All People: Beast Master, Unlimited Dissimilation Zerg Scourge

Chapter 90 Borrow Bai Yehu To Pretend To Be A Tiger?

The bearded master was already in a bad mood, but now he was ridiculed by Teacher Zheng,

So he simply took out his phone and opened some of Bai Ye's information, "Look for yourself, is this the kid?"

The reason why the bearded master specially prepared Bai Ye's information is to introduce him to his leader.

Let's see if he has any way to introduce the talent Bai Ye into the organization.

After seeing some of Bai Ye's information, Mr. Zheng's attention was not on the bearded master knowing Bai Ye.

Instead, he realized, "What, he is actually a freshman in this class?"


Then do I have a chance to recruit him to Qingcheng University?

The three students at the side also leaned over and asked curiously, "No way, he is just a newcomer? Does that mean he has only been awakened for less than a month?"

"I haven't heard that there are SSS-level talents this year, no, even if it is an SSS-level talent, it's not so outrageous?"

"Are all newbies this perverted now?"

"With his strength, isn't it just picked by top universities?"

Only then did Instructor Zheng remember, that's right, Bai Ye is so powerful, how can he value Minister Qingcheng?

Likewise, so what if Master Beard knows Bai Ye?

People will not come to Qingcheng University.

Although the bearded master has confirmed that he knows Bai Ye, but with the bearded master's teaching ability, "it is impossible for Bai Ye to see the bearded master.

So Teacher Zheng first asked cautiously, "Are you familiar with him?"

This suddenly hit the pain point of the bearded master, are you familiar with it, are you not familiar with it?

But the current self, why do I have the feeling of borrowing Bai Yehu to pretend to be a tiger?

I am a three-turn professional, and I still need to borrow a new person to install the fork?

But thinking of Teacher Zheng's taunt just now, the bearded master still insisted, "I'm very familiar, but it's none of your business.


Thinking of the teaching level of the bearded master, Teacher Zheng doesn't believe it, but the specific situation is not clear.

And due to Bai Ye's strength, Teacher Zheng didn't dare to take the risk of continuing to offend the bearded master.

He could only leave with a few students, and did not forget to whisper, "No matter how strong they are, they will not look down on Qingcheng University. It has nothing to do with us. I dare not say anything else. As long as you work hard, let you Both graduated successfully, and I can still do it.

Obviously, these words are mocking the bearded master, who doesn't have a single graduated student in his hand.

This made the bearded master grit his teeth again.

Wo Nima, if it weren't for the organization's request to hide its strength, I would have crippled you with one palm.

In this Qingcheng University, my own abilities are useless at all.

When the matter of the alien is over, I will apply to the organization for a different university. Still don't believe that I can't train a good student?

I was thinking about it,

A hand was suddenly placed on the shoulder of the bearded master, causing the bearded master to tremble, "I'm rough, I said collar, I said the gatekeeper, can you stop being so elusive?"

Here, besides his leader, there is no one else who can approach the bearded master quietly.

The voice of the old man in Georgia sounded, "Hey, are you the main tutor of the university? What are you looking for?"

The bearded master turned his head to look at the other party. The old man wore a vest and flip-flops, and his eyes were still on the black silk of several female students in the distance.

Seeing this, the bearded master couldn't help but twitched his face and said, "I've been cleaning up messes here and there every day, but you're good to see girls here every day."

"I wrote a small report when I went back, saying that you have seriously affected the image of the organization and you like to laugh at your subordinates.

Uncle Gatekeeper:

"No, who did you learn from? Why did I seriously affect the image of the organization?"

"Besides, where have I been idle these days? In order to destroy that drop of evil god's blood, I am still injured.

Looking at the leader who seemed to be on the verge of breaking the defense, the bearded master felt Bai Ye's feeling for the first time.

Don't say it, it's inexplicably cool.

Next, the bearded master honestly reported some people's movements during this period.

As soon as the stranger was mentioned, the temperament of the gatekeeper's whole body changed, "It seems that they still haven't given up. This blood of the evil god is also an evil sect. I have to find a way with the Lord Qingcheng to destroy it. You, the stranger, Spend more time."

"That's it, is there anything else?"

The bearded master took out Bai Ye's information, "This is the newcomer I mentioned to you last time. He has great potential, good brains, and a clean background. I want to pull him into the

The janitor was puzzled, "Shouldn't you decide on such a trivial matter as recruiting someone?"

The bearded master smiled wryly, "The problem is that he doesn't want to.

0 looking for flowers...

Uncle Gatekeeper, "If he doesn't want to, forget it, but now that he already knows your information, let him sign a non-disclosure agreement and forget it.

"A twisted melon is not sweet."

Speaking of this, the bearded master suddenly smiled, "Boss, I didn't have any hope to let him join, but guess what I accidentally wrote?"


"I found out that his grandparents are not ordinary."

"Didn't you say that his background is clean?"

"It's true that Bai Ye was adopted. His background is very clean, but the person who adopted him is different. I didn't find any information about the principal of No. 3 Middle School, but recently Bai Ye's principal's grandmother appeared. Guess who she is? "

"You're a trickster, you're out of breath, who did you learn from?"


"Bai Ye's principal's grandma is a good friend of the one above you, one of the four legends."


Looking at the surprised look of the janitor [Master bearded expresses his great satisfaction.

But this is still not right, the gatekeeper thought for a while, "Since it is that one, then the principal of the third middle school is... You also know that the relationship between these two people and the above people is very tense, since Bai Ye is the grandson of these two people , then it is even more impossible to join us.

Don't want to, the bearded master took a picture of the information, "Listen to me, the key now is that Bai Ye doesn't know their identities, and they are deliberately concealing their identities from Bai Ye."

"So what?"

"If we pull Bai Ye into our organization without Bai Ye's knowledge, will we be able to ease the relationship between the higher-ups and those two in the future?"

"I'm rough~, are you sure he really doesn't know?"

"Definitely, otherwise he won't even know what a foreigner is, and he won't coward a group of people who don't want to join the organization for his own safety.

Speaking of which,

The janitor looked around at the bearded master with a puzzled expression, "I'll go, when did your kid grow a brain?"

"Are you still the famous brat in that department?"

"You won't be taken away by a stranger, right?"

"Get out~, don't think that you are my immediate boss, so I dare not beat you.

"Eh, that's right."

The janitor thought about it seriously, "He said he didn't want to, so how do you plan to recruit him into the organization?"

PS. Ask for flower evaluation votes three!.

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