All People Beastmaster: I, Mythical Beastmaster

Chapter 66 The Battle Of Instant Kill! The Shock Of The Principals!

"Duel Field No. 35..."

Su Yu looked at the numbers he had drawn, found the location of the arena No. 35, and rushed over directly.

Wu Gang in Tianhe No. 1 Middle School also hastily adjusted the split screen of the big screen in front of the big screen on the No. 35 arena to the maximum.

Now he doesn't pay any attention to the students in the special training class of Tianhe No. 1 Middle School that he leads.

They all put their energy and attention on Su Yu.

"Su Yu, confirm the candidate's identity!

This is it, get on stage!!"

On the side of Arena 35, Su Yu handed over his own student ID to the referee who presided over the duel, and passed the verification.

Stepped directly onto the No. 35 arena.

On stage 35, there was already a candidate waiting for Su Yu.

"Black iron-level beast master, this battle is not challenging."

Glancing at the other party, Su Yu's discerning eye Talent saw through the other party's strength.

"Longfu No. 2 Middle School, the core student of the second year of senior high school, Changyu!"

After seeing Su Yu come to the stage, the black iron-level candidate on the opposite side also immediately spoke to Su Yu.

Seeing that the other party reported his name, Su Yu was also courteous.

"Tianhe No. 1 Middle School, senior one core students, swim!"

"Grade 1! Daddy is really lucky! He actually met a core student of Senior 1! Now there is hope for the third round of Advance Grade!"

Just after Su Yu introduced himself, Zhang Yu's face revealed a touch of joy.

In his opinion, if Su Yu blew himself up as a core student in the first year of high school, it must be because he had just become a beast master not long ago.

No matter how powerful the other party's talent is, it should be the same as own's strength, only at the black iron level.

He has been a core student for two semesters, and the strength of his beast master is now only one step away from the first-level bronze.

Among the candidates at the black iron level, he felt that he would not lose to anyone.

"This guy, what are you doing "Qiu Jiu San" with such a happy face?"

Seeing Zhang Yu whose face suddenly became ecstatic after revealing his own name information, Su also couldn't understand.

"Okay, now that both of you have introduced yourself, then prepare to summon your own beasts and prepare to fight!"

"Don't worry, just let your beast masters go all out, and we referees will come out at the most critical time."

"Don't worry that your own beast master will fall in the battle, as the beast master of Silver Apex, I will take action to block the attack for the loser at the most critical moment.

"Wait for my order to start the war, and you will start immediately! Do you understand?"

At this time, the referee who checked Su Yu's ID just now came to the referee's seat in the arena.

Looking at the two below, Su Yu and Zhang Yu, who were separated by half an arena, said.


Seeing this, both Su Yu and Zhang Yu nodded to him.

Seeing this, the referee was very satisfied with the performance of the two.

The next moment is to raise own's right hand, and glance at the two sides in the audience on the left and right.

Good, now, the battle begins!

"Come out! Fujiki Demon Soldier!!"

As soon as the referee issued the battle command, Zhang Yu below immediately released the own black iron ninth-level Fujiki demon soldiers.

A treant with a height of four meters appeared in front of him.

The tree man still held a green spear tightly in his hand.

The barrel of the gun is made of twined vines.

[Type]: Fujiki Demon Soldier (Wood)

【Realm】: Black Iron Ninth Rank

[Qualification]: Top Silver

[Talent skill]: Wooden rattan strangulation gun · Uncommon

[Reminder]: The vine demon soldier evolved from the tree vine demon has developed its potential to the limit and cannot continue to evolve.

"It is the top-level silver-qualified vine-wood demon soldier evolved from the intermediate bronze-qualified tree-vine demon!"

"This laughing guy named Zhang Yu actually has a plant beast, which is not bad."

Looking at the vine wood demon soldier who appeared, a smile appeared on the referee's face.

But the next moment, the smile on his face froze.

"You still haven't summoned your own beast, what's the matter with this kid?"

"Does he know that he can't fight, or he will surrender without a fight?"

He saw that Su Yu was still standing where he was after he said the war started, without seeing any imperial beasts around him.

He was very dissatisfied with Su Yu's performance like this.

Favorability plummeted.

"Fujiki Demon Soldier, Muto strangles the gun, defeat him for me!"

On the contrary, Zhang Yu on the battlefield didn't hesitate for a moment because Suning didn't summon any imperial beasts.

Although I don't understand why Su Yu didn't summon his own beast.

But he can't control so much.

Right now, he only thinks about a smooth third round of Advance Grade!

Just advance grade for the third round.

He will be able to squeeze into the top 50, and he can enter the Higher Beast Master University for further study!"

"Use skills as soon as I come up, it seems that I am going to make a move."

On the referee's seat, the referee saw the battle below, and the beast-controlling power of Silver Apex in his body began to condense rapidly.

