All People: Beast Master, Unlimited Dissimilation Zerg Scourge

Chapter 34 This Shopping Guide Is Pretty Good At It!

"Replication Realm (Gold Level): One time, you can copy a professional, owning 80% of the opponent's attributes, time limit is 5 minutes, limit (less than three rotations)."

Below three turns?

That is the highest duplication to LV60?

This prop is also ridiculously strong, but it is a pity that it is a one-time use.

But thinking about it, if it wasn't a one-off, it would probably be a Baijin-level prop.

Bai Ye said that he is very content.

This prop has now become one of Bai Ye's hole cards, and the pendant just now is also one of his hole cards.

Then there is only one skill book left.

"Vine Entangling (Green): Summons vines to entangle the enemy. The number of summoned vines depends on the mental value."

Although it is a green skill, Bai Ye likes it as long as it depends on mental strength.

Unexpectedly, the previous skill "Sandstone Vortex" is similar to "Sand Waterfall Funeral".

And now this one is similar to "Birth of the Tree World".

The green level, for the time being, doesn't look that strong, but Bai Ye's spiritual attributes are not covered.

And Bai Ye knows that there are many props that can upgrade the skill level, maybe one day, these two skills will really have the possibility of transformation.

Learn directly.

Next, sell all the equipment first, and buy some more if you have suitable materials.

Get off at the familiar Darunhua directly.

As soon as he entered the door, Bai Ye met the previous shopping guide.

Seeing that the shopping guide led Bai Ye to the reception room, the manager of Darunhua said to the secretary next to him, "Lao Liu has a good enthusiasm for work recently, and he deserves praise."

turn out to be,

After bidding farewell to Bai Ye last time, shopping guide Lao Liu has maintained extremely high work efficiency.

I was afraid that if I was lazy, I would miss Bai Ye.

In the past few days, he had been looking forward to the stars and the moon, and today he finally looked forward to Bai Ye.

And the manager of Darunhua also discovered that the recent old Liu really worked hard enough.

He even joked, "What's the matter, Lao Liu, have a second child recently? Work so hard."

The shopping guide Old Liu thought of Bai Ye, and smiled mysteriously, "Don't tell me, I'm thinking about asking for more."

Have a few more, anyway, as long as there is one for Bai Ye, or other professionals to fancy.

Then he won't have to work so hard in the future.

Bringing Bai Ye to the reception room, the shopping guide prepared very good tea at his own expense this time. After brewing, the tea smells overflowing.

"Are you going to buy something or sell something this time?"

Bai Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out all the unnecessary equipment.

As for the guardian suit that the principal of No. 3 Middle School prepared for himself at the beginning, Bai Ye had no choice but to sell it.

This set can be given to other juniors in the future.

Seeing a total of 20 pieces of equipment on the table, the shopping guide's eyes lit up first, and after handing the tablet to Bai Ye, he quickly took out the identification equipment and started working.

"Wait a moment, you can also have a sip of tea here, or see what you need."

Bai Ye had just had a few sips of tea when the shopping guide had already calculated the price.

Because each piece is a small best in silver-level equipment, and its attributes are close to the full value of silver-level equipment.

The total price came directly to 2.4 million.

Even the shopping guide who had calculated the price was trembling unconsciously.

This is the biggest order he has taken so far.

Even ordinary managers rarely receive such orders.

But he didn't know that this was the reason why Bai Ye didn't plan to sell the materials he harvested this time.

Bai Ye was also slightly taken aback when he heard the recovery price.

It's only been a few days since I changed jobs, I didn't expect that a million is not a big number in my opinion.

If the materials received this time are sold together, the value is estimated to exceed 8 million.

If you count the props and skill books, Bai Ye's harvest in the past few days has easily broken through tens of millions of levels.

Sliding the tablet, Bai Ye is looking to see if there is any material suitable for Anti-Bone Boy or Queen Ant.

The main thing is that I still have a lot of stock, and the materials for this dungeon are quite suitable for them.

Feeling that there is nothing suitable for the time being, Bai Ye is about to turn to the equipment column.

As a result, at this moment, Bai Ye saw a gold-level material, "Blade of the Great Sword Mantis".


The moment Bai Ye saw this material, Bai Ye's first reaction was this thing, which seems to be quite suitable for the anti-bone boy.

But it took Bai Ye the next second to react, and immediately pointed to the top and asked, ""Big Sword Praying Mantis"? Do you sell this thing here? "

This sentence made the shopping guide confused, "You, are you talking about this material?"

"No, I'm asking this summoned beast, do you have the egg of the "Big Sword Mantis" summoned beast? "

In the past few days, in order to provide better service to Bai Ye, the shopping guide also supplemented information about various materials and equipment.

However, the shopping guide has obviously never seen this "Blade of the Big Sword and Praying Mantis", so it must have just arrived in the morning.

And the information has just been entered not long ago.

The number of Blue Star's dungeon secret realms is increasing every moment, and different types of wild monsters appear every day.

Not daring to deceive Bai Ye, the shopping guide told the truth, "This should be the material that just arrived in the morning, and I have never heard of this wild monster before."

"I have never heard of this type of summoned beast."

Seeing the slight disappointment on Bai Ye's face, the shopping guide immediately said, "I can use the company's channels to help you find out the source of this material."

Originally, Bai Ye planned to investigate slowly later, after all, Bai Ye also checked the news about Zerg wild monsters before.

However, through normal channels, there is really not much information, and some of them seem unreliable.

Didn't expect the shopping guide in front of me to come up with something like this?

Inquiring through Darunhua's channel is obviously more reliable than inquiring about it myself.

I didn't expect this shopping guide to be quite reliable!

Bai Ye decided that when he came to Darunhua in the future, he would look for him.

The money was not spent, Bai Ye directly turned to the column of gold-level equipment.

Now, you can also prepare yourself a magic staff, and it's not a problem to always hold a crutch.

After the level is limited, there are still a lot of gold-level staffs.

At the gold level, equipment already possesses various magical properties.

After flipping through it for a while, a staff appeared in Bai Ye's field of vision.


Ps. Ask for data, wow, everyone!

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