The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

Chen Lin instantly felt the heat surge through his body, his muscles were strengthening, his mind was extremely relaxed, and his spiritual world was expanding!

It was reflected in the personal panel, that is, the basic attributes were rising!

His expression was shocked, and he hurried to check what was going on.

[Flame (C): Create your own flame (temperature and magic power are linked). Features: You can fuse any kind of power within yourself and turn it into a flame with different effects. 】

Hiss... No wonder, Chen Lin was amazed.

It turned out that Hei Ming had fused the innate power of greed and gluttony with the flame to create a new effect!

During the burning process of the pitch-black flame, it will continue to refine the target into energy to nourish and strengthen itself, becoming even more terrifying!

Finally, all returned to Hei Ming and were directly absorbed by it!

This means that Hei Ming can skip the troublesome step of eating corpses in the future!

And the flame has an additional terrifying form, which makes the power of this talent soar by several levels!

This feature is very suitable for Hei Ming, it is tailor-made for it, and its effect is no less than an additional SSS-level talent!

Chen Lin glanced at the recorder and directly connected it to 7120 points!

Killing each tree spirit is 20 points, twice that of goblins, but no one will look for them because there are too many of them.

It is easy to kill a tree spirit and attract a group of them. In the end, you can just put away your weapons and choose to exit the dungeon.

Because of this, most people will not take risks, but only look for other monsters with weaknesses on the periphery and slowly accumulate points.

Before the college entrance examination, there was a saying that "unless you can fight a hundred with one, don't mess with tree spirits. Even if you can, don't kill too many, because... the big ones will come!"


The ground trembled slightly, and countless gravels danced, as if some huge monster was approaching.

"Here it comes!" Chen Lin licked his lips. Suddenly, he noticed something unusual and jumped back.

With a strength more than ten times that of an ordinary person, he jumped several meters away.


The ground exploded in the next second, and countless golden branches as thick as arms instantly strangled him. If Chen Lin was a second slower, it is conceivable that the end would be pierced through.

At the same time, Hei Ming was also attacked by the golden branches, but he directly resisted with his body and did not dodge at all!


A furious and brutal roar came from the darkness in the distance.

Dozens or hundreds of tree spirits moved the roots under their trunks to reveal their bodies, their eyes full of hatred, staring at the two outsiders who slaughtered their own people and invaded the territory.

In their support, there was also a huge tree king that was more than 100 meters tall.

With this momentum... Chen Lin silently took a step back. Even if his basic attributes were all over 50 points now, he would probably be finished if he went up.

So many branches can weave a net of heaven and earth. If someone with trypophobia sees it, he may faint on the spot.

"Hei Ming, go up and kill them!"

Chen Lin still has a clear understanding of himself. Strong enemies must be dealt with by summons.


Upon hearing the order, Hei Ming's vertical pupils flashed fiercely, and black flames ignited on his body. At the same time, his body size grew wildly until it was more than 17 meters!

No whirring, full combat power, directly in the strongest form!


Hei Ming rushed up violently, his strong body knocked open the air, breaking through two air currents, like a rolling boulder!

The black flame dragged a long line under the wind, like a swimming dragon!


Directly tearing apart the piles and rows of tree spirits, like a wave, and rushing towards the twisted tree king in the center!

Looking down from the sky, it was like a black flame swimming dragon facing countless monsters, like a straight sharp blade piercing through!

The momentum of "I will go forward even if there are thousands of people against me" is as strong as a rainbow!


The dark flames were like a hungry child returning home, greedily devouring everything, and tree spirits kept howling in pain, with twisted faces!


Chen Lin saw the opportunity of chaos at this time and entered the field instantly to harvest!

The dark flames seemed to have consciousness and would not touch him at all!


Watching the tribesmen die painfully in the fire, turning into nutrients to help the flames spread to the next target, the twisted tree king let out a long roar, and countless golden branches rushed towards the culprit!

Bang bang bang!

Countless golden branches rushed out from the ground, trying to restrain Hei Ming and penetrate him to death!

However, after the giantization, Hei Ming's power attribute reached more than 400, and he couldn't control it at all!

It simply chose to ignore it, just like

Like an unstoppable beast, it ran madly towards the main body of the twisted tree king.

The tree spirits on the way wanted to stop it, but they were burned directly, as if they were infected with the most deadly virus plague. No matter how they struggled, it was useless and could only die slowly!


The twisted tree king was provoked, his eyes were angry, more golden branches were entangled together, and they kept tightening, turning into a big stick of 20 meters wide and dozens of meters long, smashing towards Hei Ming.

The momentum was so huge that even the air made a sound!


The ground collapsed instantly, countless cracks cracked in all directions, and smoke and dust were instantly raised!

Chen Lin's mouth twitched when he saw this scene. The beast of Hei Ming was stubborn and would take any attack head-on without dodging.

It could obviously dodge to the side, but it insisted on resisting with its flesh!

However, the giantization increased its defense by 400%, plus the terrifying power, it could indeed do so.


A roar spread all around, and Hei Ming did nothing except slightly bending his limbs!

The face of the twisted tree king showed human-like shock. Is this the strength you should have for your body?

Then, before it could figure it out, suddenly, there was a sharp pain at the end of the branch!


The twisted tree king screamed, and in its terrified eyes, the dark flames were surging along the golden branches!

It quickly retracted its "arms", and the branches spread out and slapped each other to put out the fire.

Taking advantage of this time, Hei Ming had already rushed to the roots of the twisted tree king!

In front of it hundreds of meters away, Hei Ming seemed a little small.

However, the twisted tree king was afraid and hurriedly wanted to retreat and stay away from this monster.


The sharp claws appeared in black light, and the dark flames on Hei Ming's body gathered on his forelimbs, swinging wildly at the twisted tree king!

The bark was torn off with one claw, and the twisted tree king had a hideous face. All the branches penetrated Hei Ming from different angles!

However, Hei Ming didn't care at all, relying on the strong defense of his body to exchange injuries for injuries!

The dark flames began to attach to the twisted tree king and burned, slowly spreading upwards!


The twisted tree king was full of fear. It felt that its life seemed to be eaten away bit by bit, as if its body was full of termites!


The twisted tree king roared, and the lines on the golden branches emerged, and suddenly became extremely hard and sharp!

Swish! Hei Ming's skin and flesh were broken, and blood flowed out.

However, this aroused its ferocity even more. It suddenly turned around and cut off more than a dozen branches with one claw!

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