After two hours, Chen Lin opened his eyes and communicated with Hei Ming. After finding no problem, he set out to hunt the next target. After the man and the beast ran away, Ji Fei followed them, worried about accidents. Until the early morning, after killing the third level 60 beast, Chen Lin and Hei Ming rested for a long time before rushing back to the base. There were only fifteen beasts in the entire Bailian Mountains. In one day, he cleared one-fifth of them. This speed made the command center very happy. Strong, too strong! And he also cleared ten mutant beasts above level 50. As long as Chen Lin is given a few more days, the potential for riots in the Bailian Mountains can be eliminated directly! At that time, they can allocate manpower to support the Wushan base, which is in a worsening situation.

As for the giant beasts above level 70, there are currently only five in China, all of which live in the restricted area and dare not show up at will.

The reason why there are so few is that ten years ago, the fourth strongest person of the human race was still in the ninth transformation, and almost all the powerful mutant beasts were slaughtered before going to the front battlefield.

At present, the five giant beasts in the restricted area don’t need to be taken care of. They are much smarter and don’t want to be the first to show up.

As long as it is not confirmed whether there are really no human strongmen stationed inside, they will never attack.

"By the way, have the top summoning materials dispatched from the Apocalypse inventory arrived?" Yang Xiao suddenly asked.

The female officer nodded, "Since it is using your authority, it has been delivered yesterday!"

Hearing this, Yang Xiao nodded, "When he comes back, ask someone to take it over."

After seeing Chen Linjin's transformation to the copy, he immediately made arrangements.

Chen Lin was ready to complete the second transformation, so that he could directly summon the third summoned creature, and he didn't need to worry about these things.

Just get stronger!

As for resources, the more terrifying Chen Lin performed, the more Yang Xiao would naturally apply for him.

Just like the top summoning materials this time, which were worth tens of millions, but after hearing Chen Lin's record, he approved it without saying a word.

"Chen Lin's summoned creature seems to need life crystals very much, but this is a scarce resource. I don't know how much I can apply for." Yang Xiao frowned and thought.

"There are also metal ore materials. I heard from Yun Que's mentor that Chen Lin may also need them."

However, these things are also extremely scarce on the front battlefield. Although he submitted an application, it is not clear how much he can approve.

Everything depends on Chen Lin to fight for it.

When he returned to Hengshan Base, it was already early in the morning.

Chen Lin came to the pick-up point to deliver the task, killing the Dark Gold Violent Bear for 1,500 contribution points and the Level 63 Earth-Splitting King Snake for 3,000 contribution points.

With a total of 4,500 contribution points, his ranking instantly soared to third place!

Watching him leave, the female soldier sighed in amazement. This Skylark student assigned to their base was too powerful!

He could even kill a level 60 behemoth alone!

If this continues, their Hengshan base will soon not have to face the crisis of mutant beast riots all the time, and many people will not have to die!

Thinking of this, she secretly thanked Chen Lin.

At this time, in the Luoxiang base on the other side.

The young man in black armor slowly climbed out of the mountains, with shocking injuries all over his body, dragging a long trail of blood on the ground.

On the way back, Xiao Yunxu's armored vehicle was destroyed by mutant beasts, so he was so seriously injured that he couldn't stand, so he could only crawl back.

The two soldiers guarding the gate were shocked when they saw this, and hurried over to carry him on their backs.

"Classmate, are you okay?"

"Quick, take him to the treatment room!"

"Ahem... No, I'm going to the pick-up point, let me deliver the task!"

Xiao Yunxu spoke with difficulty, his eyes full of incompatible ecstasy.

As long as he delivers this task, he will be able to surpass Chen Lin's ranking!

At that time, he must find his mentor and senior sisters to have a good talk about how they view his superiority over Chen Lin!

The two soldiers looked at each other, and one of them had to take him to the pick-up point, while the other ran to the treatment room to call someone over.

When Xiao Yunxu was carried into the pick-up point, he just saw the information on the big screen that Chen Lin ranked third with 4,000 contribution points.

After a short daze, Xiao Yunxu suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart, which could not be dissipated for a long time.

When the soldier helped him deliver the task,

He immediately accepted two tasks to kill level 45 mutant beasts.

Then he crawled towards the mountains firmly!

"Classmate, your injury is too serious. You can't fight anymore!"

"Yes, take a rest first!"

Several soldiers hurriedly pulled him back.

Otherwise, he would not be able to come back from the mountains this time.

"No, every second I waste will be pulled away a little. Get out of the way. I can still fight!"


When he returned to the dormitory, Chen Lin did not see the familiar three people eating barbecue. They seemed to have really fought.

Just as he was about to go to the cafeteria to eat something, a soldier came over and handed him a white safe.

Chen Lin was stunned, "I don't think I exchanged anything?"

The soldier explained: "Commander Yang Xiao asked me to pass it to you."

The commander of this base?

Chen Lin nodded, and simply went to eat later, entered the dormitory, and opened the safe.

Six top-level summoning materials suddenly came into view, which surprised him a little.

Is it the reward for killing a lot of mutant beasts?

Chen Lin thought for a moment. If so, he would start summoning in advance.

It just so happens that he is looking forward to the summoned creature with a sacred aura, which must not be weak.

After arranging the summoning materials, Chen Lin stretched out his hand and opened it in the void, using the summoning technique.

The array pattern instantly appeared in the palm of his hand, and the mana surged, and began to engrave runes on the ground along the position of the summoning materials.

With the connection to the other end, after the circle was completed, an extremely strong golden light burst out instantly!

Chen Lin, who had closed his eyes early, waited for a few minutes before opening them again.

An arm-sized, winged humanoid creature appeared in sight.

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