All People Beastmaster: I, Mythical Beastmaster

Chapter 309 Great Temperament Change, Shrouded In Fear

Following the obeisance of all Saint King beasts, a figure also appeared among all Saint King beasts.

But this figure is completely different from other murderers.

Not only does he not have the shadow of a ferocious beast, but he is a well-mannered young man.

However, the powerful aura emanating from its body made even the golden dragon in the former Saint King peak Realm tremble.

"Well, let's all get up."

The young man stood in the air, and glanced indifferently at the group of Saint King Realm beasts below.

Hearing this, the hundreds of Saint King Realm's fierce beasts below all quickly thanked them.

"Thank you, Lord Beast God!"

After standing up, most of the beasts in Saint King Realm looked at their noses and their hearts with their noses, lowering their heads and not daring to look at the beast god~.

Only a few monsters from the Saint King Realm, such as the golden dragon whose strength Realm has reached the Saint King high rank, dare to raise their heads and look at the boy.

When they discovered that the person who came was human, their pupils shrank suddenly.

Except for the golden dragon, none of the other beasts of Saint King Realm have seen the beast god's body.

At first glance at this young man, surprise is also essential.

And only the golden dragon had seen the battle between Tuoba Longxing and the beast god when he was young.

Naturally, he also recognized that this young man was the human form of the beast god.

Not only that, but the aura emanating from his body at this moment is exactly the same as the bloody sky giant hand that shattered the void last time.

This is the key to all the fierce beasts of Saint King Realm immediately identifying him as the beast god after sensing his aura.

"Lord Beast God, since you have successfully broken the seal, why should we care about Su Yu again.

Lead us directly into the human race world, and slaughter them all!"

Looking at the beast god standing in the sky, the gentle but exuding a completely different ferocious aura.

The golden dragon took a deep breath and then suggested.

Hearing this, the beast god in the air also turned to look at it.

He glanced at it indifferently.

Facing the oppression of the beast god's powerful momentum, the golden dragon suddenly felt that its own breathing would stop.

Just a look made him completely lose any thought of resistance.

At this moment, it has a deeper understanding of the gap between the god-level powerhouse and the Saint King Realm.

"I just broke the seal, and the strength on my body has been consumed a lot.

The matter of attacking the human race will be postponed for a while, and I will recover my own strength and make plans

Looking at the golden dragon, the Beast God finally spoke.

Hearing his words, the golden dragon didn't dare to hesitate, and nodded quickly.

Then he went on to ask:

"Lord Beast God, you can tell us what treasures you need to restore your strength.

I will do my best to gather all the things for you and help you restore your full glory as soon as possible. "

"That's right, Lord Beast God, what recovery Heavenly and Mortal Treasures do you need, as long as we can find them, we will find them for you!"

After hearing the golden dragon, other ominous beasts of Saint King high rank all spoke one after another.

Said to the beast god.

What they are thinking now is to replenish the power of the beast god as soon as possible.

They feel that the more active they are now, the more they can help the Beast God recover his strength.

The more they will be valued by the Beast God in the future.

To be valued by such a god-level powerhouse, the benefits in the future will definitely not be small!

Maybe there is hope for them to break through their current limits and improve their strength to a higher level.

So now after they have overcome their initial fear, they are opening their mouths to express their loyalty.

They all want to perform in front of the Beast God to win the favor of the Beast God and pave the way for their future.

"Recovering the consumed power does not require any Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

Since you want to help so much, then I will help you!"

Seeing these fierce beasts of Saint King high rank scrambling to open their mouths, the corner of the mouth of the boyish beast god twitched.

A weird smile appeared.

Seeing this, both the golden dragon and other Saint King high rank monks felt nervous.

An ominous premonition emerged instantly.

And the next moment, they understood what the weird smile on Beast God's face represented.

I saw the Beast God waved his hand.

Facing the ominous beast of the Saint King high rank that just opened his mouth, he grabbed it with his hand.

