All People Beastmaster: I, Mythical Beastmaster

Chapter 489 The Bottom Of The Quiet Spring Pool! The Law Is Like A Dragon!

"In that case, let's go down and take a look at the situation!"

Su Yu didn't continue to think about things she couldn't understand.

Instead, he decided to take Xiao Hei into it.

As long as they enter the depths of the spring, what is the reason for the difference between them?

That's really clear at a glance.

Since you can’t figure it out, let’s go straight to solving the mystery!

Xiaohei, get ready, we have entered it together to have a look!"

"I want to see what is behind this quiet spring!"

After Su Yu decided what to do next, he immediately spoke to Xiao Hei beside him.

After hearing Su Yu's words, Xiao Hei nodded immediately.

Then he followed Su Yu and plunged into the quiet spring below.

After Su Yu entered the quiet spring.

It immediately released the tyrannical divine power.

Drain away all the spring water around you.

Su Yu also felt the powerful corrosive power of this quiet spring.

Possessing the power to erode even the divine power of powerful men from the High Gods Returned to Origin Realm.

This is what Su Yu discovered just now after entering this quiet spring.

Now he is also a strong man who somewhat understands these high-level gods Returned to Origin Realm.

Why are no one willing to touch the spring water in this quiet spring?

However, if the danger in this quiet spring is only the water of these powerful erosion springs.

That didn't give him the threatening feeling it had before he left.

after all.

Although these secluded springs are a huge threat to the powerful men of the upper god Returned to Origin Realm.

But for him.

With his current strength, he is not afraid of these spring waters at all.

“There must be even more amazing secrets at the bottom of this quiet spring.

Let’s keep diving!”

Su Yu looked at Xiao Hei wrapped around her hand and said to him.

Hear Su Yu's words.

Xiao Hei, who turned into a small snake and wrapped around Su Yu's hand, also stood up with the front half of his body.

Nodding to Su Yu.

Then, under the leadership of Su Yu, they continued to rush towards the bottom of Youquan.

Xiao Hei now only has the strongest mid-level True God Returned to Origin Realm.

Although he possesses the powerful strength of the High God Returned to Origin Realm.

But in this quiet spring, he can only stay under the protection of Su Yu.

Only then can we continue to move forward downwards.

If Su Yu hadn't been by the side to take him down, he would have died.

Even if he tried his best, he might not be able to dive to the bottom of this quiet spring.

Su Yu took Xiao Hei down very quickly.

Gradually, he didn't know how much the amount had dropped.

Su Yu also suddenly felt the power of a large amount of space laws contained below.

A wave with such powerful power of law.

Su Yu was also immediately attracted by this force of space law. 877

"Such a strong power of law, it seems that we are not far from the place where the fragments of space law are formed!

After diving to a depth of tens of millions of meters, we are finally here!”

Feel the rich aura of the power of space laws.

Su Yu couldn't help but feel happy.

"Master, dive quickly, I feel that strong attraction is not far ahead!"

At this time, Xiao Hei also became excited.

Said to Su Yu immediately.

After hearing his words, Su Yu nodded immediately.

Dive quickly with it.

Finally, one person and one animal arrived at the bottom of this quiet spring.

"That's! A dragon shape formed by the law! The law is like a dragon!!!".

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