As long as the situation is not right, he will take action immediately.

Save Su Yu.

Although beast masters can also cultivate and improve their own strength, compared with the beast masters of the same Realm.

The combat power of the Beast Master is far inferior!

Even if Su Yu is the beast master of Black Iron Apex, it is absolutely impossible to block this powerful skill attack of the vine wood demon soldier.


However, just as the spear in the hands of the vine wood demon soldier was about to fall in front of Su Yu, the referee also jumped off the own referee seat.

Su Yu moved.

A little on his feet.

The figure flew out quickly.

Instead of retreating, he advanced.

Facing the approaching spear of the Fujiki demon soldier, he charged forward.

"Damn it! Stop it, you kid, are you sincerely looking for death!"

Seeing this scene, the silver Apex referee who jumped from the air yelled loudly in horror.

Originally, if Su Yu had stayed where he was, it would have been enough for him to rescue and block the attack of the vine demon soldiers.

But now Su Yu took the initiative to rush forward, which greatly exceeded his expectations.

In this way, he would not be able to block the attack of the vine wood demon soldier in time.

Even if it is to summon the imperial beast, it is already too late!

In his opinion, Su Yu is absolutely certain to die in the face of the wooden vine strangle gun of the ninth-level black iron demon soldier.

"Madman, did you come here on purpose to seek death because of some kind of stimulation, daddy got hurt by you this time!"

Looking at the silver Apex referee who was still in mid-air when the two sides were about to meet, he felt extremely aggrieved.

The college entrance examination arranged them, these silver Apex beast masters, not only to serve as referees.

At the same time, it was also to save the beasts and lives of the students participating in the assessment at the last moment.

After all, the original purpose of the Federation's reform of the college entrance examination is to select talented and powerful beast masters.

It's not about killing a large number of students during the college entrance examination.

If it was under his supervision, the casualties occurred among the two candidates on his side.

Not only did he lose his reward for being a referee this time, but he also had to accept punishment!


But when he was thinking like this, a scene happened below that left him dumbfounded.

I saw Su Yu's long spear in the hands of the vine wood demon soldier was about to stab Own for a moment.

The body twisted.

I just missed this strike.

Immediately afterwards, before the Fujiki demon soldier could react, he stretched out his foot and kicked the thick body of the Fujiki girl soldier who had passed him just now.

With the help of a strong thrust, Su Yu, like a cheetah, shot directly at Zhang Yu whose pupils were gradually shrinking and whose expression was terrified.

The next moment rushed over a distance of more than ten meters.

Appeared next to Zhang Yu whose pupils shrank suddenly.

He punched out violently, directly hitting his lower abdomen.


The huge impact directly made Zhang Yu spit out a mouthful of bitterness.

Immediately, he clutched his stomach and knelt down slowly on the ground.

His whole body trembled slightly from the intense pain brought about by the violent impact on his abdomen.

I can't get up in a short time anyway.

"You've already lost!"

Beside Zhang Yu, Su Yu said to him indifferently.

Now he is already a silver-ranked beast master.

It is not at the same level as Changyu.

He had absorbed more than 90% of the punch just now.

It just made Changyu unable to fight anymore.

This guy, let the vine wood demon soldier directly use his skills to mess with himself, as if he was going to kill own decisively.

Su Yu remembered it.

If it wasn't for the college entrance examination assessment, he deliberately withdrew his efforts.

That fist just now could have killed Zhang Yu.

"Referee, in this situation, I should have won, right?"

Seeing that the vine wood demon soldier turned around, he was about to attack Zhang Yu again.

Su Yu glanced lightly at the silver Apex referee standing on the arena and said.

At the same time, he stepped on Changyu's neck.

He indicated that he could kill Zhang Yu at any time.

"Candidate Zhang Yu, put away your imperial beast, you have already lost!"

Hearing Su Yu's call, the referee reacted.

He quickly waved his hand to block the vine wood demon soldiers who were about to rush towards Su Yu.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he said to Zhang Yu.

He didn't understand what Su Yu meant.

Even Changyu's life is in Su Yu's hands.

Although he did not defeat Changyu's Fujiki demon soldiers.

But he can kill Zhang Yu directly, and then the vine wood demon soldier will be destroyed directly.

Su Yu didn't do this just because it was the college entrance examination.

At the moment when Su Yu knocked Changyu down.

He is already a winner!


Hearing the referee's words, Su Yu withdrew his foot from Changyu's neck.

With a faint smile, he stood aside.

And Zhang Yu also took his own vine wood demon soldiers back to his own beast-monitoring space with a livid face.

At the same time, when he looked at Su Yu, there was a deep fear in his eyes.

Just now when Su Yu rushed in front of him and just swung that punch, he felt like he was facing a prehistoric beast.

Infinitely close to Death!