Including the first golden dragon, a total of thirteen Saint King high rank beasts were firmly restrained in place by it.

Streams of powerful energy were pulled out of their bodies in this way, and then gathered in the palm of the beast god.

Even the power of Qi and blood was sucked out.

The energy gathered in the palm of the beast god turned into a red energy light ball.

Finally, he swallowed it in one gulp and absorbed it all.

After absorbing a large amount of energy and blood power from the bodies of these dozen or so Saint King high rank beasts.

The aura of the beast god became even stronger.

On the other hand, the beasts of the Saint King high rank who had just been stripped of their strength and vitality were all sluggish.

The aura on his body was weak, and his strength Realm had all fallen below the Saint King high rank.

"That's right, I haven't enjoyed such delicious power for a long time.

Compared with the flesh and blood power of those garbage low-level beasts, the blood and energy of the high rank beasts in the Saint King realm are much more delicious.

Not only that, the strength has also recovered by 30%, comfortable! It's so comfortable!"

After absorbing these energies, the Beast God's face showed a look of enjoyment that was almost infatuated.

Looking at the remaining Saint King beasts with scarlet eyes, he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips involuntarily.


Everything that happened just now terrified the beasts of these Saint King Realm.

They only understood at this time.

It seems that it is not really a good thing for them to break the seal of the beast god.

At least, that's what those high rank beasts whose Realm has fallen seriously after being absorbed by the Beast God just now think so.

Especially the golden dragon, Realm has fallen again, it is only the sixth level of Saint King, and it has long since lost the surprise when the beast god appeared at the beginning.

Only fear remained in my heart.

"Master Beast God, it has changed, it is completely different from before!"

"Could it be that the seal of more than eight thousand years has already driven Lord Beast God crazy?"

"We didn't die in Su Yu's hands, but were sucked dry by the beast god as rations?"

Looking at the beast god that made him feel strange in the sky, those bloodthirsty eyes and the cruel behavior just now filled the golden dragon's mind with despair.

In his memory, eight thousand years ago, the other party was completely different from now.

During these eight Thousand Years, Beast God is like a completely different person!

What he guessed was right.

During the eight-year-long seal, Zeng Shen spent more than eight thousand years alone in the dark, sealed place.

Even though it has achieved the god level, this long and lonely time in captivity has gradually changed and distorted its psychology and personality.

Even if it was still the Beast God eight thousand years ago, there would never be a golden dragon offering the flesh and blood of trillions of low-level beasts to capture and kill Su Yu.

From the moment he devoured the power of flesh and blood sacrificed by the trillions of low-level beasts, God Zeng was completely different from before.

Now that he has finally broken through, he is the only god-level powerhouse in this world.

Nature no longer has any constraints, you can do whatever you want.

In his eyes, those below the god level are all ants.

Even the fierce beasts of the Saint King Realm are nothing more than slightly stronger ants.

The other ferocious beasts, having seen the domineering and cruelty of the Beast God at this moment, don't put them in one's eyes afterwards.

They were all trembling with fright, the fear of God Lu at this moment has long surpassed the awe of him before.


At this moment, the smile on Beast God's face froze slightly, and he frowned and looked into the distance, as if he felt something.

Not long after, a playful smile appeared on his face.

said to himself:

"I didn't expect that kid to come to the beast world by himself.

The last time I shot him through the seal, I couldn't solve him. This time, I will kill him.

The quality of his beast masters is much higher than that of all the beasts and beast masters I have seen.

I don't know what it will taste like, but if I can absorb his beast master Bloodline, maybe it will allow me to go one step further, truly shatter the void, and set foot in the God Realm...

After muttering, the smile on his face became even wider, and there was a look of longing in his eyes.

Then the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

After it was confirmed that he had left, the more than one hundred Saint King Realm beasts below breathed a sigh of relief.

