Hearing this result, at least it can prove that the summoned beast eggs I sold at that time were indeed normal.

It seems that Bai Ye has a strong ability to cultivate summoned beasts, so the bearded master will not bother.

Came to Darunhua,

The bearded master felt that Bai Ye joined for the time being, and he could only talk about it later, and the two parted ways.

As soon as I entered the door, I was still familiar with the shopping guide, "You are here, what are you going to buy today, or should I find Master Zhou Zheng?"

Bai Ye wondered, "Zhou Zheng is here?"

"Yes, after you chatted with Young Master Zhou Zheng yesterday, he opened a forging room and has not left.

"It's not out yet?"


Hearing that Zhou Zheng is still busy, it seems that Zhou Zheng is quite concerned.

Bai Ye decided to deal with today's harvest first.

Completed the mission of one turn today, Bai Ye has gained a lot.

There were 32 pieces of gold-level equipment alone.

Because of the ability to transfer damage, Bai Ye replaced all his replaceable equipment, this time with ones that add spiritual attributes.

After all, the damage transfer is now calculated according to the defense of the summoned beast, and it has nothing to do with the defensive equipment you wear.

And if the summoned beasts can't handle it, it's useless for Bai Ye to wear anything, it's really worth adding spiritual attributes.

The rest are all sold.

As for the gold-level materials obtained by dismantling, there were more than 600 copies in total, all of which were also sold.

After all, Da Dao Zai and the others, now strengthened with gold-level materials, can no longer add many attributes.

And this is not Bai Ye's biggest achievement this time.

Bai Ye got such a prompt after killing the last BOSS.

"Reminder: The progress of the first turn task has been completed, and the score is being counted."

"Reminder: Due to external interference, the difficulty of the dungeon will increase, the score will increase, and the final score will be SSS+."

"Reminder: After the statistics are completed, the attribute value obtained by the next upgrade is X10, and additional props and skill improvement stones (primary) will be obtained."

"Skill Enhancement Stone (Elementary): You can choose a skill that is not higher than blue to strengthen."

Didn't arrive first, this accident, what strange person made a ghost, inexplicably changed his mission.

Next, every time you upgrade a level, the attribute will increase by 10 times.

That is to say, if Bai Ye is upgraded to one level now, he will have 1300 attributes.

As for this skill strengthening stone, Bai Ye decisively strengthened the skill "Vine Entangling".

Although logically speaking, it is the most cost-effective to use this skill strengthening stone to strengthen blue skills and upgrade to purple.

But Bai Ye feels that "Vine Entangling" is very easy to use. It can be used to control and change the terrain.

I don't have any blue skills for the time being, so I might as well use this earlier.

So it was strengthened decisively.

"Hint: The skill strengthening stone (primary) has been used successfully."

"Hint: Vines Entangled (Green) Thorn Bound (Blue)"

"Bound of thorns (blue): Summons a large number of thorns to bind the enemy. The number of summoned thorns depends on the energy consumption."

Bai Ye tried it, this thorn is a vine with a lot of barbs.

Now not only can it bind the enemy, but it will also cause certain damage, and the strength of the vines has also increased a lot.

The effect is very good, and it is a step closer to the birth of the tree world.


When Bai Ye dumped all the equipment on the table, because the table was not big enough, a lot of equipment fell to the ground.

At this moment, the shopping guide felt that he was going to be numb.

I have seen ones selling equipment, but I have never seen such a wholesale one!

Especially when it's all gold?

Looking at the equipment that fell to the ground, the shopping guide froze.

Forcibly biting and biting the tip of his tongue, the shopping guide calmed himself down, and hurriedly took out the instrument to calculate the price.

"I've done the math, the total is..."

"Wait a minute, I still have more, you can put these away first."

"Also? Oh, okay, okay, wait a minute."

Well, it's really numb now.

A total of 600 gold-level materials, and the size of each material is different.