This already let him know that there is an insurmountable gap between himself and Su Yu.

Not his opponent at all.

As the referee announced that Su Yu was the winner, Su Yu also directly walked down the Arena 35 without even looking at Changyu..

After Su Yu stepped down, he was treated by a beast master with the ability to heal beasts called by the referee.

Only then did the burning pain in Zhang Yu's abdomen dissipate a lot.

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Yu struggled to stand up and walked off the ring 35.

"Ending the battle by directly beheading the local beast master, this little guy in the arena on No. 35 is a bit interesting..."

The situation in the arena on No. 35 was also seen by Commissioner Zhao on the highest viewing platform


Not only him, but even Wu Yong, the governor of Yunxi City, and the principal of No. 1 Middle School in the five major districts have noticed Su Yu's battle.

It's just because of the referee's hasty shout on stage 35 just now.

Attracted their eyes in the past.

Just now Su Yu was alone, and without summoning the beast master, he actually defeated the opponent who summoned the black iron ninth-level beast master, the vine wood demon soldier, with his bare hands.

This scene made them, the amethyst-level and diamond-level beast masters, stare wide-eyed.

"Old Ji, that student from your school on ring 35, right? It's a freak to win in such a way."

Wu Yong looked at Ji Tianlan beside him, and said in a strange tone.

With so many battles of examinees, this is the first time that a battle to kill an opponent in this way has appeared.

Open their eyes.


Su Yu was able to dodge the wooden rattan strangling gun of the ninth-level black iron vine demon soldier without summoning his own beast.

This shows that he possesses strength far beyond the Black Iron class!

"Old Ji, what's the name of this little guy? What level of strength?"

"The speed that just erupted, and the power of that punch, should be a bronze beast master, and the level is not low!"

On the side, the principal of Daxin No. 1 Middle School also looked at Ji Tianlan and asked about Su Yu's information.

Not only him, but the other principals, Wu Yong, and even Commissioner Zhao all pricked up their ears and listened.

Not that they like to listen to Eight Trigrams.

It's because Su Yu is too abnormal.

When Su Yu made a move just now, they couldn't see how far Su Yu's own Realm had reached.

This has to make them have a strong interest in Su Yu.

Now they all wanted to play Ji Tianlan's tone.

Facing the gazes of several principals around him, Ji Tianlan also smiled wryly in his heart.

Not to mention them, even he himself is very curious about what is going on with Su Yu now.

He himself can't see what Realm Su Yu is now, and he doesn't know what method Su Yu used to restrain the aura on own so well.

Although Su Yu is a core student approved by him personally.

But I really didn't pay much attention to the other party.

Even if it was the most recent time, it was Su Yu who discovered a change in the faint secret realm beyond Qingyu Town.

In order to report to him and prove that there is a red-striped stone ape with silver qualifications in the faint secret realm.

Su Yu showed him the strength of Xiaoyan Bronze First Order.

After that, he never knew again.

Facing everyone's gaze, he could only speak truthfully:

"Well, I don't know Su Yu's specific strength! But he must have become a bronze-ranked beastmaster!"

After hearing his words, several principals around were speechless.

4.7 means that everyone can tell that Suning is a bronze-level beast master, okay?

Otherwise, how could there be such a dazzling performance?

Ji Tianlan seems to have said some news, but it seems that he didn't say anything!

After hearing Ji Tianlan's answer, the headmaster of the freshman week also rolled his eyes at him.

"This little guy's performance just now, his strength must be a bronze-ranked beast master! It's worth mentioning for you!"

"I'm asking you what level of strength Realm his beast master has reached now?"

"Ahem, to tell you the truth, I really don't know the strength of Su Yu's beast control. I didn't lie to you."

Ji Tianlan himself was speechless, what he said was the truth, why didn't anyone believe it?

"Come on! You bastard, you've learned how to trick us, haven't you?"

"If you don't say it, don't say it! Let's read on and find out!"

Hearing Ji Tianlan say it in the same way, the principal of Daxin No. 1 Middle School stopped asking.

"Ji Tianlan, this old boy, is actually really playing tricks!"

The other principals also shook their heads. They didn't get the information they wanted, and they all cursed inwardly.

However, they all kept Su Yu's name in their hearts.

This is definitely a strong core student, not only strong, but also full of confidence in himself.

The shot is decisive and effective.

Looks like a battle-tested Warrior.

Such a performance is enough to attract their attention.

Especially the three principals of Yuen Long No. 1 Middle School.

Wang Teng, Zhou Di, and Lu Yu are the favorites to win this time.

Now suddenly a boy named Su Yu appeared.

In addition, Ji Tianlan was so tight-lipped that he didn't mention Su Yu's specific strength.

Then Su Yu is probably the trump card of Tianhe No. 1 Middle School.

Definitely the strongest opponent for their school's seeded players!.

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