All People Beastmaster: I, Mythical Beastmaster

Chapter 240 Thousand-Foot Beast! One Man Guards The Gate!

On the west wall of the Acropolis, the golden-eyed flying tiger slapped out its own sharp claws again amidst a roar.

With one claw, another large section of the city wall collapsed.

Hundreds of city guards and beast masters have become dead souls under this claw.

As it disrupted the formation on the entire west city wall, the resistance of the west city wall to the beasts outside also became chaotic.

One after the other, those ferocious beasts that had crossed the line of fire also quickly approached the west city wall, and they were about to rush into the city and kill all directions.

All of a sudden, all the sergeants and beast masters in the entire Acropolis gradually fell into despair.

"Xiaohuo, can you stay open?"

Seeing the desperate situation in front of him, Su Yu also immediately sent a message to Xiaohuo.

Facing the golden-eyed flying tiger at the peak of legend.

Among all his beast masters right now, only the guy who has reached the second level of Aoyue can be a few tricks.

Now the situation of the whole city is at stake. If there is no one to stop it, this legendary beast will bring a large number of beasts into the city soon.

The entire city will fall under the impact of the fierce beasts, and it will no longer be able to stop these fierce beasts from rushing through the cracks in space and killing them out.

"Master, I think I should be able to hold back for a while, but I can't hold back for too long.

The fierce beast at the peak of the legend is too powerful. I am only at the second level of Mingyue. The gap in the same Realm will become even bigger.

But I have the power of Nirvana, so I am not afraid of this legendary beast!"

After hearing Su Yu's message, Little Sun Claw tore apart a Yaoyang high rank beast in front of him. "Second and fourth generations

Then he immediately responded to Su Yu, explaining the gap between him and the Golden Eyed Flying Tiger.

"Indeed! Xiaohuo still has the chance to be nirvana last time, and every time after nirvana, his strength will be greatly improved.

I almost forgot about this, but now I don't have to worry that Xiao Huo will be beheaded by the golden-eyed flying tiger after blocking it.

Hearing Xiao Huo's answer, Su Yu's eyes lit up, recalling Xiao Huo's myth that Talent is the power of Nirvana.

Three opportunities for Nirvana, each of which will greatly improve in strength.

Now that Xiaohuo didn't use Nirvana's chance once, now rushing to face the golden-eyed flying tiger, there is no need to worry about Xiaohuo's safety!

"Since that's the case, Xiao Huo will trouble you to resist that golden-eyed flying tiger!"

After making the decision, Su Yu said to Xiaohuo.


Hearing this, Xiaohuo spewed out another ball of scorching flames, beheading the two Yaoyang Realm beasts in front of him.

Then he turned around and took a serious look at the golden-eyed flying tiger who was wreaking havoc on the west city wall.

Feeling the powerful aura of the Golden-eyed Flying Tiger, immortality also has a lot of experience.

But it has no fear and hesitation.

At the next moment, when the wings fluttered, it directly turned into a red-blue light and flashed in the air.

In a short time, he had rushed from the east wall to the west wall.

After arriving in front of the Golden-eyed Flying Tiger, Xiao Huo also immediately used all of his own power.

Eternal fire!

Frost Wither!

Its two-color pupils are full of light, and the energy of the double baptism of ice and fire surges crazily.

He directly displayed his two most powerful myth-level talent skills.

Facing the golden-eyed Flying Tiger at the peak of the legend, the huge Realm and the gap in strength, I dare not have the slightest reservation!

Cast own Mythical Talent skills with Little Fire.

A ball of milky white flames appeared out of thin air, and then quickly moved towards the golden-eyed flying tiger who was about to bombard the beast master beside him with a palm.


The golden-eyed Flying Tiger, who was about to kill the beast master next to him, suddenly felt this attack from Xiaohuo.

The movement of its hands also stopped immediately, and turned to look in the direction of the small fire, just in time to see the milky white flame flying towards itself.

When the golden-eyed Flying Tiger's eyes touched the eternal flame, he felt a palpitation for no reason.

For this reason, it didn't dare to be careless, and attacked the group of eternal fire that Xiaohuo attacked.

