The sky was full of surprise, but the sky was full of surprise.

"What's going on over there?"

"It looks so amazing, what kind of job is it?"

"Wow, mom, there's a big brother flying!"

Everyone looked surprised, not afraid at all, and took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and some children shouted excitedly.

Zhou Tianheng ignored the pairs of eyes that were cast at him, his face was full of disappointment, "I shouldn't have any expectations for your answer, Chen Lin, you and I are not of the same mind."

"In that case..." Zhou Tianheng rose to a height of 10,000 meters, and the terrifying spiritual will of the king level shook thousands of kilometers, and the world shook, "The lives of hundreds of billions of people in the back depend on you, Chen Lin, for them, please die."

As soon as the voice fell, the space behind Zhou Tianheng was like a mirror that shattered in an instant, and terrifying cracks spread hundreds of thousands of meters away. Endless blood light leaked out from it, illuminating the entire city below, like a bloody hell descending!

Ah! Hiss! Roar! Countless hideous creatures transformed from blood and water roared violently in the cracks, and their bodies madly hit a layer of transparent restrictions, trying to squeeze out of the cracks and step into reality!

The sudden change made everyone in Fanyun City look terrified, looking at the terrible scene in the sky like a group of demons raging, and they were immediately frightened and pale.

"What kind of monsters are these?!"

"Aliens, aliens have descended!!"


Fear spread in the hearts of countless people, and order was in chaos at this moment.

He Yue looked at the streets that had turned into a mess, and everyone pushed each other away to escape. She immediately expanded a layer of purple barrier to protect Chen Li and others.

But this immediately attracted the attention of many people, and they shouted: "Professionals, it's professionals, go to them."

The desire to survive made everyone rush towards He Yue regardless of everything, but she hesitated for only half a second, and then directly released a thrust to push the crowd away, and then grabbed Chen Li and Ji Xiaoxiao and left instantly.

And He Xi hugged Li Huiru and followed.

Their first priority was to protect Chen Lin's family. This was an order directly conveyed by King Yun Ning, and they must not get into trouble.

Therefore, in order to avoid sneak attacks from pagans hiding in the group, He Yue and He Xi did not hesitate and burst out with all their strength to leave.

The thrust would not hurt people, this was the limit of what they could do.

"Chen Lin!" Zhou Tianheng's spiritual will resounded again, and the invisible force shook the glass, making everyone in the city tremble.

This time, Lu Wen, who was at the No. 2 Middle School, was sure that he had heard it right. He was talking about Chen Lin. He looked at the countless blood-colored monsters that almost covered the entire sky and swallowed his saliva.

"What level of existence is this? How could Chen Lin attract such a strong person to target him?!"

Li Mingzhi had the same question.

Boom! Zhou Tianheng's body turned into a huge one of more than 5,000 meters under the explosion of the giant beast rune in his body, and his black wings were as long as 10,000 meters, like a demon god coming to the mortal world.

"Enter the killing plane projection, or they die." Zhou Tianheng said indifferently, looking at He Yue and others who were rushing towards the distance at a high speed.

Aww! The anger of swallowing the sky appeared in Hei Ming's eyes, and he let out a fierce roar. The magic flames rose from his body, and the pink hat and backpack were burned out immediately, and Hei Ming's cute limited edition skin disappeared.

Diana's eyes showed the sun and moon, but Chen Lin interrupted her, "Let's go back to the summoning space first."


Chen Lin looked at Diana with her eyes downcast, stroked her head and said, "Master will not think Diana is useless, you will become very strong in the future."

Diana clenched her fist, and the white light enveloped her, including the gray crow standing on the roof not far away.

The two summoned creatures are currently unable to stand in the face of the king-level strongman, so this is the only way.

"Silver Butterfly!"

With the silver light flashing, the gorgeous armor covered Chen Lin's whole body, and he instantly rushed to the front of Zhou Tianheng, confronting him and the endless blood-colored creatures projected in the plane behind him.

Under the Ruyi size feature, Chen Lin became 4,500 meters tall, and the war spear in his hand was 9,000 meters long, majestic and domineering.

The three gods of teaching were like beasts, flying past him and walking into the crack.

Zhou Tianheng glanced at him indifferently and also stepped into the projection of the killing plane. Chen Lin took Hei Ming in his palm, and the space cracks roared and shattered in a larger area.

Boom! The entire killing world shook when Chen Lin fell, but the ground under his feet only cracked dozens of cracks and was not crushed by the weight of millions of tons.

This place has been eroded by the power of the plane for countless times and has become extremely hard.

Chen Lin frowned slightly. He asked Hei Ming in his mind, and Zhou Tianheng did not

How can he trigger the projection of the killing plane if he is not the holder of the token?

While thinking about it, a terrifying force of pressure burst out from Zhou Tianheng's body. He had controlled it when he was outside just now, otherwise, if he fully released the pressure of the king of heaven, everyone in the city would have been crushed to death.

Chen Lin must be allowed to enter the projection of the killing plane, and Zhou Tianheng will be sure to kill him, because he believes that Chen Lin should have a teleportation forbidden device.

That Godly Sky King can't fail to give it.

And under the suppression of the high-level killing plane power, Chen Lin's teleportation forbidden device can be invalid. This is not because the space rules are weak, but because the power contained in the forbidden device is not enough to break through the suppression from the plane.

"Chen Lin, your journey of rise ends here, and falling here is your only way." Zhou Tianheng said slowly.

"Again." Chen Lin pointed his gun at him, "You don't have this strength."

Even if Zhou Tianheng betrayed the human race, it was really terrifying to break through to the king level in just three years. He was a genius at the level of God Killer.

But unfortunately, in front of Chen Lin, no one can be called a genius!

Hei Ming jumped down from the ground, his body became three thousand meters long, and his gray eyes with terrifying death intent looked at the three teaching gods, one in the middle stage of the throne and two in the late stage.

After the upgrade in the duel of the heavens, Hei Ming's strength in the angry state was only a little weaker than the peak of the throne. It was not afraid of group fights, and its burst form was long-lasting. With its terrifying recovery ability, it was no problem for it to fight three people alone.

Kuskier sneered, "Don't think we don't know that your strength is only at the peak of the throne. Why is it..."

Boom! ! The terrifying crimson flames and tidal silver airflow exploded and surrounded Chen Lin's body. At the same time, circles of white shock force swept out, the space vibrated, and the bloody sky and earth shook!

Kuskier closed his mouth, feeling the terrifying pressure that made him feel the danger of death and broke through the boundaries of the throne, his eyes were full of disbelief.

How is it possible! When Chen Lin was in the Arena of the Universe, he wasn't even half as strong as he is now.

It's only been a day, or more than ten hours to be exact, not even a day, and he's already on par with the Heavenly King?!

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