The time for the college entrance examination is approaching one hour, and more and more students have exited the dungeon.

Their faces are still in shock, as if they were just one step away from death!

When they calm down, they feel very unwilling!

Choosing to exit the dungeon, and the scores are not up to the passing line, which means that they have failed the only college entrance examination in their lives.

Many people beat their chests and stamped their feet, and their eyes couldn't help but turn red.

But soon, these people found that people's joys and sorrows are not connected.

Everyone was looking at the water screen projection, and didn't pay attention to these eliminated losers.

After discovering that the eyes of No. 2 Middle School were surprisingly consistent, staring at the same picture, they also looked over curiously.

Then, the whole person was stunned as if struck by a bolt from the blue.

"This is... Chen Lin???"

"Why, shouldn't he be the first to be eliminated? Why is he still in the dungeon!"

"Our team of four was surrounded by goblins and almost died before we could retreat, but how could he be so weak?"

"Oh my god, he is a summoner, how can he be so strong!"


Some of them were from Chen Lin's class, and their faces were unbelievable.

They thought that they were a burden, a waste that would not be of any use, but now they are much stronger than them?

The shame made them feel ashamed, and then they regretted it.

If they had chosen to team up with Chen Lin before, wouldn't they have passed the college entrance examination without even having to lie down?


At this time, in the dungeon.

Chen Lin knocked the long-range fire goblin dizzy, interrupting it whenever it wanted to cast a spell, while continuing to clean up the ordinary goblins.

This immediately made the irritable goblin furious, and he rushed to kill regardless of everything.

However, a black shadow suddenly attacked it.


The magic power gathered to the forelimbs, forming a black gas attached to the claws, and cut from the top.

The black dark pupils that rushed over were scarlet, stained with blood.

There were countless wounds on his body, and the black hair was also rendered red.

It was like a vicious dog from purgatory.

It was surrounded by more goblins, and after almost giving up defense and not caring about death, it was finally destroyed!


In severe pain, the irritable goblin screamed, and four deep wounds continued to spurt blood.

Chen Lin moved quickly, and the sword in his hand swung down without hesitation, making up the last blow.


Another dead one!

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, the blood had covered the entire surrounding area and was almost forming a stream, and Chen Lin smiled.

There were more than a hundred goblins, but only a few were left now.

Fear began to emerge on their ugly faces, and they fled in a hurry.

The outside world was in an uproar again!

"666, awesome!!!"

"This senior is so amazing, he can perform so well with the summoner profession!"

"The summoned creature is also amazing!"

"Hahaha, let's see who will say that our No. 2 Middle School is mediocre in the future. With this performance, no one in No. 1 Middle School can compare to him!"


The younger students of No. 2 Middle School shouted excitedly.

Li Mingzhi swallowed his saliva and asked tremblingly: "Now... now what is Chen Lin's score?"

In the back, the mature female teacher blushed and said excitedly, "2080!"

Hearing this number, all the teachers' eyes widened.

This score is about to break the historical high of No. 2 Middle School since its establishment.

The key is that it has only been an hour since the college entrance examination!

"The highest score in No. 1 Middle School is 1790, which is temporarily lower than Chen Lin!" As if knowing that Li Mingzhi would ask more questions, the mature female teacher added.


Li Mingzhi's mind was shocked.

No. 2 Middle School has not produced any results in so many years. As the principal, he has been questioned a lot.

And now, the emotions that have been pent up for a long time are like a volcanic eruption, all pouring out, making him laugh with his head raised.

Lu Wen's face was also excited, and he couldn't help but shouting "beautiful" in his heart!

A high score of 2000 is enough to meet the admission requirements of the five top universities!

Being able to teach such a student, he is not only proud, but also inevitable for promotion and salary increase.

At the same time, in No. 1 Middle School opposite, Chen Lin's score was also seen rising from the fifth place on the score list.

Soon, he surpassed the top student Wang Hu, who they valued, and came to the second place!

Only 100 points away from the first Su Linxue!

This shocked the teachers and principals of No. 1 Middle School.

They had noticed Chen Lin's sudden rise to fifth place, but they didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, he was still a little worse than Wang Hu.

They were just a little curious about how a top-notch student suddenly appeared in No. 2 Middle School.

Before the college entrance examination, all parties had some investigations on other high schools.

No. 2 Middle School was undoubtedly the weakest one in the examination room.

There was not even a top-notch student.

They all thought that No. 2 Middle School would fall to a second-tier high school next year.

Unexpectedly, Chen Lin suddenly appeared and turned the tide!

Not only did he drag No. 2 Middle School back, but he also rode on the head of No. 1 Middle School!

Okay, okay, this is how it's going to be, right?

All the teachers and principals of No. 1 Middle School turned their eyes to Chen Lin, trying to figure out what was going on.

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