Seeing Bai Ye come back, this shopping guide is a person who failed to change jobs after all.

It's like being at the bottom of the class, and the feeling of looking down on it is not easy to express it clearly.

Then thinking about Bai Ye's return, there is a high probability that he borrowed money.

So he said again, "Have you decided which summoned beast you want?"

As a result, Bai Ye replied directly, "I don't want to summon the beast, I want to see the material."

Materials are just a general term, including materials needed for forging, sewing, enchanting, etc.

Among them, there are mainly various wild monsters and items that can be decomposed.

The shopping guide grinned, sure enough, there is still not enough money to buy summoned beasts.

Then after a while, I can recommend the "job transfer loan" to him again, the commission of that is much more than buying things.

Although dairunhua is large, it has a variety of materials, and there are too many types, and it is definitely impossible to display them one by one.

So the shopping guide brought Bai Ye to a living room and handed Bai Ye a tablet.

"The above are all the materials we have in stock. If you need anything, just tell me directly, and I will bring it to you."

Bai Ye looked at all the non-advanced materials above.

The price of summoned beasts of the same level must be much higher than the materials.

Compared to buying bronze-level summoned beasts, Bai Ye can buy a bunch of bronze-level materials back.

So Bai Ye asked directly, "Is there any bronze-level material?"

This time, the shopping guide feels that his commission is more dramatic, and the chance of introducing "job transfer loan" is also greater.

Happy to help Bai Ye find the page of bronze material.

Compared with non-advanced materials, bronze-level materials have gradually reached their attributes.

According to Bai Ye's analysis, although "Poisonous Fire Ant" has the passive skill "Trace Toxin".

But using poison is not the strong point of ants.

Don't talk about bullet ants here, biting thieves hurts and so on.

Compared with the ability to support 400 times its own weight and drag 1200 times, strengthening the ability to use poison is definitely putting the cart before the horse.

And ants, most likely, have a higher affinity with materials such as soil and wood.

So, Bai Ye directly turned to the soil material page, pointed to it, "This, this, and this...all here."

Seeing that Bai Ye ordered 10 bronze-level materials in one go, the total value has already caught up with a bronze-level summoned egg.

Surprise immediately filled the shopping guide's face, "Hey, okay, just wait a moment, I'll bring it to you."

By the way, I am going to bring a bottle of water for Bai Ye.

But Bai Ye thought for a while, followed the shopping guide method just now, found the silver-level page, and said, "Bring me these three silver-level ones too."

If it weren't for the fear of being asked what to buy by the principal of No. 3 Middle School when he went back, and he couldn't explain it, Bai Ye would have bought more.

But thinking that I can go to the wild tomorrow, upgrade and collect materials at the same time, there is no need to be exploited, so I only chose so many.

The shopping guide originally wanted to pass the water to Bai Ye, but when he saw the silver material that Bai Ye was pointing at, he hurriedly and quietly put the water in his hand behind his back.

"Hey, okay, wait a moment, I'll ask someone to bring it for you right away."

a moment later,

The shopping guide came back with a pot of tea, "The reception was not good just now, you drink the tea first, and someone will bring you the materials soon."

Here, some people may want to say, isn't it just silver-level material?

Is it necessary for a shopping guide to lick like this?

The main reason is that Bai Ye has already revealed his identity before, and he just changed his job today.

As soon as he successfully changed his job, he had to use silver-level materials. Can this identity be simple?

Although I don't know why Bai Ye doesn't want to summon beasts anymore, but this is not something a shopping guide should ask.

This shopping guide has been working here for so many years, so he still has some experience.

"By the way, this is my membership number, just deduct money from here."

A total of more than 40,000 was spent.

Looking at Bai Ye's successfully logged-in membership number, the shopping guide couldn't help reaffirming his vision.

From the very beginning, I felt that this kid was nothing ordinary.

Fortunately, I didn't pester Bai Ye about the "job transfer loan".

If this angers others and loses his job, how can he live?

Quietly remembering Bai Ye's appearance, the shopping guide decided that in the future, he must make Bai Ye feel at home at RT-Runhua.

