they are no longer on the same level without realizing it?

The terrifying burning golden black flames devoured all creatures, including the dark dragon beast, and converted them into more than 230 evolutionary values, with each attribute slightly improved.

In addition, we can get a little more by swallowing the 20 beasts later.

Although it is slow, progress has never stopped.

"Let's go, we should support other places." The instructor said.

Many students nodded and rushed towards the map prompt point that appeared on their smart wrists.


Until the early morning, countless people with a strong smell of blood apes and blood-stained armor walked out of the Kuji Mountains, with minor and serious injuries.

All the recovery potions on them were used up.

There were still thousands of drones withdrawing behind them.

The temporary

In the command center, many soldiers were busy moving equipment and soon finished packing.

Seeing the young woman coming out of the dark woods, Ye Jue, who was waiting here, immediately said: "Get on the fighter plane, we still need to destroy four restricted areas."

"Yes!" Some people responded, and some nodded.

But without exception, they followed the instructions.

These were written in the task of clearing the restricted area.

As for the injuries, they can use the time of the fighter plane to recover, and never waste any time.

Hundreds of fighter planes and transport planes took off in succession, rushing in the same direction in a roaring sonic boom.

Seeing this, Chen Lin also walked into the red fighter plane that landed on the ground.

Sitting in the driver's seat, he looked at the 30,000 contribution points transferred in by No. 21 and laughed.


The energy of the Lingyun fighter plane began to be transmitted, and the air wave erupted. It slowly rose into the air and then burst away in an instant, quickly tearing through the clouds and rushing into the clouds at a high speed.

In the next ten days, the speed of clearing the forbidden area beasts did not slow down.

The reason is very simple, there are more students to accept this task.

And every time a forbidden area is passed, Hei Ming devours many mutant beasts and giant beasts, and his combat power will be slightly improved.


In the last forbidden area mountain range, Hei Ming, with divine patterns shining all over his body, stepped on the corpse of the 78th level ruling beast, and let out a fierce roar that shook the surroundings.

At this time, the millions of meters of land around it were all destroyed by the impact of destruction.

This battle was more fierce than the dark dragon beast.

Even Hei Ming was seriously injured, with hideous blood marks all over his body, a large piece of his neck was torn, and countless dark gold blood flowed out.

This 78th level ruling beast also has king-level blood, and its combat power is about 85 levels, which is terrifying!

But even so, it still lost.

Although Hei Ming's life level is not as good as the king-level beast, its real situation is far higher than the king-level level.

Because the behemoths with king-level blood only have three kinds of talents, some are strong and some are weak.

However, Hei Ming has five most powerful talents in the S-level category: Tian Yan, Silent Thunder, Death Double Pupil, Deification, and Vajra Indestructible Body.

The difference in attributes brought by the difference in life levels can be compensated by the continuous growth of Greedy Gluttony, which makes Hei Ming go further and further on the road of being invincible across levels.

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