All People: Beast Master, Unlimited Dissimilation Zerg Scourge

Chapter 194 The National Ranking Tournament Begins

However, there are very few remote professionals in the Xia family, which is good news for Bai Ye.

Because the fourth-rank remote professional has been able to touch the attack of the forbidden spell level.

Bai Ye now has the Passive Skill "Purple", so he can escape without any attack.

So that kind of large-scale attack is the biggest threat to Bai Ye.

Having and long-distance means more means, and it doesn't necessarily have to be a damage-type skill.

In fact, what Bai Ye is most afraid of is the skills or magic circles that confine space.

Bai Ye has "space transfer", theoretically able to escape at any time, but such a big family "Bai Ye can't believe that the other party will not have the ability to use space transfer skills.

Li Muqing has the ability to teleport, it is impossible for the Xia family not to consider this aspect.

Bai Ye's plan,

He was going to report the information he learned about the collusion between the Xia family and other people to the gatekeeper, that is, Longku and the others.

But this is aimed at an old family in Shanghai, and evidence is definitely needed.

It is necessary for Bai Ye to pretend to surrender to the enemy first, go in to find out the tone, and collect evidence first.

However, as long as Bai Ye entered the tiger's den, it would definitely not be so easy to escape. The other party can stand in the devil for so long, so it is not so stupid to go straight.

After entering, I still need to find a way to send the information out.

The last point, all of the above are methods that have not considered the other side.

"Can you tell me everything you know about the Xia family?"


Bai Ye and Xia Qingxue chatted about the Xia family again, and they chatted until the evening.

Looking at the time, Bai Ye said, "It's getting late, do you want to

"Then I'll go first."

Seeing Xia Qingxue leaving in a panic, she couldn't even hold back, and glanced at the big bed beside her.

Bai Ye was helpless, in fact, he just wanted to say, it's getting late, do you want to go out for dinner together?

Apparently Xia Qingxue was thinking the wrong way.

Well, let's order takeout.

The students outside did not expect that there are still many students who have waited until now and have not left.

Seeing Xia Qingxue's figure coming out, the heartbreaking sound that had been broken once sounded again.

In the next few days, Xia Qingxue would visit Bai Ye from time to time and stay in Bai Ye's dormitory for a while.

On the surface, Xia Qingxue is dating Bai Ye.

In fact, Bai Ye suspected that Xia Qingxue would choose a different time to come over to make a surprise attack every time, and she came here deliberately to see if her bed was in a mess.

If you don't brush the copy, you will be too lazy to leave the dormitory day and night.

Bai Ye didn't even attend the opening ceremony, just because he didn't want to be called by the school leaders to speak on stage.

Regarding Bai Ye's failure to attend the opening ceremony, the school's leaders had no opinion at all. They didn't dare to ask more questions about Bai Ye's relationship with the principal of Wuhan University, not to mention Bai Ye's strength.

I even plan to come over to express my condolences to Bai Ye. Could it be something uncomfortable?

After the official start of the school year, Bai Ye will be a member of the national ranking team, and the team leader in charge of this competition is the bearded master.

This is also the first time that the bearded master has returned to school and has such an important task, so he wants Bai Ye to get acquainted with the team members and get used to it.

Let's practice together and get familiar with other people's abilities, so that we can cooperate with each other when the time comes.

So the bearded master called Bai Ye.

However, Bai Ye directly asked, "Old Tu, with your current strength, if you can participate in the competition, where can you get?"

The bearded master didn't even think about it, "With my current strength, is it still worth it? I will be awarded the championship directly.

After hearing a "beep~", Bai Ye hung up the phone directly.


Only then did the bearded master remember that Bai Ye had a diamond-level summoned beast. Back then, without Bai Ye's summoned beast, he would have been destroyed by that housekeeper with a high probability.

It's been a long time since I took students with me. During this time, the bearded master was very happy to 'torture' and distribute them to his students.

Habitually look at Bai Ye with the eyes of his own "waste" students.

Almost forgot about the pervert Bai Ye.

A diamond-level summoned beast is nothing more than a fart, so it should be awarded directly to Bai Ye.

As for Bai Ye's running-in with the players?

It is true that there is no need for this at all, even Bai Ye himself is enough.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and this (Wang Zhao's) day, Bai Ye received a notice that he could set off to participate in the national ranking competition.

Every time the host is in the imperial capital, this time is no exception.

And Bai Ye finally met his team members.

No, it should be that the team members finally met Bai Ye.

Counting Bai Ye, there are a total of 8 people, and excluding the team leader and bearded master, there are 7 people left, 5 of which are the main force, and the remaining 2 are substitutes.

There were only two girls among them, Li Muqing was impressively listed, besides her, there was another girl surrounded by everyone.

This is the SSS-level "Forbidden Mage" that Bai Ye has heard several times.

Ps. Ask for flowers evaluation votes wow!.

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