After getting all the materials, Bai Ye suddenly thought, "By the way, give me a "decomposition" skill book. "

This skill belongs to street stalls, so the shopping guide simply gave Bai Ye a copy.

Bai Ye was also polite and learned directly.

Clapping the skill book with both hands, the skill book turned into a little bit of starlight and was absorbed by Bai Ye.

Before leaving, the shopping guide did not forget to nod and bow, "Go slowly, come back next time."

Back at the residence, there were three dishes and one soup from No.3 High School on the table.

The food was still steaming, but the principal of No. 3 Middle School was not at home.

After making a phone call and asking about it, I learned that the principal of No. 3 Middle School had a sudden emergency.

That's good, I don't know how to explain it, I tamed two ants myself.

Bai Ye didn't ask any more questions, and after quickly cleaning the battlefield, he returned to his room.

Open the panel.

Use skills, SSS level "Infinite Alienation"!

Two frames appeared in front of Bai Ye.

Click on the left,

"Reminder: Please select the summoned beast that needs to be alienated!"

Put the "Poisonous Fire Ant" from "Beast Familiar Space" directly into it.

Click on the right again,

"Reminder: Please put in the material."

After scanning all the materials, Bai Ye thought about it, and chose the "Bronze Grade · Coyote Skin" that seemed to be the most suitable for "Poisonous Fire Ants".

"Hint: Do you want to perform infinite alienation?"


Choose, yes!

"Reminder: In the process of infinite alienation... Please select the alienation result."

"a. Strengthen the feet."

"b. Strengthen the chest and abdomen."

"c. Strengthen the overall defense."

"Reminder: Alienation starts and cannot be interrupted, please choose."


The coyote's skin can only strengthen the defense of the "poisonous fire ants".

Either separately strengthen, or overall strengthen.

Then choose c, Bai Ye feels that the feet, chest and abdomen are the weaknesses of "poisonous fire ants".

The whole is strengthened.

"Hint: Alienation is successful, constitution +20, strength +6."


In addition to physique, strength has also been slightly improved.

It seems that it is not the same as Bai Ye's idea of ​​only adding defense. It is really wise to use the anti-bone boy to experiment.

And not only the attributes have changed, this "poisonous fire ant" has become thicker in Bai Ye's sight.

The originally dark and smooth surface of the body seemed to have an extra layer of fine lines like scales and armor.

Seems to have found an idea, the material Bai Ye chose this time is "Bronze Grade Giant Land Turtle Shell".

"Reminder: In the process of infinite alienation... Please select the alienation result."

"a. Strengthen the feet."

"b. Strengthen the chest and abdomen."

"c. Strengthen the overall defense."

Sure enough, as Bai Ye imagined, the result of strengthening was exactly the same as before.

The characteristics of the selected material will affect the final evolution direction.

"Hint: Alienation is successful, constitution +40, strength +8."

Moreover, the increased physique this time is even more exaggerated.

That means that the quality of the material will also affect the data bonus after alienation.

But this is not what Bai Ye wants.

I am already an iron bucket now, and what the "Poisonous Fire Ant" is really good at is not defense.

This time, Bai Ye chose "Bronze Level Coyote Fangs".

Put the material in and start to alienate,

"Reminder: In the process of infinite alienation... Please select the alienation result."

"a. Strengthen the mouthparts."

"b. Strengthen the feet."

This time, there are only two options.

Bai Ye decisively chose to strengthen the mouthparts.

"Hint: Alienation is successful, strength +20, penetration +5."


This alienation once again broke Bai Ye's imagination.

Got a special attribute, penetration?

This means that it is easier to pierce the enemy.

Bai Ye looked at the "Poisonous Fire Ant"'s head at this time, which occupied a larger proportion and more ferocious mouthparts.

It seems that my understanding of "infinite alienation" is still one-sided.

After thinking for a while, Bai Ye directly put all the remaining bronze-level materials into the material column.

Didn't expect it to be possible.

"Reminder: In the process of infinite alienation... Please select the alienation result."


Ps. No data, can anyone see it?

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