All People: Beast Master, Unlimited Dissimilation Zerg Scourge

Chapter 208 Guo Mengmeng's Ultimate Move

This time, the opponent's lineup was all Archer.

The tactics used by the opponent are also the most classic kite tactics.

The five Archers kept moving while releasing arrows of various attributes. By the way, they did not forget to release various trap skills secretly to prevent Li Muqing and Tie Nan Dazhuang from approaching.

Although the opponent's speed is a bit slower than Li Muqing's, many arrows have the characteristic of slowing down in a range.

There are also various trap skills that appear on the ground from time to time, making it difficult for Li Muqing to move forward.

Several times, even relying on flash skills, they narrowly escaped the opponent's collective sniping.

Bai Ye could see that Li Muqing's Flash Ability 06 had many limitations, both in terms of cooling time and distance.

There is no way to get close to each other.

It can be said that this was the most difficult match that Li Muqing and Tie Nan Dazhuang played.

Especially Tie Nan and Da Zhuang, both of them were about to be shot into hedgehogs, except for their faces, the rest of them were full of arrows.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed, and it was already the longest battle so far.

The solid arrows and energy arrows on the ground are all covered with a thick layer.

Seeing that the three of them were getting more and more difficult, Li Muqing's flash was very mana-consuming, coupled with the continuous stealth.

And Tetsuo is still big and strong, and the rules of the game can't use healing items, so obviously he can't last long.

On the other hand,

The five Archers still maintain a very stable attack frequency, and it seems that they don't consume much at all.

Keep it on for a few hours, no problem at all.

Guo Mengmeng hesitated for a moment this time, but asked deliberately, "Bai Ye, what should I do?"

Bai Ye looked at the opponent's tactics, and indeed restrained the three of them perfectly.

Even if one of them explodes, it won't help.

So he replied, "You can use your skills, it doesn't make sense to drag it down."

It happened that Bai Ye was also very curious. After so many rounds of competition, he has never seen the skills that Guo Mengmeng has to accumulate every time.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Guo Mengmeng directly raised the staff in her hand towards the sky without any hesitation.



Over the arena, thick cumulus clouds suddenly appeared, but these cumulus clouds were Seven Colored.

Although there was no deterrent power from the black clouds, the cumulus clouds above were inexplicably oppressive to everyone present.

Many viewers with poor strength even felt powerless in the face of natural disasters.

The originally lively auditorium fell silent at this moment, and everyone was staring at the vision above their heads.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of everyone, the cumulus clouds of Seven Colored began to compress rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into an energy ball the size of a human head.

Although the volume is reduced, the energy contained in it makes people shudder.

Following the rapid fall of the Seven Colored energy ball, Li Muqing, Tie Nan and Da Zhuang fled towards the distance without even thinking about it.

When the other party saw this scene, there was also a moment of apprehension.

What is this?

But they soon found out.


Before landing, the Seven Colored energy ball exploded directly in the air, with strong energy fluctuations, accompanied by strong light, as if a mushroom cloud appeared.

In everyone's eyes, only the color of Seven Colored is left.

After feeling the strong light, everyone felt violent energy fluctuations, and a strong wind hit them head-on.

Fortunately, a barrier that suddenly appeared outside the arena blocked most of the damage, so no casualties were caused to the audience.

After the strong light dissipated, everyone looked towards the arena.

I saw a huge pothole in the middle of the originally flat field.

The potholes are covered with scars caused by various elemental injuries.

The above almost includes the damage of all elemental characteristics, the burning of the fire element, the splitting of the wind element, and the penetration of the gold element

Guo Mengmeng's blow obviously didn't go towards the opponent.

Even so, the five Archers were lying on the ground scattered in all directions, unable to get up, at least half of their lives were lost.

Even the equipment on his body was broken a lot, and repairing it was not a small expense.

Even if the three of Li Muqing ran a certain distance first, they were not spared and were affected one after another.

Li Muqing, who escaped the farthest, was alright, Tie Nan and Da Zhuang were already on the verge of death anyway, and passed out.

Only Bai Ye, who was protected by the lava crystal nucleus soldier ants, and Guo Mengmeng, were fine.

The new referee, after quickly checking everyone's injuries, announced, "The winner is Modutian."

The auditorium, which was originally silent, burst into cheers in an instant.

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