After the battle, the three of them sat together. It was getting darker and dark all around because there was no lighting. Luo Xuan quickly found some wood in the ruins and lit it with Hei Ming's flame. Without the innate power of greed and gluttony, the flame was a normal color, otherwise it would be a bit funny. The three of them prepared to rest until tomorrow and then leave the dungeon. Chen Lin originally planned to let Hei Ming continue to kill the rest of the disaster beasts, but after watching it fight for several hours and lying there exhausted, he decided to forget it. This was somewhat unscrupulous. From entering the dungeon to now, Hei Ming has been fighting or rushing for more than ten hours. It was too hard. Now that they finally had time to rest, Chen Lin felt embarrassed to let it work overtime, so he could only reluctantly let go of all the disaster beasts in the city.

The next day, with a reminder sound, the three disappeared from the spot.

[Time is up, start calculating the score based on your performance...]

[A total of 8564 disaster beasts have been killed, the mother of the disaster beast has been successfully killed, and hundreds of survivors in Ning'an City have been protected. Perhaps this move will bring a glimmer of hope to this world! ]

[Congratulations, your score is: perfect! ]

[Professional promotion → Summoning Swordsman (rare) (unique)]

[Description: This is a strange profession born because of you. If your opponent thinks that you are only good at summoning creatures, he will find out that he is wrong when he gets close to you! ]

[Congratulations, you have realized a new professional skill: magic sword! ]

In the room, Chen Lin's figure suddenly appeared. Twenty-four hours later, he was teleported back by the copy.

Looking at the board frame that appeared in front of him, he was a little surprised, and his thoughts moved slightly.

[Magic Sword: Condensing a sharp sword between reality and illusion, ignoring any real defense of the target, causing a mental trauma! (Power based on mental attributes)]

After reading it, Chen Lin's eyes were surprised.

Realistic defense is all the defensive means that can be seen, such as Hei Ming's diamond body, the wall of protection, etc.

Ignoring these direct traumas to the target's spirit is equivalent to killing the opponent instantly as long as the opponent has no mental defense means, or the mental attribute is not high, no matter how meaty the opponent is!

Take Luo Xuan as an example, even if he uses all his skills and talents, Chen Lin's magic sword will cut him down, at best he will become a fool, at worst his spirit will be directly shattered and die!

This skill is simply numbing!

Chen Lin tried to use it immediately.

Instantly, a half-meter-sized, transparent sword with countless patterns engraved on it floated in his hand.

His mental power was also consumed as he condensed the magic sword.

Chen Lin shook his head and put the magic sword back.

It seems that this skill can only be used as a trump card.

He glanced at the window silently. The sun was shining outside. The speed of time in the two worlds seemed to be different.

When he pushed the door open, the living room was empty, but there were dishes on the table, covered with plastic wrap, with a note on it saying "Remember to heat it up before eating."

Chen Lin smiled slightly, simply heated it up and ate it, then turned on his phone.

Two messages requesting to add friends came into his eyes, from Luo Xuan and Su Linxue.

Before they transferred to the copy, they exchanged contact information to continue their friendship.

Chen Lin chose to agree, then scrolled down and immediately saw the message from Lu Wen.

The top school's recruitment tutor will arrive at 2 o'clock today, and you are ready to come to school.

After thinking about it and seeing nothing else, he replied with a good word and immediately got up and left.

At Fanyun No. 2 Middle School, Lu Wen was waiting at the school gate. After seeing Chen Lin, he immediately came up.

"You are finally here. This time, all five top schools have sent recruitment instructors to No. 2 Middle School!" He said excitedly, "With this honor, Principal Li has been smiling all the time!"

This is unprecedented in Fanyun City, and their goal is obviously Chen Lin, the top scholar in Dongtian!

Walking into No. 2 Middle School, many high school students passed by, and they all stopped and looked at Chen Lin excitedly!

Even a well-prepared junior sister immediately came forward with a pink letter, handed it to Chen Lin, and then ran away with a red face.

Seeing this, Lu Wen's mouth twitched, and he quickly reminded: "Don't mess around, it will harm your junior sister, and it will have a great impact if it gets out!"

Chen Lin nodded and silently put the letter away. After all, it was someone else's affection, he couldn't just throw it away!

On the way, not only did more and more eyes appear, but many junior sisters followed suit and came forward with red faces.

After a while

, Chen Lin's clothes were greatly bulged by the love letters of the young girl.

Lu Wen was so upset, he thought he didn't exist, right?

Finally, the two walked to the office, and Lu Wen immediately closed the door to block a group of curious students.

Chen Lin shook his head. This was almost impossible in his previous life, but it was very normal here, because everyone admired powerful professionals.

In society, this trend is even more serious.

Lu Wen took out a dragon-shaped ring from the drawer and said, "This is a reward from the city government. They watched the video about your college entrance examination performance and specially found a sword and a staff in two forms of equipment, as well as a general fifth-level skill book."

Hearing this, Chen Lin's eyes lit up. There is no doubt that these are the items he needs now.

The ordinary quality equipment of the sword in the staff has been damaged after enduring too long and high-intensity combat, and it needs to be replaced.

The general fifth-level skill book can be understood by all professions and is worth at least millions.

Chen Lin took the ring and probed into it with his mind. Two pieces of information appeared in an instant.

[Tianquan Sword Staff (Excellent) Effect: In Tianjian form, it gains the blessing of Jinrui, and nothing can be broken! In Tianzhang form, it gains the wisdom aura, continuously restores mental power, and increases the effect of any skill by 50%! ]

[Close at Hand (Level 5) Effect: Ignore the distance of 100 meters and reach it in one step instantly. ]

In one word, strong!

Chen Lin was extremely satisfied.

"Close at Hand" was also carefully selected by the city government. It is used to instantly increase the distance and is very suitable for summoners." Lu Wen explained.

"Ahem... By the way." He suddenly looked a little embarrassed, "Sign your name on this dress, and write it well."

After that, he took out a gray pleated skirt from the drawer.

Seeing his strange look, Lu Wen explained helplessly: "Last night, your college entrance examination video was posted on TV news, causing a big sensation. My daughter watched it all night. Knowing that you are my student, she insisted on asking me to sign for her."

Chen Lin was stunned.

Oh no, how did he steal from the teacher's house?

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