…… Ask for flowers…………

Afterwards, they all sat on the ground paralyzed, each of the Saint King Realm's fierce beasts looked terrified.

Looking at each other, they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Who do you think the guy that the beast god was talking about just now? Can it make him so excited?"

At this time, Amethyst Behemoth next to the golden dragon repeatedly confirmed that the beast god had left.

He asked in a low voice to the golden dragon beside him.

His current Realm has fallen more severely than the golden dragon.

Originally, after the battle with Liu Bai, Realm slipped to the seventh level of Saint King.

Now being sucked by the Beast God, he directly dropped to the fourth level of Saint King.

It is not known how long it will take to return to the peak of Saint King.

Hearing Amethyst Behemoth's inquiry, the golden dragon also pondered for a moment.

There is an answer.

"Who else can make the Beast God so excited, the other party's Beast Guard rank can make the Beast God so excited, the entire human race is now only Su Qi.

Unexpectedly, this guy really left our world and returned to the human world.

Returning here this time, it is estimated that the strength has improved again, and I want to come here to get back the previous place.

Unfortunately, this time he was unlucky and met the Beast God.

No matter how much his strength improves, it is absolutely impossible to rise to the point of confronting the beast god in this month.

Now that he is back here, there is only one fate waiting for him, which is to be completely obliterated by God Zeng! There is no place to die!"

Speaking of the latter, the golden dragon also showed a happy smile.

Up to now, Su Yu was able to be beheaded by the beast god, which is already the best consolation for their current state.

The same is true for other people.

Even in their hearts, the culprit for what they have fallen into now is Su Yu.

Now that Su Yu was about to be beheaded by the beast gods, they were naturally very happy.

On the other side, Su Yu's figure appeared from the crack in No. 1 space.

Ever since meeting with the guy and the others, he has been rushing towards this side non-stop.

Can't wait to kill the beasts of Saint King Realm in this beast world.

in return

The revenge of the gang.

And after he appeared from the crack in No. 1 space, he immediately attracted the attention of the strong Saint King Realm of the Kyushu Academy stationed in the Acropolis below.

After Liu Bai was seriously injured, the Saint King Realm powerhouses in the entire Kyushu academy made adjustments.

Wang Haoran and other high rank instructors who previously broke through the Saint King Realm with the help of Su Yu are all stationed at the Acropolis under this No. 1 space crack.

Not only that, but a Saint King high rank beast master was transferred from other places.

He is also the dean of Lei Academy who is second only to Liu Bai in strength among the entire Kyushu academy.

A beast master with the eighth-level thunder attribute beast master of Saint King, the strength is strong.

At this moment, these Saint King Realm powerhouses surrounded Su Yu, all with surprise smiles on their faces.

"Su Yu, I didn't expect you to break through to the Saint King Realm so quickly!

It's only been two years since you came to our Kyushu Academy to break through to the Saint King Realm! 11

"Yes, yes, now you have broken the record in Ten Thousand Years and become the fastest Beastmaster to achieve Saint King in Ten Thousand Years!

Your future is boundless!"

"With your Talent, I'm afraid it won't be long before you can try to attack the Realm above the peak of Saint King!

As long as you succeed, you will be the first beast master to set foot on a god-level Realm!"


Sensing the aura of the Saint King Beast Master emanating from Su Yu, the dean couldn't help but praise the mentors around Su Yu at this moment.

Each of them had a look of joy on their faces.

The haze brought about by Liu Bai's heavy injury and loss of strength was also swept away.

Although Liu Bai fell down, Su Yu stood up now.

He will succeed Liu Bai and become the patron saint of Kyushu and even mankind.

Lead the humans to defend the attack of the beasts in this beast world.

Even, in the near future, when Su Yu's strength makes another breakthrough, it is even more likely that he will lead humans to counterattack the world of beasts.

Wipe out this threat that has existed for Ten Thousand Years Nine!.

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