Facing so many spider webs, Bai Ye didn't want to touch them by himself.


There are 72 more lava crystal shell worker ants around Bai Ye. This is the product of only three days, thanks to Wei Zifeng's skill book.

Along with the 72 lava crystal shell worker ants, the hill behind + stored energy at the same time.

Puff puff

The world-exterminating lava spewed out all over the sky, and the spider web that even the anti-bone boy had a headache, seemed to have encountered a nemesis, and it melted away in the blink of an eye.

And the crimson World Extinct Lava did not stop at all, covering every "Crypt Spider" in all directions.

There was a scorching sound, like hot metal being put into water.

Sure enough, the nemesis of the Zerg had to be a fire attack.

With thousands of "crypt spiders" howling in pain, Bai Ye's panel prompts began to refresh the screen,

"Hint: Kill the dark gold-level crypt spider to gain experience points."

"Hint: Kill the dark gold-level crypt spider to gain experience points."

"Hint: kill..."

"Hint: Obtain the equipment, Dark Gold Rank Crypt Spider Lance."

"Hint: get the equipment,

"Reminder: Successfully cleared the dungeon "Crypt Spider's Nest", and the clearance time was 10 minutes and 32 seconds, breaking the customs clearance record. "

"Hint: Clearance score SSS."

"Reminder: Customs clearance rewards, skill spider web bondage (blue), item spider silk launcher."

"Spider web bondage (blue): launch a spider web to bind the enemy, the strength of the spider web depends on the mental power."

This skill is very suitable for Bai Ye, especially the stickiness of the spider web. You can also see how disgusting it is from the feeling of the anti-bone boy.


Clapping the skill book with both hands, Bai Ye learned it directly.

There was just the last primary skill strengthening stone left, which was used directly day and night.

"Hint: Cobweb Binding (Blue) Cobweb Cage (Purple)"

"Spider web cage (purple): You can launch a spider web cage, or set it up as a trap to control the enemy. The strength of the spider web cage depends on your mental strength."

Now the strength of the spider web must have increased a lot, and it can be arranged as a trap in advance, which has an additional purpose.

Another very good control skill.

Bai Ye expressed his satisfaction.

The spider silk launcher is naturally the same as Peter Parker's.

With Bai Ye's current skills, it is very simple to reproduce Spider-Man's movements.

Although for the current Bai Ye, this prop is not very useful, but Bai Ye still put it away and prepared to keep it as a collection.

The overall receipt is not bad, but there are no summoned beast eggs that Bai Ye wanted.

It seems that my luck is average, I didn't get what I wanted for the first time.

But Bai Ye is ready for a protracted battle.

This dungeon is a single-player dungeon, and each entry is independent, but after clearing the level, there is a two-day cooling time.

Anyway, what Bai Ye wants is the summoned egg, and you can also try the other two difficulties.

I glanced around, because I had experienced the baptism of doomsday lava, the surrounding area was filled with the smell of burnt flesh and sulfide in the crater.

Bai Ye summoned all the crystal wall worker ants again, and Bai Ye asked them to bring over the corpses of the "crypt spiders" and let him decompose them.

These are all dark gold grade materials and cannot be wasted.

Fortunately, after clearing the customs here, there is no limit to the time Bai Ye can stay.

In the end, more than 1,700 copies of "Dark Gold Rank Crypt Spider Fangs" were harvested.

Usually the material represents the characteristics of the wild monster.

Only then did Bai Ye realize that the most powerful thing about this "crypt spider" is to use poison. He was misled by these spider webs before.

This echoed Bai Ye's thoughts when he first planned to get a spider-like summoned beast.

Isn't it a waste that spiders don't strengthen the ability of the poison system?

When Bai Ye was decomposing the material, a familiar face greeted outside the dungeon, it was the short guy from last night who led the younger brothers.

In front of the dungeon, the short man was still cursing, "Yesterday, the boy named Bai Ye turned out to be the number one student in this year's entrance examination. Don't let me meet that person who spends money on me again."

"It's a good thing that Bai Ye has a good temper, otherwise we wouldn't know how we died, and everyone's eyes should be opened in the future."

The little brother at the side asked in confusion, "Boss, isn't he just a freshman? Even being the champion won't scare you so much. There are so many of us."

ask for flowers

The other younger brothers echoed, "That's right, each of us was cut into a lump of rotten meat by him.


Unexpectedly, the short man immediately gave him a big deal, "I'm not good at speaking, am I? Let you read more about current affairs, and you'll know how to drink and drink all day long.

"That Bai Ye broke all the records of the Dragon Kingdom since the entrance examination.

"Do you think the strength of this person, can there be no one behind him? We were used as guns yesterday, do you know that?"

Now the little brothers don't say any more, just point their heads like pounding garlic, good boss, we know.

"Boss, hurry up and go in, we are still waiting to see you break the record."


"Yes, boss, you go in quickly."

Although they said yes, everyone looked away and didn't care, obviously they were still dissatisfied in their hearts.

How could the short man not know what they were thinking, and said angrily, "You just don't listen to persuasion, he will be hacked to death sooner or later, and I won't help you collect the corpse."

"You are all waiting for me here, do you know what to do if you find something for me?"

The short man turned his head and was about to enter the dungeon, but before entering the dungeon, he habitually glanced at the records of the dungeon.

At the simple level, the dungeon changes a lot.

However, he is confident that he will break the simple record this time.

The highest ranking is 12 hours and 20 minutes, Long Batian.

The nearest ones are left, just a few minutes away.

The reason why he insisted on breaking the record was because the short man knew that if he broke the record, he would get higher rewards, and there was a high probability that he would develop skills.

In order to obtain skill rewards, he has brushed this dungeon more than 20 times for three months.

After reading the records of the easy level, he glanced at the hard level again, 32 hours and 43 minutes, Long Batian.

Well, the record as a whole basically hasn't changed much, and the person who passed the record is the same person as the simple level.

The last is the nightmare, 10 minutes and 32 seconds, Bai Ye.


The familiar name instantly made him dumbfounded, "Made in Russia!"

Ps. Ask for flower evaluation votes Wow Seven!.

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