Back to half an hour ago,

At this time, half an hour has passed since the mysterious change, but everyone outside the secret seems to have experienced half a century.

But there was no accident for half an hour, which made many people feel relieved and began to look forward to the secret realm being calmed down.

But at this moment, several injured professionals suddenly ran in front of the secret realm.

These are the members of the "Dragon Cave" who went to look for aliens before.

But the few people present are all seriously injured.

And as soon as he came over, he found Lao Wang who was guarding here.

Several members of the "Dragon Cave" immediately explained the situation and asked all the guards to prepare for battle immediately.

But the direction of the enemy is not the secret realm that may riot, but the opposite direction.

After Lao Wang's inquiry, he realized that a large number of wild monsters that were wandering outside were about to appear in front of him.

It was the aliens who used 20 techniques to drive them over.

This group of wild monsters are far away from Qingcheng, higher level wild monsters, and counting the aliens mixed with them, what everyone will face next will definitely be a fierce battle.

As for Qingcheng, there were riots in several dungeons at this time, so there was no need to think about support.


At this moment, in everyone's field of vision, a large amount of smoke and dust began to appear in the distance, which was caused by the fast running of wild monsters.

There was a terrifying amount, and there was a rumbling trampling sound near the ground.

As the distance increased, the sound of running was mixed with the roars of various wild monsters, which was very frightening.

Pharaoh made a decisive decision and asked half of the guards to line up to defend.

However, regarding Lao Wang's judgment, the professionals in the "Dragon Cave" expressed their incomprehension.

"What time is it now, why only half of the guards are allowed to defend?"

Based on their understanding of aliens, if everyone wants to see the sun of tomorrow, they must fight with the will to die.

It wasn't until then that they noticed that the entrance to the secret realm behind Old Wang was like blood surging.



How could such a good secret realm suddenly change?

They just left an hour ago, and they were fine then.

"Dragon Cave" is an organization that specializes in dealing with difficult tasks.

They immediately revealed their true identities to Lao Wang, and gave an order to immediately close the entrance to the secret realm.

Now is an emergency time, if half of the guards in Qingcheng die here, then the students inside must be sacrificed.

Not to mention that once the Scarlet Secret Realm is opened, the wild monsters inside will only become more terrifying.

Now that his identity has been revealed, "The secret realm must be closed now, this is an order, did you hear me?"

However, Lao Wang just waved his hand and let all the temple personnel block the entrance.

This time, even the deputy who had seriously injured Lao Wang just now stood firmly by Lao Wang's side.

The secret realm has not been breached by the wild monsters inside for half an hour, which has already made him believe in Lao Wang.

"What do you mean? Do you want everyone to die here?"

"Once the Scarlet Secret Realm is breached, we will face the enemy, and everyone will be finished, and the whole Qingcheng will be finished."

At this time, half of Lao Wang's body was soaked in his own blood, but his complexion improved a lot.

Just standing firmly in front of several "Dragon Cave" professionals, "We belong to different departments, and I have the final say here."

"You are not qualified to order me, and I believe that this class of students will definitely be able to conquer this secret realm."

Among the professionals in the "Dragon Cave", the leader was a male with a burly figure, who looked like a fighting madman at first glance, but he lost an arm at this time.

Seeing that Lao Wang didn't listen to him at all, he almost couldn't help but wanted to do it.

However, a female professional next to him, who is the only auxiliary professional in the team, tugged at his sleeve at this time, "Let's ask the leader what to say before making a decision."

It's this time, and he is still so indecisive, even though he just lost his arm and didn't frown, he frowned this time.

He put on his own mask, dialed the phone number of the leader, described the situation here in a few words, and waited for the other party's reply.

It was the bearded master who was in the middle of the battle who answered the phone, and he trembled when he heard the Scarlet Secret Realm.

Damn! These aliens are playing so big this time?

However, he immediately asked calmly, "First, ask the person in charge of the transfer temple, student Bai Ye, if he has come out of the secret realm?"


Who is Bai Ye?

is he important

It's already this time, and I still have time to ask a student if he has come out?

Could it be that he is the illegitimate son of the leader?

The one-armed man was impatient, and now he was even more speechless, but this was requested by the leader, so he could only ask hastily, "Hey, is there a student named Bai Ye, has he left the secret realm?"

Lao Wang heard Bai Ye's name and immediately replied, "No."

So the bearded master's voice sounded again, "Bai Ye hasn't come out yet, so don't worry about the secret realm, all the guards in 897 will do their best to defend against the intruders."


The one-armed man is confused, what is this all about?

Does this leave the bloody secret realm behind?

Do you know what the bloody secret realm is?

The place where the Scarlet Secret Realm broke out was the hometown of the one-armed man.

Fortunately, he was not in his hometown at that time, and went on vacation with his family.

After the secret realm was subdued, he also went back and saw the doomsday scene after the war.

The two destroyed cities, no matter the scale of the cities, or the guarding force of the cities, are not comparable to this small Qingcheng.

So he is very clear about what the bloody secret realm represents.

How can this little Qingcheng, who is already close to the peak with a dark gold-level weapon, be able to stop it?

"Boss, are you sure? This is the Scarlet Secret Realm. The Bai Ye you mentioned is just a student?"

"What's the use if he can't get out?"

The bearded master is still fighting here, so he has no time to write with him, so he just left a sentence, "What Bai Ye is a student, according to the level, he is your leader."


Ps. Ask for flower evaluation votes, wow, everyone!.

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