The next day is the entrance exam.

This exam is related to the future of all students.

University not only represents more resources and more skills, but most importantly, it improves a student's vision.

If you don't go to a top university, you will never realize that there will still be a huge gap between even the same talents.

Not to mention, how good are those professionals who are more talented than you and work harder than you.

"Grey Mist Secret Realm", every time it is opened, the wild monsters inside will be different.

And kill the wild monsters in the secret realm, you will get the treasure chest of the corresponding level.

Finally, according to the number of treasure chests, the statistician's score is counted as the score of the entrance examination.

Students can compete with each other for treasure chests, but each student will get a unique "910" and "City Return Scroll" before entering. If you crush it, you will be sent out of the secret realm immediately.

The process of snatching is actually chasing other students.

But it is related to their own future, unless it is absolutely necessary, the students will not choose to give up easily.

at this time,

At the entrance of the secret realm, all the students of this year came to the scene.

When Wei Zifeng saw Bai Ye, he was so excited that he turned on all the special effects of his equipment.

The golden light almost blinded the eyes of other students nearby, "Bai Ye, look at my gold-level equipment, is it handsome?"

"I'm also ready for the dark gold level. I heard that the experience value of the wild monsters inside is really high. When I reach LV25, I can immediately replace it with a new one."

"At that time, my combat power will definitely break through 200 stars. How about I take you to a top university while lying down?"

"When the time comes, we'll go to college together, stay up all night together, and pick up girls together."

The students on the side covered their eyes one by one, but between their fingers, they showed envious expressions.

With this equipment, the college entrance examination has become extremely simple.

Not to mention that there is also a set of dark gold level, and there are a few students who hate the rich, their eyes are bloodshot, and they wish to snatch Wei Zifeng on the spot.

It's a pity that this can only be thought about in my mind.

Looking at the excited Wei Zifeng, Bai Ye pointed to the necklace around his neck, "Here~, Baijin level."

"I'm rough, awesome, where did I come from?"

"Could it be that you have been taken care of before entering university, right? Which rich woman from Qingcheng?"


Although Bai Ye didn't turn on special equipment effects, Wei Zifeng never suspected that Bai Ye would fool himself.

Because in Wei Zifeng's memory, Bai Ye has never fooled himself, even if Bai Ye said that he is diamond-level now, he will believe it and send a sentence of awesome!

Seeing that he didn't pretend to be in front of Bai Ye, Wei Zifeng was not disappointed. In his opinion, Bai Ye is his brother, and if Bai Ye is awesome, it is him who is awesome.

Wei Zifeng glanced around and muttered, "Hey, why are there so many people in the security department who came to maintain order this time?"

"It can't be the old man of the city lord, who deliberately sent me to support me?"

As the son of the city lord of Qingcheng, Wei Zifeng certainly knows how much Qingcheng's defense force is.

In this entrance examination, almost half of Qingcheng's defense force came here, even more than the students.

Bai Ye observed for the next four weeks, it seems that Lao Wang should have reported the situation to the higher-ups.

However, the above is obviously very confident in the special "City Return Scroll", and is not worried that there will be problems in the secret realm.

I was only worried that there would be problems outside the secret border, so I sent so many professionals here.

Bai Ye shook his head, Wei Zifeng no one called him father.

The assessment is about to begin. All the students will have to stay in the secret realm for a total of three days. Each student must undergo an inspection before they can enter.

The mysterious instrument, by scanning the students, you can know whether there are props with high energy.

Some props can even contain forbidden spells, and professionals of any level can use them.

This kind of props will obviously affect the fairness of the assessment, so there is this inspection.

Bai Ye was originally worried that the group of summoned beasts in his "Beast Master Space" would not be detected to have high energy, right?

The result was no problem.

After checking, the entrance of the secret realm is more similar to the entrance of the dungeon.

It's just that the entrance to the secret realm is obviously larger than the normal dungeon. The entire entrance is like a gray mist that is constantly surging, and there are two clergymen on the side sending energy to the secret realm..0

Bai Ye also noticed at this time that this assessment was not presided over by the old king, but by the old master's deputy.

As for Lao Wang, Bai Ye didn't see it, but only noticed that there was a wheelchair in the corner of the temple personnel. The person on it was wearing a hood and a mask, looking like Xia Tian, ​​but his whole body was covered by clothes.

When Bai Ye was staring at him, he also nodded to Bai Ye.

Obviously, this is Lao Wang, but Bai Ye did not expect that Lao Wang could only rely on a wheelchair for support in just one night.

Before entering the secret realm, Wei Zifeng didn't forget to shout to Bai Ye, "Bai Ye, see you in, we kill more than anyone else.

Before Bai Ye entered the secret realm, he felt that someone was watching him, but he didn't find who it was when he turned around.

Without thinking too much, Bai Ye walked in directly.

Looking at Bai Ye's eyes, it was Xia Qingxue who was behind, and in Xia Qingxue's heart, she also echoed Wei Zifeng in a low voice, "Bai Ye, I also want to compare with you to see who kills more. "

In the past few days, Xia Qingxue not only completed a turn, but also completed a new trial for the family.

If it wasn't for Bai Ye's light, it would be impossible for Zhenqing to complete this more difficult test.

As for the more difficult trial, 1.4 represents a higher reward. Invisibly, Xia Qingxue felt that the favor she owed Bai Ye was even more difficult to repay.

The more this happened, the more curious Xia Qingxue was, what kind of strength does Bai Ye possess now?

After entering the secret realm, the area inside is huge, and everyone's positions are random, which also avoids certain gangs showing up

Prevent some students from using their relationship to help a person brush treasure chests.

This is also one of the main reasons for choosing the secret realm for the entrance examination, for the sake of fairness.

Bai Ye stepped into the secret realm and found that his vision was instantly blocked by thick gray.

At most, he could only see a distance of nearly ten meters in front of him.

Soon, Bai Ye encountered the first wild monster in the secret realm.

Ps. Ask for flowers evaluation votes wow!.

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