The two of them were in a mess.

Heltishu's expression did not change, and she sighed softly, "In that case, we can only force you back to the tribe."

Numerous thorns condensed by laws appeared behind her and rushed towards Chen Lin.


One step ahead of the master, surrounding Heiming for more than 300 kilometers, the black and red thunder and fire storm instantly tore the thorns and annihilated them.

The other nine alien thrones saw this and simultaneously burst out with powerful means to kill the human race.

"Come on!" Wanxiang glared at Raya Shuangli and roared, the two origins of laws in his body roared and vibrated, and under the urging of the forbidden technique, it was like a balloon with a hole broken open, and endless terrifying power poured out.

The golden dragon's body became ten thousand meters huge, and its head almost touched the heavy water sky. The terrifying aura swept across instantly changed the color of all the alien races.


The roar that sounded again shook the world for hundreds of kilometers, and the sound waves continued to spread farther, so that everyone who participated in the second defense line group battle could hear it.

Looking at the golden dragon standing under the water curtain sky, shining with the ultimate holy light, and with unparalleled power, his face showed shock.

Laya Shuangli's eyes were instantly horrified, and his forward steps stopped, with a trace of disbelief.

They knew that the forbidden technique that the human throne knew was equivalent to destroying everything as long as it was used.

No, he also burned the source of life.

The fight just started, and they fought for their lives directly? ! !

Including the other alien thrones, their expressions were also stunned, and then they became extremely solemn.

"All aliens, all of you will perish here!" The golden dragon roared, staring at Raya Shuangli with its vertical pupils filled with murderous intent.

Let's start with you, the 'old friend' who has been confronting for many years!

The terrifying power of the law in the whole body continuously gathered and spit out from the mouth, turning into a dazzling golden beam that illuminated the world and rushed through dozens of kilometers in an instant!

Under the extreme power, Raya Shuangli felt the threat of death coming, and his face changed suddenly, shouting madly: "Help me, come and help me!"

At the same time, it has turned into a monster with countless black tentacles and claws, roaring to block the golden beam!


The black magic ball collided with the golden beam thousands of meters in front of Raya Shuangli, and a circle of terrifying impact instantly broke out, destroying countless continuous mountains.

Without supporting for three seconds, the black magic ball exploded instantly. Under the collapsed power of the law, the golden beam blasted through everything and directly hit Raya Shuangli to the ground.

Boom! Instantly, the ground within a range of thousands of meters disappeared under the violent energy, and the explosion spread over dozens of kilometers, destroying everything.

The circles of terrifying high-temperature air waves formed directly swept over more than 300 kilometers. Fortunately, all the team members are far away now.

The defense was broken, and the body of law was madly melted by the golden beam. It would die in less than five minutes.

Fear finally rose in Raya Shuangli's mind.

Seeing this scene, the fallen angel, Moe Qius and the other three evil fallen rushed forward instantly, ready to jointly resist the golden beam.

"Don't even think about it!" Zhang Jue raised the thousand-meter law sword and slashed at them.

The figure of the emperor transformed by Wuhen also took a step forward to stop the fallen angel and the late throne evil fallen.

The remaining two people also rushed out instantly, each of them took action to stop the enemy.

There are also Weissfisa and Weissert.

Yang Xiao rushed towards Heltishu, and blasted directly with his divine fist, while saying: "Chen Lin, I will protect you!"

He couldn't deal with Weissert in the late throne.

Chen Lin immediately understood what he meant, and communicated with his mind, asking Hei Ming to stop Viseth from rushing towards the golden beam.


With a bang, Viseth turned around and saw the demon wolf approaching with the annihilation storm, and his eyes sank slightly.

He punched out and hit the waving demon claws.

Under the terrifying force, Hei Ming was repelled hundreds of meters.

"Visfisa, you can't block that beam alone, kill this demon wolf with me first!"

With this intention, Visfisa roared and raised the terrifying sword, slashing at the world-destroying demon wolf from behind.

Aww! During the roar, the originally black and red storm changed directly, carrying an extremely heavy destructive and repressive force.

Under the pressure, Visfisa's movements became a little difficult, and the speed slowed down instantly.

At this moment, the punch with rolling demonic energy in front hit Hei Ming's head again, directly shattering the golden light and falling on the head with four kinds of divine patterns of black, gray, gold and purple intertwined.

The divine pattern vibrated, and this time Hei Ming was only pushed back a few meters, almost as if he didn't move.

This suddenly terrifying defense immediately shocked Visser.

Ouch! With extreme suppression and destructive power, the claws counterattacked

The attack instantly tore apart Visert's large scales.

It didn't care about anything else, and directly used the power of the two laws with all its strength, suppressing the opponent and fighting madly.

On the side, Visfisa also used his knife to cut continuously.

Hei Ming retreated step by step, and soon his body was covered with hideous wounds. A large amount of dark gold blood continued to flow, staining the earth.

The others were in the same difficulty. Wuhen was slightly behind, and Zhang Jue was the worst. He had been covered with wounds in a short time against Moerqius and Layamos.

Lingyuan looked after both sides, resisted Heltishu's soul attack, and applied healing buffs to Zhang Jue.

If this continued, it would be a competition between the two sides to see who would die first.

At this moment, a dark red fighter plane flew in the sky at a high speed, and the air was instantly exploded. Amid the roaring air waves, a white-haired old man jumped down.

"It's not that easy to hide it from me."

Du Yuan said lightly, his voice was weak, and he didn't have more strength to support him to shout.

With the crazy roar and vibration of the source of the law in his body, the violent surge of power filled his whole body, and the flame of the candle in the wind instantly became blazing, illuminating the world and covering everyone.

"Foreigners, take my sword!"

Du Yuan stabilized his falling body and raised the sword full of mottled marks in one hand.


The endless power of the law surged from his body and turned into a terrifying light column that penetrated everything, rushing straight into the heavy water sky, shaking waves of ripples.

The rapidly rising breath instantly made all the alien thrones look shocked.

Moer Qiusi looked at the golden and white blended, more than 400 meters in diameter, and instantly slashed towards him, and immediately raised the huge shield with countless spikes on the shield to resist.

Boom! !

When the golden and white light sword fell, the earth instantly exploded to form a terrifying crack that was more than 100,000 meters long, more than 500 meters wide and bottomless.

Under this blow that split the earth, Moer Qius had long disappeared and was directly suppressed to the bottom of the crack.

Standing in the air, Du Yuan's body was like a cracked porcelain, unable to withstand the surging power of the law.

"I thought I could make a third strike." After a bitter smile, he took a deep breath and slowly grasped the handle of the knife with both hands.

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