The golden pupil at the center of the eyebrows suddenly shot out a golden divine light, which slammed into the eternal fire.


As the golden divine light collided with the eternal fire, there was a sound of cloth being torn.

The two actually annihilated each other!


Seeing that the own golden-eyed divine light actually annihilated each other's attacks with a bird that was only at the second level of Mingyue, the golden-eyed flying tiger also let out a low growl in surprise.

However, before it was shocked, a bone-piercing chill rushed towards its limbs and bones.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the whole body of the Golden-eyed Flying Tiger was wrapped in frost, turning into an ice sculpture.

It was Xiaohuo's other mythical talent skill that came into play.


However, even the Withering of Frost will freeze the Golden Flying Tiger unexpectedly.

But the ice block that was freezing the Golden-eyed Flying Tiger shattered in an instant with the furious roar of the Golden-eyed Flying Tiger.

"Sure enough, the gap in Realm is still too big, the strength of this golden-eyed flying tiger is far superior to mine.

Even if you use two Myth and Talent skills in a row, you can't stop them for long!

You can't even hurt it!"

Seeing that the two mythical talent skills of Own Eternal Flame and Frost Wither were broken so easily by the golden-eyed flying tiger.

The gaze in Xiao Huo's eyes became more and more serious.

"It's so strong! This is the first time I've seen Xiao Huo's Eternal Flame being extinguished!"

On the east wall, Su Yu is also paying attention to the battle between Xiaohuo and the golden-eyed flying tiger in the west.

After seeing Xiaohuo's eternal flame being destroyed by the golden-eyed flying tiger, a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Lan, Xiao Peng, Da Mao, the three of you are now guarding the three walls of the city!

The east wall will be handed over to you two guards, Xiao Hei and Xiao Lan, Xiao Peng, you and Da Mao will support the rear and south walls respectively!"

Taking a deep breath, Yin immediately issued a new order to own beast.

Now the number of Yaoyang-level beasts on the east wall has been slaughtered before, and there are not many left.

Only Xiao Hei and Xiao Lan, who were at the third level of Fan Xing, were able to keep the city wall unbroken by cooperating with the beast masters on the east wall.

At this moment, apart from the precarious west city wall, the situation of the north and south city walls is also not optimistic.

Both Xiaopeng and Da Mao are the seventh- and eighth-level mythical beasts of Starry Stars.

It can basically kill beasts below the high rank Realm of Shangyaoyang quickly.

So Su Yu asked them to support the north and south walls respectively, hoping to do their best to help the guards of the acropolis and successfully hold on until the arrival of reinforcements.

"Okay! Master!"

After hearing Su Yu's arrangement, Xiaopeng and the other four imperial beasts all replied in unison.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Lan remained behind to guard the east wall.

Xiaopeng and Da Mao turned into two beams of light, one blue and one gold, and supported them towards the north and south walls.


On the west city wall, after breaking free from the ice of the small fire, the Flying Tiger let out an extremely angry roar.

As a fierce beast at the pinnacle of legend, it was actually shriveled by the hands of the mere Mingyue second-level imperial beast. Although it was not injured, the anger in its heart had reached the extreme.

Under the rage, it didn't care to continue killing other beast masters around it.

The wings fluttered, white light flashed, and it went straight to kill the boy.

"Small fire, lead it out of the city!"

Seeing the golden-eyed flying tiger being enraged by Xiao Huo, Su Yu immediately sent a message to Xiao Huo.

After he arranged for Xiao Hei and the others to defend the city, he also rushed towards the west city wall.

As long as Xiao Huo lures the Golden-eyed Flying Tiger out of the city, he can fight with confidence.

Assist the remaining beast masters in the western city to guard the dilapidated western city wall!


After Su Yu's subpoena, he immediately received a response from Xiaohuo.

At the same time, Xiao Huo also turned into a streamer and galloped towards the outside of the city.


Seeing Xiaohuo fled to the outside of the city, a furious roar came from the mouth of the golden-eyed flying tiger.

Without any hesitation, he directly chased the boy away from the location of the Acropolis, and flew towards the outside of the city.

"Hmph! You idiot! You can't even deal with a Mingyue-level imperial beast, and you were led out of the city by the aggressive method! It's Yumu's head!"