After calculating all the prices, the shopping guide felt that he didn't have much hair, and seemed to have even less hair.

But I can't hold back my happiness.

Because the total price is as high as more than 180 million.

My own commission alone can be in the millions. The shopping guide said, I can do this job forever.

Yesterday I was still feeling that Bai Ye spends money like water, who knows that Bai Ye's ability to make money is even more exaggerated.

After finishing the statistics, the shopping guide intends to show Bai Ye the price list he has calculated.

As a result, Bai Ye said bluntly, "I've said everything, I believe in your profession."

"Then, shall I contact the finance department and transfer it to you?"

"No rush, I'll see if there's anything I want to buy."

"Okay, take your time and I'll make you a pot of tea."

This time I had to pick the best tea here, and the shopping guide paid for it out of his own pocket, that’s why he had the confidence.

Bai Ye browsed the material, but after looking for a long time, there was nothing suitable at all.

Even if there are, the number is very small, which does not meet Bai Ye's expectations.

Could it be that this money can't be spent even if you want to spend it?

Until Bai Ye turned to the last page of the material, he didn't see any dark gold material that he wanted.

Could it be that you buy Baijin grade directly?

Although it was affordable, Bai Ye found that this Darunhua did not have Baijin-level materials at all.

Think about it, after all, RT-Runhua is not a very high-end shopping place for professionals.

In addition, Qingcheng is not a big city, and the consumption level of professionals, the dark gold level is already very rare.

It seems that if I want more advanced things, I have to go to a big city and be good at more advanced channels.

Or consider the organization of the bearded master?

After thinking about it, Bai Ye decided to talk about it later.

The next page of material is props.

Bai Ye saw a lot of novel props, things that can prolong the time, add to the fun, these are the best sellers, and they are all at the top.

Others, such as searching for traces, resisting damage, and breathing underwater, are generally sold.

Until Bai Ye turned to the last page, a familiar prop appeared again.

It is the prop that Bai Ye just used, "Skill Upgrade Stone (Elementary)", only one, and the price is 200 million.

At the same time, this is also the most expensive item sold by Darunhua.


As the door of the reception room opened, Zhou Zheng actually came over with the shopping guide.

It turned out that the shopping guide was looking at Bai Ye. After selling so many things at once, he felt that he had to tell Zhou Zheng.

Bai Ye looked at Zhou Zheng at this time, the dark circles under his eyes were bigger than his fists, as if he had stayed up all night for 473 consecutive nights and rewarded himself many times.

"Um, are you okay?"

Bai Ye was afraid that Zhou Zheng would die suddenly now.

"Good, very good, never better."

After 18 hours of continuous hard work, Zhou Zheng had brushed up his proficiency to the point where he could synthesize gold level equipment to dark gold level.

Of course, thanks to Bai Ye's sponsorship, he survived the difficult early stage, otherwise he would never have this opportunity.

In order to grasp the possibility of changing his destiny, Zhou Zheng really worked hard.

"I can synthesize gold-level equipment now, and the success rate is close to 30%. It is gold-level equipment. Those that are repeated, the quality is average, and the characteristics after synthesis are also average. The earning is not too much."

"But at least I made money, Bai Ye, I, I don't know how to thank you."

"You don't need to thank you, you can go to rest now, and help me synthesize the equipment later?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Zhou Zheng was even more grateful. He didn't expect Bai Ye to care about his body.

"It's okay, my state does not affect the success rate of the skill, I will help you synthesize it now."

"Don't worry, you'd better take a break first, I'll take a rest here too."

"All right."

Bai Ye is not afraid of the failure of the synthesis, after all Zhou Zheng also said, this does not affect the probability.

Bai Ye is just afraid of Zhou Zheng's current state, don't get halfway through the synthesis, or if he succeeds, he will get excited.

After all, the current Bai Ye does not only have two gold-level replica necklaces in his hand.

Ps. Ask for flower evaluation votes, everyone, a new summoned beast will come soon!.

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