The dead body was covered with blood, and the dead body was covered with blood.

Watching all the evil spirits passing by, Hei Ming's eyes were cold, and his front palm fell hundreds of meters away, causing the ground to crack, and the tremors spread in all directions, with a terrifying momentum!

Accompanied by a roar, the pitch-black flames all over the body exploded thousands of meters away, swallowing everything inside!

Roar! Countless evil spirits were terrified in an instant, not only feeling the burning pain, but also their lives were quickly deprived in their perception, wailing everywhere!

In just a few seconds, the weak evil spirits turned into ashes!

"Damn, what kind of power is this, it can directly burn the source of my life, how weird!"

La Yalis was a little shocked.

This is completely different from being injured. The source of life represents life span. Once lost, it cannot be restored unless it is compensated by using natural treasures.

"Hurry up and take action. If we delay any longer, even if we can win, we won't have much time to live!"

The nine five-ringed evils nodded and immediately condensed various weapons, all urging their innate power to use the strongest killing moves.

However, when it hit the dark dark, a golden light emerged, exuding an unshakable meaning.

Block it all!

"How can its defense be so strong!" La Yalis gritted his teeth.

At this time, the giant palm suddenly slapped, just like the whole mountain pressing down, with a booming explosion.

Watching this scene, La Yalis's back instantly broke out black bone wings, like a sharp arrow shot out, decisively rushing towards the distance.

However, its mind was suddenly filled with endless fear, and a pair of ruthless heavy eyes exuding a terrifying aura and deep with the meaning of death appeared in the dark and stared at it.

La Yalis's figure instantly stopped at this moment.

With the blessing of the Death Pupil, the deterrence seemed to be strengthened and had a new effect.

The giant palm fell fiercely, and Layalis was completely unable to move, and cold sweat broke out from his forehead.

This was a strong control. It had no mental resistance and could not break free at all!

Boom! The earth collapsed instantly, like a dragon turning over, smoke and dust rolled, and the momentum was shocking!

Looking at the black giant wolf that was like a natural disaster, the nine evil fells swallowed their saliva and saw fear in each other's eyes.

"This giant beast is too terrifying, just like a monster, we can't deal with it at all!"

"Run... Run!"

Hearing this, the other eight evil fells nodded immediately, and all broke out their black bone wings and flew desperately towards the royal city.

No one wanted to end up last.

Hei Ming completely devoured Layalis under his palm, raised his heavy eyes and looked at them coldly like flies, randomly fixed one, and then instantly came behind it, and the sharp claws emerged with black light and tore it apart directly!

Seeing this scene, the remaining eight five-ring evil spirits were terrified, wishing they could grow another pair of bone wings.

"Run separately!"

They scattered in an instant, each flying in a different direction.

Hei Ming picked an evil at random, chased it and fixed it again, tearing it apart with his sharp claws.

Then, a sense of death that made the evil shudder surged from his double eyes.

The terrifying sense of death directly turned the surrounding area of ​​an evil into a gray area, like a millstone, instantly grinding away its life and falling to the ground.

Hei Ming followed suit and continued to use the double eyes of death.

However, after two times, a stinging pain came from his eyes instantly.

Blood stained his eyes and flowed down, and a little sense of death also rose in his body.

If he continued to use it forcefully, he would wait until the sense of death slowly accumulated to a certain extent and exploded.

It probably couldn't withstand the backlash and was directly wiped out by the sense of death.

Thinking of this, Hei Ming gave up urging, crushed the ground under his feet with a bang, turned into a residual shadow and chased after him, and began to hunt slowly.

At the same time, hundreds of evil spirits coming from the left and right directions immediately roared and killed Chen Lin after seeing the dark sea of ​​fire dissipate.

Chen Lin had no emotion on his face, and his figure rushed out in an instant, sweeping the war halberd in all directions!

The flesh and blood of the evil spirits exploded under the domineering halberd, and they lost their lives.

The ground was soon covered with blurred corpses, and various limbs were mixed together.

After a long time, Chen Lin was the only figure standing on the plain.

The surrounding area was full of gray blood and corpses within a hundred meters, and the bloody smell rose to the sky, a scene of hell!

In the plantation on the other side, when dozens of people came here, they were all shocked by the evil spirits everywhere in front of them.

The girl looked around for a long time, but did not find the silver figure, and immediately ran out of the plantation.

Seeing this, the leading man immediately ordered, "Take everyone back to the base, take the blood fruit, and destroy this place!"

After he finished speaking, he followed the girl.

For a full hour

, when he arrived at the plain of corpses and blood, the man was shocked.

Countless evil people died tragically, blood and flesh were mixed together, and the smell of blood was strong. Standing here was like being in hell.

And farther away, thousands of meters of land collapsed and shattered, and the weeds disappeared. How did this happen?

Just from this scene, he could imagine how terrible the battle was at that time!

"Could it be... that the strong man of my human race has come?"

However, Chen Lin had already left at this time, and there was no one around.

Dozens of kilometers away, standing on the top of Hei Ming, Chen Lin overlooked the end of the plain and moved forward at a high speed in the direction where the evil people came from.

He wanted to find the residence of the evil people and kill them all!

Feeling the death wrapped around Hei Ming, Chen Lin communicated with his mind.

"Are you okay?"

"No problem in the short time, my lord."

Hearing the response, Chen Lin nodded and continued to look forward.

After devouring thousands of evil spirits this time, Hei Ming's body grew another five meters.

The energy required for growth is obviously much higher.

The evolution value only increased by 100 points, which is still far from the 5,000 required for perfection.

It is almost ten times more difficult than before the evolution.

It seems to be a huge threshold for all talents to enter the S-level category. It may not be possible to evolve without spending more than ten days.

As his thoughts diverged, a huge city appeared in his sight and slowly became clear. Chen Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes became sharp.

On the magnificent city hundreds of meters high, countless evil spirits had already retreated, leaving only a level 59 evil spirit with a strength close to the sixth ring waiting alone.

Through the eyes of observation, they knew that the human wave tactics were useless, so they would naturally not come up to die in vain.

Layatus' eyes were cold, and behind his six-meter-tall body, a pair of terrifying black bone wings opened, and a sense of oppression was wrapped around his body.

The black power of corruption turned into a physical airflow, dimming the surrounding environment, and no light could penetrate.

Across a distance of more than ten kilometers, it silently looked at Chen Lin.

"This disgusting breath can be felt even from such a distance."

Chen Lin's voice was cold.

He jumped down from the top of Hei Ming's head, slammed into the ground, and then rushed towards the giant city like a sword.

"Hei Ming, you deal with it, I will kill the other evil!"

"Obey my... Lord!"

After responding, Hei Ming's body suddenly grew to a thousand meters, and the black flames exploded, like a black natural disaster beast, and the ferocious power swept in all directions!

Boom! The thousand-meter plain collapsed, and Hei Ming shot away in an instant and appeared in front of the giant city.

Looking at this black giant wolf that was hundreds of times larger than itself, the shadow covered the entire area around Layatus, and there was no fluctuation on its face.

The sharp claws flashed with black light and blasted through the air like lightning!

At the moment of contact, a corner of the stone wall that was as hard as steel exploded directly, becoming as brittle as paper.

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