Eventually, one of the enemies is nearly killed. His body was twisted ferociously, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, but he still did not reveal any key information.

Su Yu looked at the dying enemy and felt uneasy in his heart. He is not a person who likes to use extreme measures, but in order to protect himself and his family, he feels compelled to do so.

"I'll give you one more chance. Tell me why you attacked me and where you came from?" Su Yu took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

The enemy's eyes became more determined, as if he was willing to die rather than surrender. Su Yu looked at these people, hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to let go.

"Let me tell you, we are from the All Souls Religion, and you have caused big trouble for us a long time ago!" The leading enemy finally spoke, struggling to reveal a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Su Yu frowned slightly, feeling shocked. He didn't know much about the All Souls Religion, but he learned from the other party that some of his previous actions seemed to have attracted their attention.

"Why are you interested in Heavenly Dao City?" Su Yu asked coldly.

"This is our secret, you will never know." The enemy smiled ferociously, as if laughing at Su Yu's stupidity.

After hearing the enemy's explanation, Su Yu was filled with shock and anger. The Wanling Sect has such an evil plan to sacrifice Heavenly Dao City with blood in order to release the seal of Guixu Realm in advance. What kind of malice and conspiracy is hidden behind this?

"Why do you do such a thing?" Su Yu's voice was quiet and cold.

A ferocious smile flashed across the enemy's face, "The great changes in the world will cause the seal to be lifted. We hope to establish contact with those suppressed existences in advance to avoid future disasters."

Su Yu snorted coldly, "You actually think you can escape Heavenly Dao's punishment this way?"

"We are just trying to survive and become stronger." The enemy was unmoved and still had a firm gaze.

Su Yu looked at them coldly and lamented the garbage of this world. He was even more disgusted with the world and felt deeply indignant towards those who would do anything for their personal desires.

"Tell me, the internal situation of Wanling Sect, what other plans do you have?" Su Yu asked.

However, the enemy remained silent, as if he had been mentally prepared for this problem. When Su Yu saw this, his heart sank. He knew that he might not be able to get more information from these people.

"Don't waste any more time." Su Yu decided to interrupt the interrogation. He didn't want to waste too much energy on these die-hard believers.

Elsewhere, in Liuye City, Liu Junfeng had a conflict with Luo Yu. Luo Yu suspected that Liu Junfeng was related to the disappearance of his second uncle, which made Liu Junfeng feel angry and aggrieved.

"."Luo Yu, are you crazy? I'm your friend!" Liu Junfeng glared at Luo Yu. He didn't understand why the other party had doubts about him.

Luo Yu smiled coldly, "Friend? Liu Junfeng, don't think that I don't know what you are doing secretly (Li's). The disappearance of your second uncle is related to you, don't you know?"

Liu Junfeng showed a hint of surprise. He didn't know about the disappearance of his second uncle. This caught him off guard.

"Luo Yu, you misunderstood, I really don't know." Liu Junfeng tried to explain, but Luo Yu seemed not to believe it.

Luo Yu threatened Liu Junfeng with the fact that the Liu family once had the Lost God Pill. This Medicine Pill can change memory. Although the pill recipe is lost, its value is immeasurable. .

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