The one who spoke was, of course, Pharaoh.

Even though the current Old Wang struggled to speak, he still said with no doubts, "This secret realm cannot be closed, absolutely not."

Hearing Lao Wang's words, many people beside him, that is, the parents of the students in the dungeon, were waiting for their children to come out.

"Yes, it cannot be closed, our children are still inside.

"My child is doing very well, and he will definitely survive."

"If anyone dares to pass, I will fight with you."

Seeing that it was Old Wang, the deputy showed a helpless look on his face, "My lord, if we don't close this secret realm, we will all be finished.

"Not only us, but also Qingcheng will suffer. Have you forgotten what the Scarlet Secret Realm represents?"

"Thirty years ago, millions of people died in those two cities."

Many parents of the students don't know what the Scarlet Secret Realm is,

With the help of other people's popular science, only then did I know the horror of the Scarlet Secret Realm.

Now even if you want to go in and save people, you can't do it, and the students inside can't teleport out.

When I heard that two entire cities were massacred in one night, blood flowed like rivers, even after half a year, the air was still filled with the smell of blood.

Some parents are also afraid at this time, "Yes, close the secret realm, I still have two young ones in my family, who will wake up next year, maybe their talents are better."

"Anyway, my child has already come out. Hurry up and close the secret realm, otherwise everyone will be buried with him."

"I don't want to die, boy, I'm sorry.

Old Wang took off the hood on his head at this time, revealing his old face, "No, we have to trust the students. There are a few students in this class who are very strong, and this secret realm will definitely be successfully captured."

"Once it is closed, this secret realm can only be opened again next year. If they really succeed in the strategy, they will only be starved to death inside."

"That's tantamount to killing your own children with your own hands."

"At the beginning, the secret realm was an intermediate secret realm, but this one is only an elementary one. Even if the wild monsters really rushed out, half of Qingcheng's defense force is here, and we can withstand it."

"I still have the final say on Qingcheng's career-changing temple. From now on, if anyone dares to get half a step closer to the entrance of the secret realm, don't blame me for killing you on the spot."

voice just fell,


Under everyone's shocked eyes, an attack suddenly struck Old Wang.

And the person who made the sneak attack was the former deputy, "Sir, let me be the sinner, the secret realm must be closed, I'm sorry!"


The sound of long knives piercing flesh sounded,

The long knife in the deputy's hand slashed straight at Lao Wang's shoulder, and half of the blade was embedded in Lao Wang's shoulder.

The blood instantly soaked Lao Wang's left shoulder, and flowed from Lao Wang's left hand, almost, Lao Wang's left shoulder was about to be chopped off.

However, Lao Wang staggered a little, then stabilized his body, and looked at the deputy without any surprise. Fortunately, everything was as he expected.

Seeing that Old Wang had no intention of evading, the deputy directly launched his own attack, and froze in place for a while, not knowing what to do.


The other temple personnel around immediately prepared to come forward to rescue Lao Wang.

But Lao Wang yelled, don’t come over!”

After finishing speaking, Lao Wang put his right hand on the shoulder of his deputy, "Xiao Wu, in fact, I know that you have reported me to the higher authorities in the past few years, but even so, I still choose you as my deputy, do you know why? ?”

After the deputy heard the report, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, but he immediately turned into doubt, "Why, why?"

Why do I report you like this, why don't you keep promoting me?

Old Wang smiled wryly, "Because I have done too many bad things, but you are the only one who dares to report me. I don't hope that after I leave Qingcheng, a bastard like me will come out and continue my position."

"I know that with your personality, you will definitely choose the best plan now, but this time, can you trust me once?"

"No, did you trust the students inside once?"

After finishing speaking, Lao Wang directly used his right hand to pull out the long knife embedded in his left shoulder.

After losing the long knife, blood gushed out from the wound.

It's just a little strange, everyone didn't notice that the color of Lao Wang's blood at this time showed a strange reddish brown.

Handing the long knife back to the deputy, the other temple personnel around immediately stepped forward and pulled the deputy away.

I'm afraid that he will continue to hurt Lao Wang.

And the member of the Goddess Temple who had just whispered to Lao Wang hurried over, took out his staff, and was about to help Lao Wang heal.

However, Lao Wang shook his head, "I feel that some blood injection seems to be more comfortable. There is no need for treatment. Let's save the magic power for those who need it."

0 looking for flowers………………

Apparently, the staff of the Temple of the Goddess was aware of Lao Wang's current situation, and after looking at the blood, he nodded helplessly.

Just like that, Pharaoh, whose body was half red with blood, looked at the guards around him.

Originally, the old king had a stooped figure, but now he stood up straight, and said in an extremely solemn voice in an old voice, "All the guards obey the order, and stay here today. If anyone dares to escape, I will be the person in charge of the Qingcheng Temple." Guaranteed identity, at that time the Dragon Kingdom will no longer have a place for you."

"Even if you die, squeeze out the last bit of magic power and physical strength before you die, because behind you is Qingcheng, which is your root."

"But don't worry, even if I die, I will die before you."

"Do you understand?"



"Speak up, do you understand??"


As soon as the words fell, the surrounding guards burst out with astonishing evil spirits, which were evil spirits that put life and death aside.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, Pharaoh no longer sat in the wheelchair, and just stood guard in front of the secret realm.

Suddenly thought of something, Lao Wang still didn’t forget to turn around and say to the two shrieking temple staff, “You two hold on, once the strategy is successful, you can live, but if you choose to give up now, then you two will die.” Dead."

"Think about my family, think about my children, they all stand up for me!"

At this time, many professionals around chose to flee for their lives.

Including some students who have already come out, they can't choose a university, so don't they give them a chance to survive?

Seeing this situation, the goddess staff next to Lao Wang asked in a low voice, "Sir, do you want to stop them? If the wild monsters in the secret realm run out, many of them can help stop them."

However, Old Wang shook his head, "Let them go."

These rubbish just happened to be used to continue testing the way back. This was their own choice, so don't blame yourself for not reminding them.

Lao Wang still didn't understand, who was the man in black at that time?

And this time, why is it so similar to the dungeon riot last time, but no one else approached the entrance this time, how did the man in black do it?

In the end, Lao Wang believes that Bai Ye's strength will surely solve the problem of this secret realm.

I just don't know, how many students can Bai Ye save?

Ps. Ask for flower evaluation votes, wow corpse!.

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