All People: Beast Master, Unlimited Dissimilation Zerg Scourge

Chapter 169: Da Dao Zai Is Actually A Mother? ? ?

After the call was connected, Bai Ye explained his needs and wanted to reach the imperial capital through a faster route.

After all, I had just completed the entrance examination before, and the emperor came to the capital the next day.

Bai Ye believes that there is definitely a faster way for high-level peers.

As a result, the principal of Wuhan University asked Bai Ye to come to his office.

Before arriving at the office, Bai Ye decided to alienate Da Dao Zai first.

The big knife boy who was sneaking before was spotted by the headmaster's grandmother at a glance, and he was right next to him.

Bai Ye wanted to know whether Da Dao Zai with diamond-level combat power would still be seen by others, and the president of Wuhan University was the object of the test.

Put Da Dao Zai and the "Diamond Grade · Shadow Clouded Leopard's Claw" just obtained in the early one thousand into the alienation column.

"Hint: Do you want to perform infinite alienation?"


choose, yes!

"Reminder: In the process of infinite alienation... Please select the alienation result."

"A. The advanced stage is Shadow Death Mantis, which mainly strengthens the attack power."

b. The advanced stage is Shadow Nightmare Mantis, which mainly strengthens the stealth ability. "

This time there were only two choices, and Bai Ye made a difficult choice, but in the end he chose option a.

Stealth is important, but Bai Ye values ​​damage more.

If the damage is not enough, what's the use of stealth?

It is best for the swordsman to be able to kill in one hit, and with the skill "Purple", he can continue to sneak after killing, that is the perfect Assassin.

"Reminder: Alienation is in progress... Please wait a moment... 600S, 5995, 598S."

It takes ten minutes, the same as Anti-Bone Boy back then.

Now that he has been free for a short time, Bai Ye enjoys the scenery in the university.

For the other students who hid away when they saw him, Bai Ye said that it was just right, they all disturbed him.

The brief silence soon passed,

"Reminder: Alienation is successful, Dark Gold Grade · Shadow Blade Mantis Diamond Grade · Shadow Death Mantis, Zhan Jin Duan Shi (Purple) is upgraded to Duan Kong Zhan (Gold), Greed Killing (Purple) is upgraded to Death Harvest (Gold). "

"Air Slash (Gold): Swings out several extremely fast Gold sword lights, the number of sword lights depends on the amount of damage."

"Death Harvest (Gold): After completing the kill, the damage will be increased by 50%, and at the same time return to the stealth state, which lasts for 30 seconds and can be superimposed."

"Duan Kong Zhan" is equivalent to the AOE version of the previous Zhan Jin Duan Shi, with faster speed and higher damage.

There were no enemies in the previous Zhan Jin Duan Shi, and he avoided it, but now there is another one coming at an extremely fast speed. It is estimated that several attacks can hit the enemy at the same time, making it impossible for the enemy to resist.

It is indeed several grades stronger than before.

"Death Harvest" is mainly due to the fact that there is an additional superimposed, 30S time, if enough enemies are used, the damage will be superimposed on the big knife.

Bai Ye doubts that Da Dao Zai can even superimpose damage to an Epic level.

Moreover, it can be combined with the burst of blade light of "Severing Air Slash", which can superimpose damage at a super fast speed.

The damage done by Da Dao Zai is indeed worthy of the word death.

"Reminder: Alienation is successful, strength +13000, constitution +15000, agility +154000, spirit +6000, new Passive Skill, ready to kill (Gold), skill, form transformation (exclusive to diamond level)."

"Potential Kill (Gold): If no damage is done to the enemy for a long time, the damage of the next attack will be increased by up to 300%."

The 300% increase is equivalent to causing four times the original damage, which is indeed terrifying.

This skill belongs to the kind of one shot, which is a sure kill, but it is also very suitable for the state of Da Dao Zai who is always stealthy.

The only pity is that it cannot overlap with "Death Harvest". These two skills cannot coexist.


This is still a Passive Skill, so Bai Ye can just draw it and use it himself.

Also a good passive for Bai Ye.

If calculated in this way, the attributes of Da Dao Zai have reached the following levels,

"Summoned Beast: Diamond Grade Shadow Death Mantis"

"Level: Mature, with a remaining lifespan of 108 years."


"Constitution: 17870(+17870)"


"Spirit: 7140 (+7140)"

"Attribute: Shadow"

"Skills: Gnawing (Green), Shadow Stealth (Purple), Clamping (Blue), Death Harvesting (Gold), Mirror Flower and Water Moon (Blue), Cutting through the Air (Gold), Gathering to Kill (Gold)."

[Comprehensive combat power: 9999 stars]

The overall combat power is still only 9999 stars, just like Anti-Bone Boy, it has not broken through the 10,000 mark.

However, Bai Ye himself, because of the exaggerated increase of Da Dao Zai's Agility attribute, his combat power has also reached 9999 stars.

I actually have the same comprehensive combat power as Anti-Bone Boy and Da Dao Boy, is this the same?

Bai Ye didn't expect that the one whose strength improved the fastest would be himself?

By the way, Da Dao Zai can transform into form now, let's take a look at what Da Da Dao Zai looks like now.


what happened?

Bai Ye felt a little confused now.

Because the summoned beast he named Da Dao Zai turned out to be a female???

That's right, without breeding skills, it doesn't mean that Da Dao Zai must be a male, but Bai Ye really never thought of this.

At this time, Da Dao Zai looks like a normal girl, except that she is taller and slender, wearing a black close-fitting armor, with two tentacles protruding from the top of her head.

Da Dao Zai's icy face was full of seriousness, and he looked around, as if he was always on guard to ensure Bai Ye's safety.

Even when he looked at Bai Ye, his face was full of seriousness.

Bai Ye observed carefully, and found that there was a sharp blade retracted from Da Dao Zai's wrist, all the way to his elbow.

It's like a big folding knife, with the wrist as the axis, it becomes a huge sickle when unfolded.

Similarly, from the ankle, to the back of the knee, there is also the same closed sickle blade.

Only when entering the fighting state, will the four death scythes be unfolded, making Da Dao Zai a veritable killing machine.

Black's armor showed Da Dao Zai's perfect lines. He belonged to the type of bloody person who couldn't resist seeing too much.

Bai Ye thought, under such circumstances, wouldn't it be impolite to make a big knife?

Forget it, I'm already used to it, so be it.

"You say yes, Da Dao Zai."

"Yes Master."


Bai Ye felt that having such a big swordsman, who was always on the sidelines to protect himself, could at least make him happy and admired.

The most important thing is that others can't see it, only you can see it.


Release the big knife and let it 'close' protect itself as before.

Bai Ye took a step towards the office of the president of Wuhan University.

Ps. Ask for flowers evaluation votes wow!.

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