The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of fire.

Countless dark fire snakes floated through the air and merged into Hei Ming's body.

Its body size quickly shrank, and it picked up the Heavenly Sword with its mouth, and came to Chen Lin's side to rest.

Chen Lin also finished maintaining the strengthening and recovery techniques, and the weakness of overdrawing his spirit came instantly.

He put away the Heavenly Sword, turned into the form of a Heavenly Staff, and began to sit cross-legged to recover.

Jiang Wu Yue did not leave when he saw this, but stood by and kept silent.

About half an hour later, after Chen Lin recovered a little, he opened his eyes.

Looking at Hei Ming, he communicated with his mind: "Can you still fight?"

Hei Ming opened his deep blue vertical pupils and slowly stood up, "No problem... Master."

The strong physique has allowed it to purify most of the poison, and its physical strength has improved a little, enough to support the next battle.

Chen Lin nodded, looked at Jiang Wu Yue, and said: "Thank you for the protection, mentor."

Although he had the silver disc, he would be fine even if he was attacked by the mutant beast, but he naturally couldn't say nothing about the good intentions of others.

"Well, don't take risks in the future, be careful." Jiang Wu Yue replied.

Then she turned and left.

Seeing this scene, Chen Lin clicked on No. 21, opened the map to confirm the route, and rode Hei Ming to set off.

Just like when they came, one man and one beast passed through countless giant trees and bushes at high speed, crossing mountains and rivers.

After swallowing the three-headed snake and its life crystal, Hei Ming's body size directly increased by 1 meter, and his evolution value increased by 10 points!

This is several times more than the level 39 blood-scaled giant crocodile!

At this rate, perhaps only four or five days will be enough for Hei Ming to evolve again!

This time, Hei Ming's life level should be able to reach the level of a high-level summon.

His talent will also be fully promoted to A-level!

By then, his combat power will undoubtedly increase a lot and become even more terrifying!

Thinking of this, Chen Lin laughed. This feeling of being able to keep getting stronger is really addictive.

It's just a bit hard for Hei Ming. Next, he will fight to death.

At this time, a huge noise suddenly appeared in the distance, the branches and leaves kept shaking violently, and the ground trembled as if some terrifying giant was approaching.

Accompanied by roars and screams, a wild bull suddenly rushed over, covered with thick and hard dark yellow scales, and two horns as long as more than thirty meters.

The ground cracked under the giant hoof, and the blocking trees all collapsed, and the momentum was unstoppable!

The second mission target, level 45, angry horned bull!

Chen Lin did not hesitate and immediately gave the strengthening spell. Under the effect of the 50% amplification of any skill in the form of the Sky Staff, all attributes were increased to 30%!

Hei Ming roared, his body grew rapidly, black flames exploded, and golden light emerged at the same time.

In just a moment, the fighting power was fully opened!

At this time, the angry horn bull had already rushed over, at an extremely fast speed, with fierce eyes staring at the black giant wolf that broke into its territory.

Two pairs of sharp horns hit hard!

Hei Ming raised his forelimbs and blocked it with both palms.


Under the terrifying impact force, Hei Ming was instantly pushed back crazily, plowing a long deep mark.

Boom boom! Giant trees were knocked down one by one, and the two giant beasts rushed out thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.

In the air, the drone quickly accelerated to catch up.

In the command center, the female officer calculated and said quickly: "At this speed, they will soon approach the level 30 mutant beast area."

"Notify the students on the route to get away quickly. Chen Lin's summons will not care about them when they fight."

The female officer nodded and immediately took action.

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