On the other side, the Plague Emperor Vulture, who was being crazily attacked by Ye Mo, saw that the Golden-eyed Flying Tiger disobeyed its previous orders and gave up the siege to chase a royal beast. 0

Dang even cursed angrily.

However, it looked at the west city wall that had been mostly destroyed and the beast master of the west city that had been half killed, and the anger in its eyes dissipated a lot.

With the current situation of the west city wall, even if there is no such legendary beast as the golden-eyed flying tiger.

The remaining defensive force can't stop the army of fierce beasts from entering the city!

"Die to me!"

At the moment when it was distracted, Ye's attack was imminent again, and landed fiercely on its right wing.


Following Ye Mo's strike, the plague-thick stone also heard a crisp sound of fracture.

"Hey!!! Damn Ye Mo, you really think that I dare not fight with you!"

Sudden heavy blow, the Plague Emperor Vulture let out a painful roar.

He didn't dare to be distracted to pay attention to the movement in the direction of the Acropolis, and looked at Ye Dan who was already red-eyed.

Its ferocity at the moment is also fully stimulated.

After shouting angrily, it no longer avoided its edge, but chose to confront Ye Mo, and its moves were all desperate.

The battle between the two also became more intense at this moment.

"The beast behind is rushing up, hurry up! Everyone block the gap!"

In the west city, after Xiaohuo lured the golden-eyed flying tiger away from the city wall, it didn't wait for the defenders in the west city to catch their breath.

In the distance, the tens of thousands of high rank beasts that had crossed the line of fire had already appeared less than five miles away from the west city.

With the strength of a high rank ferocious beast, with this distance, it will rush to the bottom of the city in a short while.

Seeing this, the surviving guards and beast masters roared and broke out their own attacks.

Command the own beasts to resist these high rank beasts rushing towards the city wall destroyed by the golden-eyed flying tiger.

But even if these guards and beast masters fought hard to resist, the gap in the city wall that was more than ten miles long was coupled with the impact of a large number of high rank beasts.

They simply couldn't intercept all the fierce beasts rushing towards them.

"It's over, the Acropolis is about to fall...

A royal beast of Yaoyang Realm watched those ferocious beasts rushing towards the breach in the city wall without any resisting beasts, and a resolute look appeared on his face.

He is going to summon all the beasts of his own to return to the gap in the city wall, and at the end he will perform a self-destruct to carry out the final guard.

Even if you can't defend the acropolis, kill as many high rank beasts as possible!

There are not a few beast masters who have the same idea as him

,Looking at the high rank ferocious beasts rushing down below, most of the beast masters are ready to live and die with the city.


As the first ominous beast at the peak of Yaoyang was about to cross the collapsed city wall and rush into the city. 2.9

A beast master of Yaoyang Realm also immediately let his own beast rush towards this fierce beast, ready to explode.

However, at this moment, a figure wearing radiant armor suddenly appeared in front of the fierce beast at the peak of Yaoyang.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful fist suddenly blasted out!


As a muffled sound spread throughout the west city, the ominous beast at the peak of Yaoyang was thrown upside down by a meter without any defense!

"Little Rock!

Along with the muffled sound came a clear and loud low heh.

At the next moment, a huge figure like a mountain suddenly appeared and descended from the sky!

With a bang, this huge mountain-like figure landed directly on the collapsed city wall, blocking the gap of more than ten miles.

"This, what kind of beast is this! It has such a huge body!"

"Who was that figure just now, who actually punched away the fierce beast at the peak of Yaoyang with a human body! Could it be a legendary beast master?"

"A turtle-like royal beast thousands of feet tall, what kind of race is this, why have I never heard of it! 17

"Look, why does the figure on the top of the giant tortoise look so familiar?"

"That's... Su Yu! It's Su Yu! The top talent of Kyushu Academy! Like the number one talent in today's list!"

"Hiss~ It's actually him!!"

After Xiaoyan appeared and blocked the gap in the west city wall, all the beast masters around suddenly widened their eyes.

Seeing Xiaoyan's body thousands of feet in size, and seeing Su Yu's figure clearly on top of Xiaoyan's head, they all felt huge waves in their hearts!.

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