The battle was over, and the enemy was in chaos.

Roar! (Ant)

The giant rock dragon lizard slapped it with one palm, this time with the power of innateness, the yellow light flickered brightly, and the weight suddenly increased horribly like Mount Tai, and the air exploded!


The golden light that protected the body did not last long and shattered directly, and the figure of Hei Ming was pushed back dozens of meters before it barely stopped.

Seeing that the battle started in an instant, Qin Kong immediately said: "You can give a group buff! Give the single buff to Chen Lin's summon, this battle depends on it!"

Qin Kong was very decisive and realized that the giant rock dragon lizard was a little stronger than he had imagined.

This is a mutant beast with a trace of king-level blood after level 50. They can't kill it by leaping the Great Turn.

Even fighting at the same level will be very difficult!

Thinking of this, Qin Kong smiled bitterly.

But at the same time, his heart was extremely shocked.

The combat power of Chen Lin's summoned creature is too terrifying. It can resist a mutant beast of level 52 at level 16, and there is a full 36 levels in between!

Ye Kexi nodded immediately, and a shining golden light shone on her body, like a holy goddess descending, and her breath suddenly became sacred and noble, and could not be desecrated.

Four five-pointed lines suddenly appeared under the feet of the three people and the black giant wolf, and a force continued to pass on.

Then, a halo was applied to the black giant wolf, and the four-dimensional attributes were instantly increased by half, and they all grew a lot!

But Ye Kexi was shocked. This summoned creature was too terrible. The increase was actually reduced so much.

These gains fell on Qin Kong, at least doubled.

But all this only lasted for a moment, and Ye Kexi kept moving.

With a slight movement of his mind, he used his innate power, the protection of the goddess of punishment!

After a short traction chant, a goddess holding a sword in both hands and ignoring the world slowly appeared above the black giant wolf.

The closed eyes opened, and in an instant, the terrifying power of killing everything was pressed down!

Chen Lin silently took out the Tianquan Sword Staff, and in the form of the Heavenly Staff, he gave a strengthening spell.

With the superposition of many BUFFs, Hei Ming's power attribute directly reached 2,000, and his physique and agility were the same.

In addition, the increase in magic power made the temperature of the black flame higher. Even if they were a hundred meters apart, the three people felt the terrifying heat, as if they were in a furnace.

Such a change immediately made the giant rock dragon lizard extremely solemn. It looked at the four tiny figures, and its eyes were furious.

Qin Kong's expression was tense, he drew out his sword, and the muscles in his arms burst.

Directly use your talent, surpass the extreme!


The soil under his feet exploded, and Qin Kong's figure seemed to teleport, stepping on the stone scales and rushing up to the top of the giant rock dragon lizard, and in the blink of an eye, he swung more than a dozen swords!

Clang clang! Each blow was like slashing hard stone, not breaking the defense at all.

This did not feel anything to the giant rock dragon lizard, not even as good as tickling.

Just like slapping a mosquito, its giant palm seemed slow, but in fact it slapped very quickly.

Qin Kong did not dare to be greedy for damage and retreated immediately.

However, just as he jumped off the giant rock dragon lizard's head and his body was suspended in the air.

Roar! The giant rock dragon lizard suddenly roared to the sky, with a cruel arc at the corner of its mouth.

The next second, the yellow airflow exploded and spread to form a field around a hundred meters. Suddenly, the extremely heavy gravity pressed on Qin Kong's shoulders and head, and his figure fell directly.


A small pit was smashed on the ground, and smoke and dust rolled.

Qin Kong stood up with difficulty, and suddenly a giant hand came from above to blow away the smoke and dust, and stepped down with a large shadow.

Seeing this scene, Ye Kexi's expression changed drastically, and he immediately used all his defensive means, regardless of the consumption of mana.

However, the barriers that rose up were as brittle as paper, and they could not even last for a second and broke directly.

Seeing this, Qin Kong couldn't help but feel a little desperate, but he immediately gritted his teeth, regardless of the flesh and blood, and burst out with all his strength to rush out of this area.

Just as the giant hand was about to crush him, a black shadow rushed over in an instant, and the terrifying impact force directly knocked over the giant rock dragon lizard.


The strong wind blew in all directions, like a huge mountain collapsing, the earth shook, smoke and dust rolled, and the momentum was terrifying!

Looking at the huge black wolf standing in front of him, Qin Kong looked grateful, and after losing the gravity suppression, he quickly moved away from the original place.

Wang Yao breathed a sigh of relief and stopped rushing to save people.

The two returned to Chen Lin and Ye Kexi, who were several hundred meters away.

"Sorry..." Qin Kong smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect the giant rock dragon lizard had a second talent. Its combat power may be stronger than that of a level 55 mutant beast."

Now, they can't help at all.

It worked.

Before, I was worried whether Chen Lin was reliable or not.

As a result, the two poles have reversed now.

"It's okay. It's normal to have accidents. After all, the mission can only provide location and general information."

Hearing this, Qin Kong didn't feel much better and still felt guilty.

Originally, the three of them took the fifth-level mission to help Hengshan Base to clean up the dangerous mutant beasts.

After all, only a dozen instructors can complete the fifth-level mission, which is too difficult.

At the same time, it is also to prove the limit of their own strength.

Let him try it first. If there is no possibility of a rival, he will escape with a speed far exceeding that of the same level.

But I didn't expect that the giant rock dragon lizard was actually a dominant mutant beast with two talents.

If Chen Lin hadn't been invited, he would have died without a doubt with his summons.

Wang Yao and Ye Kexi might not have been spared.

Watching the yellow domain unfold again, the black wolf was suppressed fiercely under the terrifying gravity. Qin Kong worriedly said, "Can it win?"

Ye Kexi gritted her teeth, sweat dripped down her cheeks, and she kept trying to maintain the gain and healing of Hei Ming. Her mana was consumed quickly, "If it doesn't work, let's retreat together. This mission is abandoned."

Chen Lin's face was calm, "You retreat a thousand meters, Hei Ming is going to open up."

The three were shocked. Isn't this still full strength? ?

After just a moment of hesitation, they immediately nodded and ran away without hesitation.

Half a minute later, when the three stood a thousand meters away and looked back, a fierce roar suddenly resounded through the world!


The terrifying black flame suddenly exploded fiercely, directly spreading a thousand meters to cover everything and burn it into ashes. The tyrannical power reached its peak at this moment, making everyone tremble in their hearts!

Under the terrifying black sea of ​​fire, the ground dried and cracked, and countless cracks spread. All the grass, shrubs and trees withered, and it seemed that the end had come within a few thousand meters!

A seven-hundred-meter-long ferocious shadow slowly condensed, exuding a terrifying breath of greed and desire to devour everything!

Seeing this scene, the three people turned pale, and an inexplicable deep fear rose in their hearts.

Ye Kexi's legs softened directly, her body trembled, and she couldn't stand up.

She felt that the goddess of heaven's punishment who was protecting the dark underworld was directly torn apart by the power of its ferocious shadow, as if there was no room for two tigers in one mountain!

This impact force was no less than the god of faith for her, and she was slapped to death with a slap.

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