In the mission hall, there are not so many scanning circles here.

You only need to come to the side of the self-service instrument, choose the task you want, and that's it.

Come here to submit again at that time, the efficiency is much higher than the credit exchange office.

Bai Ye came to a machine and found that it was similar to the self-service ticket machine in the previous life.

In fact, Bai Ye didn't know that using the tablet in the dormitory can also have the same effect.

It's just that other students came here mainly because they wanted to find other students to form a team with.

There are several levels of task difficulty, C level, B level, A level, and S level correspond to different levels of credit rewards.

06 These difficulties will vary according to the grades of the students.

For example, the A-level task in the sophomore year will become an S-level task for the freshman in the freshman year.

This is very human.

But for Bai Ye, it directly became a bug that could be stuck.

Even the S-level task of junior year is not too difficult for Bai Ye, but Bai Ye can get three times more rewards after completing it.

And the most important thing is that these tasks have almost no time limit.

So Bai Ye decided to directly accept all the S-level tasks that he could accept.

Before, Bai Ye thought that the task issued by the school would be to clean up the copy.

The result was completely different from what Bai Ye imagined.

Brushing dungeons is something that every student must do to upgrade. It would be unscientific for the school to issue rewards here.

The school is not for charity.

So Bai Ye saw that the most common task was to collect some materials in the dungeon.

The material here is not the kind that Bai Ye decomposes, but refers to some special minerals and herbs.

Of course these are simple tasks.

For high-level tasks, it is necessary to break the dungeon record, and then it needs to be noted on the back of the record that the student is from Mowu University.

The purpose is to make the magic city famous.

Institutions like Wuhan University in Shanghai do not rely on students to run them, but rely entirely on the allocation of resources from Dragon Kingdom.

This has the rise of fame, which can drive the share of resources.

By the way, better students can be recruited, which is a benign development.

For example, the clearance time record that Bai Ye broke before.

In addition, there is a time-limited dungeon, which needs to kill wild monsters to the greatest extent within a certain period of time.

The record that needs to be broken is the number of wild monsters killed.

Or a copy of the survival class, you need to persist for a long enough time.

There is also a copy of the tower climbing class, which is the number of bodies or the time record of customs clearance.

By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to mention, as long as the record is kept long enough, then Bai Ye can continue to receive credit rewards.

Usually, every time the record is kept for a week, a certain reward can be issued.

Bai Ye began to imagine that if there were enough dungeons, would he be able to empty out the inventory of the Martial Arts University?

Let me ask again, these record-type dungeons should be carried out nationwide, and I don't mind helping the dungeons across the country to be labeled as the magic city of Wuda.

For these tasks, Bai Ye accepted all those of the appropriate level, and there were as many as 24 in total. For Bai Ye, a freshman, all of them were S-level.

These dungeons, even if the generated materials Bai Ye can't use, they can be sold directly for credits, and then the credits of the task can also be exchanged for materials.

Such efficiency is absolutely full.

see this,

Bai Ye suddenly decided not to go to the large-scale dungeon that was decided before, not to mention that there is no mission, and all the materials generated by 057 are made of gold-level materials.

It's better to earn credits and simply replace them with diamond-level ones, so as to make a big deal for Da Daozi.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye decided to break all 24 records in the next few days.

24 dungeons, the level should be almost LV40 by then, and there will be a new SSS level talent by then, and you can start the task of preparing for the transfer.

Sure enough, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, Bai Ye is best at adapting to the situation.

After Bai Ye accepted the task, he left the magic capital of Wuda directly.

The most recent copy with tasks "is a copy of the time record.

Bai Ye decided to do it once and for all, and immediately turned on his horsepower. Since he wanted to break the record, he would make other students discouraged.

In the following week, Wuhan University, the capital city, became famous completely.

Ps. Ask for flowers evaluation votes wow!.

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