The resource transmission channel suddenly made a rumble, and two golden jade talismans appeared under the energy light.

When Chen Lin held it, a prompt popped up immediately. As he agreed, a trace of thought was separated and retained in the jade talisman.

This was what Chen Lin mentioned in the meeting. He planned to transfer first and then go to the Black Crane Clan to support them.

Therefore, an item that can communicate across the world is needed.

And this golden jade talisman has a strong connecting power, and can absorb a trace of a person's thoughts and keep them inside, so as to achieve the effect of cross-border communication.

Chen Lin handed another jade talisman to Shenkong, who turned into a horse-headed man.

After he took it, he said, "After entering the world of transformation, remember to tell me about the mission first."


Chen Lin nodded, thought for a while, took out the special machine and clicked on Chen Li's avatar. He ignored the hundreds of messages that came one after another, and just glanced at the last sentence "Brother, the school suddenly shook, everyone is so panicked, but I am not panicked at all."

After all, He Yue, the strong man, was on the podium, and he went to her side at the speed of light to protect her.

After Chen Lin sent a message that he would not be able to reply to for a long time, he clicked the start transformation option on the panel.

[Entering the appropriate transformation copy according to your comprehensive index...]

Soon he and the summoned creature disappeared on the spot under the cover of an invisible force.

When the sight changed from the darkness of the void to the lush mountains and forests, Chen Lin immediately heard a roar of shock and anger from behind him.

"Who are you?!"

Chen Lin and the five summoned creatures, as well as the more than 1,200 gray crow incarnations that covered the sky and the sun, looked over and saw thirteen horned demons holding weapons and pointing at them.

Feeling the terrifying crows with the lowest six rings of power, there are two creatures that are even more terrifying with the king-level pressure.

Especially the dark and hideous monster in the middle, the invisible tyrannical aura emitted from its body is simply terrifying, and has broken through the limit to the level of the king.

Before the outbreak, the aura emitted by the summoned creatures is quite "weak" and not scary, especially the silver butterfly, which is perceived as the same as ordinary creatures.

After the outbreak, they are like gods and demons, and their real combat power is far higher than the surface by several times.

Behind those horned demons is a mine, on which there are countless low-level horned demons mining, and there are many corpses around, which seems to have just been fighting for a while.

At this time, all the horned demons have stopped mining, and their bodies can't help trembling under the powerful pressure, but they are powerful true races, and soon one of the strongest horned demons restrains fear and stands up.

"This is the territory occupied by the Horned Demons. Aliens, you'd better leave now, otherwise the throne of our tribe, the Heavenly King, will arrive soon."

The tone was a warning. The other party was obviously not easy to mess with. The purple wings and the heart-shaped tail made many Horned Demons recognize that it was the Succubus.

The overall strength of the Succubus is not lower than that of the True Clan Empire, and what is more worthy of attention is that they have friendly relations with many races.

Being enemies with the Succubus is equivalent to being enemies with dozens of races, so the True Clan Empire does not dare to provoke it.

As for the five-meter-tall black monster, no demon could recognize it. They could only guess that it was the Kroshu tribe. The appearance was somewhat similar, but there were some differences. Could it be a mutant?

Chen Lin was slightly surprised. He did not expect to descend to a world where Horned Demons existed. With his current strength, it must be difficult to upgrade to a copy.

At least there must be an enemy at the peak of the Heavenly King or even the Demon God Realm.

When thinking about this, a piece of information appeared in front of him.

[Coordinate number: 00123]

[This is the place where the Black Crane Clan lives. It is now being invaded by five True Clan legions. ]

[Optional task 1: Help the Black Crane Clan fight against the invasion. ]

[Optional task 2: Help the True Clan invade. ]

[Number of people this time: 1]

[Time limit: seven days]

[Hint: Unable to return to Blue Star on its own initiative. ]

Chen Lin was slightly stunned for a second, and then his face looked a little strange. How could it be so coincidental?

The heavens are so big that they are unimaginable, and there are countless powerful worlds. Why can he go directly to the best transfer location?

He looked at the dozens of corpses on the ground. Most of them were from the Black Crane Clan.

"You are so loud, a bunch of rude guys, kill them all." Chen Lin thought of a reason and said.

Suddenly, more than 1,200 gray crows burst into endless darkness at the same time, and at the same time, the blue and white dragon claws tore down, and the black flames burst out from the mouth of the ferocious dragon beast.

In the midst of these forces

Under the force, all the horned demons died in just one second, without even a chance to react.

Chen Linping took out the golden jade talisman calmly, and Shenkong's thoughts just came to him, "How is the situation over there? How long should it take to complete the transfer?"

"I've already arrived at the Black Crane Clan."

? ?

Shenkong was confused, including the people next to him, who took several seconds to understand.

"Your transfer location is in the world of the Black Crane Clan?!"

"Yes, I have chosen the task option to help them fight against the aliens."

The ten people didn't know what to say, it was outrageous.

At the same time, under a sky filled with dark clouds, stood a huge palace of hundreds of kilometers, with more than 1,500 aliens of different shapes standing inside.

The terrifying thing is that their pressure has all reached the throne level, and the invisible law power spreading in the air is faintly colliding with each other and no one is convinced.

The whole palace is shaking as the terrible power continues to collide.

In front of them, there were 140 aliens with even stronger pressure, breaking through the throne boundary. They were closer to the blood-colored iron pillars, and the power of laws emanating from their bodies was also colliding with each other, looking at each other indifferently.

Above each blood-colored iron pillar, stood a majestic figure, and the pressure it emanated over all the aliens in Gaia caused the space to collapse around them, and black cracks appeared in all directions.

The spiritual will of the demon god with countless sharp horns on his head shook the palace, and suddenly many thrones, including the aliens in the Heavenly King Realm, immediately put away the power of laws and collided, and bowed their heads slightly in respect.

The sharp-horned demon god slowly looked at the existence on the blood pillar next to him, "Layaflin, is the prodigy of the human race so terrifying? Is it worth us to hold a meeting of the highest level?"

Layaflin, surrounded by the aura of corruption, felt the gaze coming over and narrowed her eyes slightly. I haven't seen this guy for a while, but his power aura has reached the peak of the demon god?

At the same time, this world was also opened up by the sharp-horned demon god, and the reason why they can appear here at the first time even though they are in different worlds is also because of the sharp-horned demon god.

It is a competitor of the dark plane, with very high authority, so it can use the plane to penetrate time and space, ignoring the terrifying characteristics of distance, and directly pull all the strong men of the empire here instantly.

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