Looking at the message from Wei Zifeng.

Bai Ye replied directly, "So many girls beg you to bring them, but if you don't, why are you looking for me?"

Unexpectedly, Wei Zifeng replied, "Those rouge vulgar fans will only affect the speed of my sword drawing."

"This time is the moment to witness friendship."

Bai Ye also didn't want to be too ostentatious and expose his strength prematurely.

However, in order for Wei Zifeng not to pester him any longer, he sent Wei Zifeng a screenshot of the column of Anti-Bone Boy's comprehensive combat power.

"I'm rough, 28 stars? The principal greedy all the resources this time?"

"I took a screenshot and will send it to the principal in a while."

"Don't, Dad, I was wrong, I was wrong, then you take me to fly tomorrow, and I will paddle."

Bai Ye, who knew Wei Zifeng's character, rolled his eyes, "I plan to level up myself, let's compete to see who can level up faster, how about it?"

"Heh~ mortal, you are doomed."

Putting down his phone, Bai Ye decided not to talk to him anymore, this kid is a talker.

On Wei Zifeng's side, he picked up the phone, "Hello? Tomorrow morning, I want to see a complete set of silver-level novice outfits, as well as the gold-level broadsword at level 15. Prepare it for me in advance."

After hanging up the phone, Wei Zifeng murmured, "Bai Ye, how did you improve your combat power? 28 stars? Could it be that he stole a beast egg somewhere?"

Looking at the constant messages from his mobile phone, Wei Zifeng directly blocked all of them, "Damn, tomorrow I have to compete with Bai Ye to level up. Do you want to mess with my Dao heart?!"

Early in the morning, Bai Ye was also excited and cranky last night, and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

But after waking up, he is still alive and well. Is this also the benefit of being a professional?

The principal didn't come back last night, so Bai Ye went out decisively, took a special professional bus, and set off.

This professional bus will go through several early copies.

There are professional professionals responsible for regular cleaning of this road, which can be regarded as a kind of protection for novices.

Bai Ye was on the phone, told his mentor, and went to upgrade himself.

It will be much safer if you upgrade in the wild with your mentor.

However, with so many people together, the efficiency must be much slower.

Bai Ye quickly received a reply.

"Have you told the principal about your promotion?"

"Alone, you must pay attention to safety."

"If you are in danger, leave quickly, and if you can't escape, call for help. Don't be embarrassed, do you know?"

"We are here to upgrade, if not, come and join us, don't be embarrassed."

drop! A location was sent.

Looking at the message, Bai Ye could think of his mentor, that serious face, and the Mediterranean Sea covered by only a few strands of hair.

Naturally, Bai Ye didn't tell the principal, if he did, he definitely wouldn't let himself upgrade alone.

He casually dealt with the mentor, saying that he was not alone.

There's nothing wrong with that, and the anti-bone boy is also with him.

Bai Ye chose the dungeon "Savage Desert", which is an open dungeon with a recommended level of LV15.

Open type, that is, everyone can enter, and the wild monsters inside will be updated at intervals.

In addition, there are single-player and limited number of people. If you enter this type, the copies are all independent.

There are many other types, such as racing, tower defense, and so on.

The choice of this level is mainly due to the strength of the anti-bone boy, and it is definitely not difficult to crush this copy.

By the way, the wild monsters inside are not easy to kill, and there must not be many professionals.

The wild monsters in this dungeon are mainly "LV10 Bronze Level Sandworms", and there are quite a few of them.

It's not easy to kill here, because this thing will run away when it is about to die, and go underground.

Therefore, ordinary professionals do not like to come.

But as an ant clan, Anti-bone boy, isn't it easy to dig the soil?

A more advanced dungeon, LV20, can also be used by Anti-Bone Boy, but Bai Ye himself is a bit dangerous, so I didn't consider it.

When I got here, I got off the bus, and it turned out that there was only Bai Ye alone. I chose this copy, and I was happy and quiet.

The entrance of the dungeon is like an oval mirror emitting white light.

And there is a warning sign on the side, which says that it is recommended to have a combat power of 20 stars, or three teams with 15 stars or more.

Don't look at Bai Ye's current 64-star combat power on the panel. If he removes the anti-bone boy, he will have an 8-star combat power.

So Bai Ye chose this place after careful consideration.

There was no one around, so Bai Ye directly summoned Anti-Bone Boy.

Bai Ye doesn't know what's going on inside, so let's let him go in first to clear the way.

Anti-bone boy's 56 points of agility, although the value is not high compared to other attributes, compared with Bai Ye, it is much higher.

In a flash, he ran in.

After sensing that there was no danger, Bai Ye followed in.

bah bah bah~

The scene of green land and jungle before changed to an endless desert in an instant.

The wind blows, kicking up a lot of sand.

Bai Ye didn't react, and took a mouthful of sand.

But Anti-Bone Boy seems to like it here very much, and keeps digging the soil on the ground.

At first, Bai Ye thought that Anti-Bone Boy was just playing, but he didn't expect that a few seconds later, a "sand and gravel bug" with a length of more than 1 meter and a thickness of a calf got out.

The shape of the "sand worm" is like an enlarged version of an earthworm.

However, its whole body is khaki, and the front end is hideous, like a meat grinder-like mouthpart.

Anti-bone boy, with two giant jaws with penetrating properties, directly penetrated the skin of the "sand bug" to prevent it from escaping.

After being crushed and bitten, the dark red sticky blood of the "Sand and Gravel Worm" continued to flow out.

However, the "Sand and Gravel Worm" did not sit still, first entangled the anti-bone boy tightly, and then bit the anti-bone boy's back.


The meat grinder-like mouthparts rubbed against Bone Boy's back, making harsh sounds.

It's like chalk scraping against a blackboard, or two pieces of metal rubbing against each other.

Bai Ye even faintly saw a spark.

Obviously, the "Sand and Gravel Worm" simply couldn't break through the defense of Anti-Bone Boy.

But the bleeding effect of smashing and biting is constantly amplifying.

It can be seen that the part of the "sand worm" that was bitten by the bone boy has been swallowed.

It can only be said that the vitality of this "sand bug" is indeed relatively tenacious. If it is changed to this level, other wild monsters will be instantly killed when they meet each other.

Just when Bai Ye felt that the battle was about to end in the blink of an eye, the "sand bug" was cut off directly from the place where it was bitten by the bone boy.

Then the broken front end began to dig into the soil desperately, and it seemed that it was about to run away.

However, its speed and strength still have a gap compared with Anti-Bone Boy.

The anti-bone boy who was thrown on him was dragged out again.

This time, Anti-Bone Boy bit the opponent into several pieces with a few bites, making him die so hard that he couldn't die anymore.

"Reminder: Kill Bronze-level Sandworms to gain experience!"

"Hint: Obtain the equipment, Bronze Grade Sandstone Leather Armor."


Ps. Ask for data wow!

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