The next day.

A group message of joining the class woke Chen Lin up.

He washed up silently, and just as he walked downstairs, he saw three people waiting for him.

"Today is the official enrollment day, how can you get up so late?"

Feng Ye shouted, covering his painful right arm.

"I'm used to it." Chen Lin smiled slightly, "Why don't you go to the pastor for treatment?"

Li Zhongfeng on the side said coldly: "If he dares, I don't mind chopping him again."

Feng Ye's body trembled when he heard it, and he looked at Chen Lin for help.

Chen Lin ignored it, "Which class are you assigned to?"

"All are in Class 1, you should be too, right?" Cao Yang said.

Chen Lin nodded, "Then let's go together."

Not long after the four of them went out, they met Luo Xuan who was waiting on the road, followed by Luo Ning.

Today she was wearing a pure white top with a bow-shaped ribbon tied on her chest and a short skirt. Her oval face was a little timid, and she looked delicate and cute.

Her gray eyes were dodging, as if she was extremely nervous.

Feng Ye suddenly felt that his hand was no longer painful, shook his hair, and stood up very seriously.

Li Zhongzhong looked at him with contempt.

"Are you also in the same class?" Chen Lin asked.

The two nodded repeatedly, and Luo Xuan looked relieved, as if he had been worried a lot last night, "Hehe, it's great to be in the same class with Brother Lin!"

The dormitory area is not far from the classroom. The six people walked for a few minutes and soon found their class.

As soon as they entered, many people came to see them.

Until now, they are still a little shocked.

With only one summoned creature, all the first dozen freshmen were defeated. Such a record has never appeared before.

Chen Lin didn't care and just found a window seat in the back row and sat down.

The five people followed and sat aside.

As the students arrived one after another, two extremely beautiful twins came in from the door and looked around for a while.

After finding Chen Lin, Luo Yunying took her sister and walked there and sat in front of him.

They attracted a lot of attention along the way. After all, they were strong and ranked third among the freshmen.

I heard that many old students were trying to find out about their hobbies, wanting to get the moon first.

Therefore, the two became more and more famous.

Feng Ye saw this scene and his eyes were instantly full of envy. Chen Lin was so charming.

If they didn't grab the seats next to him, wouldn't he have hugged them left and right?

After this episode, Ji Fei, who was tall and delicate, walked into the classroom.

Glancing at everyone, she said, "My name is Ji Fei, and I'm your future class teacher. Of course, if you have anything, try not to find me. I'm too lazy to care."

Then she pointed at Chen Lin.

"You are the strongest, so you should be the monitor and be responsible for solving their problems. If you don't understand, come and ask me."

Chen Lin was stunned. Is it so casual?

He soon showed his embarrassment, "I refuse."

After all, being a monitor means taking responsibility, and he doesn't like dealing with trivial matters.

Luo Yunying glanced at Chen Lin, stood up and said, "I will be the monitor, Teacher Ji."

"Okay, it's you." Looking at her, Ji Fei nodded indifferently.

Everyone had no objection to this. Except for Chen Lin, she was the best in the class.

As for Feng Ye, the second place, everyone knew that he was not very good.

Ji Fei straightened her expression and said in a serious tone, "You are all geniuses from various provinces. You worked hard to enter the academy. I think it's all for better resources and copies to develop steadily."

"But unfortunately, the situation has changed drastically now. After decades of layout, the alien race has become more and more advantageous."

"Our front line is in a precarious situation!"

"Perhaps in the near future, they will launch a general attack and break through the defense in one fell swoop!"

Everyone listened to this and their eyes instantly became unbelievable.

Now society is running in an orderly manner, and even a lot of entertainment has begun to develop and rise.

The media is also claiming that the situation has improved and life should not be afraid.

There has never been any unfavorable news on the Internet, everything is stable and peaceful.

But now it suddenly says that a catastrophe is about to come?

Seeing their astonishment and confusion, Ji Fei slowly said: "Aren't you surprised why there are basically no strong people above the fifth level in society, even the military stationed in the entire province, the strongest is only the fourth level."

Hearing this, everyone thought back carefully and it seemed to be true.

Logically speaking, even an ordinary professional with a mid-level combat power like the fifth level can definitely improve after more than ten years of entering dungeons.


Not to say that it is everywhere, but it is definitely not so rare that it is hard to see any on the Internet or in real life.

Suddenly, they had a terrible guess in their minds.

"Students who graduated from top universities are at least level 4 or above. Most of them went to the front without hesitation. Because of this, they gained peace in the rear."

The classroom fell into a long silence.

Due to the information on the Internet, many people believe that it is just because there are not enough copy resources and their own potential and many other reasons that many professionals cannot go up.

Of course, some families have parents who are level 5 or 6 strong men, and they know these situations.

But such news that will cause panic is naturally prohibited by various countries.

This has led to many people of civilian origin not knowing such things at all.

"Now, what's more important is that the mutant beasts are gradually growing in size."

"If they are not stopped, when they riot and attack the city like a few years ago, the front line must send a large number of strong men to support them."

"When the aliens find out about the situation, there is no doubt that they will launch a general attack in advance!"

"So..." Ji Fei glanced at all the students, "It's time for us to stand up!"

"What the country means is that all schools send excellent seedlings to the military base to reduce the mutant beasts!"

"Of course, if you reach the first level, you can also apply to go."

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