All People Beastmaster: I, Mythical Beastmaster

Chapter 74: It's Her! How Could There Be Such A Monster In A Third-Rate City!

Along with the arrival of the chief examiner from White Cloud City and three Advance Grade students.

Commissioner Zhao and the others also turned their eyes away.

At the same time, there were also the top three students from all third-rate cities, including Wang Teng and the others.

Unlike Commissioner Zhao, who focused on the man with the square face, they were all looking at the three students from White Cloud City who followed him.

When the three people in White Cloud City looked at Su Yu and the others, their faces were also haughty.

His chin was raised, and there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

"Shout, the appearance of these three people with their nostrils turned upside down is really annoying!

I really think that students from second-rate cities are superior to others, and look down on students from third-rate cities like us.

After they know Su Yu's strength, let's see how arrogant they are!"

Looking at the expressions of the three of them, Wang Teng couldn't help complaining.

His voice was so small that only Zhou Di and Su Yu who were following him could hear him.

Zhou Di nodded in sympathy when he heard the words.

He was extremely dissatisfied with the disdainful attitude of the three students in White Cloud City looking at him and others.

"Commissioner Mo, is Ms. Ye still on your side of White Cloud City? I have something I want to see Ms. Ye.

Watching the college entrance examination commissioner from White Cloud City bring the three students from White Cloud City, Commissioner Zhao also took a step forward at this time, and said to the man with a Chinese face with a smile.

"Commissioner Zhao, are you looking for Ms. Ye? Do you have anything?"

Hearing Commissioner Zhao's intrusive words, the College Entrance Examination Commissioner of White Cloud City was also taken aback and asked.

Not only him, but the college entrance examination commissioners in the other three cities also looked at Commissioner Zhao with doubts on their faces.

"Hehe, it's not a big deal, it's just that Yunxi City has a good seed this year.

He won the position of the leader of our Yunxi City, and he has an upgraded royal beast in his hand. There is no record in the Federation.

As a result, he didn't know how to choose the appropriate animal-fearing materials, so he wanted to apply to me and let him choose the evolutionary materials he wanted.

I can't make up my mind about this, and I have to ask Ms. Ye for instructions before I can give an explanation to the leader of Yunxi City. "

Commissioner Zhao didn't hide it, and directly told the actual situation of his search for that "Miss Ye".

However, he also had reservations, and did not reveal the fact that Su Yu was now a silver-ranked beast master.

He also thought that when he arrived in the provincial capital, he would give everyone a big surprise.

Naturally, it cannot be exposed in front of old acquaintances like own now.

Not only he himself didn't say anything, but even Su Yu and the three of them.

When riding the silver griffin towards White Cloud City, he ordered the three of them not to expose Su Yu's strength for the time being.

But even so.

When he said that Su Yu owns an upgraded beast that is not recorded in 637 in the federal database.

He also immediately attracted the attention of everyone around him.

"What! Upgraded Royal Beast! This is an extremely uncommon situation!"

"Old Zhao, tell us quickly who is the leader of your Yunxi City? And what kind of upgraded imperial beast is it?"

At this moment, the extremely diamond-level college entrance examination commissioners all looked at Commissioner Zhao, with a strong look of curiosity on their faces.

Even the middle-aged beast master with a square face and a diamond Apex in White Cloud City is the same.

He looked at Commissioner Zhao curiously.

"Upgraded Royal Beast?"

And just when these people had just finished speaking, a beautiful voice that was as clear as a quiet spring in the mountains suddenly sounded.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound.

Involuntarily looking in the direction of the White Cloud city hall.

There, Taoists go out.

Dressed in white, she looks like a fairy walking out of a painting.

"Meet Miss Ye!"

Seeing this person coming, all the college entrance examination commissioners, even the diamond Apex college entrance examination commissioner in White Cloud City, called him in awe.

"is her!"

"The Silver Winged Ice Falcon Falcon Royal Beast, who had the top-level star qualification and the seventh-level diamond, killed the woman in white with one move!"

Seeing the woman walk out, Su Yu immediately remembered the outbreak of the beast horde when he saw her face.

When Yunxi City was about to be unable to resist, the figure who stepped on the silver-winged ice falcon and killed the red-flame fire-crowned eagle with a single blow.

It was also because this magnificent woman didn't care about the corpse of the Scarlet Flame Fire Crown Eagle after killing the first-rank diamond Chiyan Fire Crown Eagle.

This allowed him to pick up three powerful beast eggs.

There is also Xiaohuo, a powerful dual-attribute beast of ice and fire with top star qualifications!


Ye Qingyi nodded slightly, and nodded to several college entrance examination commissioners.

Then, she turned her gaze to Commissioner Zhao alone.

The meaning is already very clear.

With her status, any Advance Grade beast master student in all the cities around White Cloud City will not attract her special attention.

This is the case even if there are silver-level beast master students appearing.

However, she is very interested in the upgraded royal beast that is not in the federal records.

I want to know what is the upgraded royal beast that Commissioner Zhao said.

After seeing her like this, she was already in the public eye.

Commissioner Zhao also knew that it was impossible to talk to Ye Qingyi about Su Yu's situation alone.

Immediately, he glanced at Su Yu, and said slowly:

"Miss Ye, this is the No. 1 student in our Yunxi City's college entrance examination this year.

It is he who owns an upgraded Familiar with the dual attributes of ice and fire with good strength and high aptitude.

Because I didn't know that this imperial beast was an upgraded imperial beast, and the federation didn't record it, let alone know the evolution route of this imperial beast.

So my examinee proposed to choose a pair of beast-familiar resources that he wanted to replace the reward of Chief Yunxi this time.

It is precisely because of such a special reason that I can't make a decision, so I can only come to Miss Ye. "

"Upgraded Familiar with dual attributes of ice and fire!"

Hearing Commissioner Zhao's words, the world-class powerhouses around were shocked and exclaimed.

Even Ye Qingyi's eyes flashed a bright light!

A beast with dual attributes of ice and fire, two diametrically opposed attributes actually appeared on a beast.

This is even more Uncommon than other dual-attribute beasts!

"Upgraded, dual attributes of ice and fire!"

"This kind of beast master qualification has definitely reached the star rating. If you want to evolve again, the evolution materials you need are very expensive."

"No wonder Zhao Tian wanted to bring someone to find me in person."

"If it's not much different from the average level of other candidates, then it's basically silver and gold-qualified beast masters need to evolve once.

"As far as the value of this little resource is concerned, Zhao Tian can make the decision himself. It doesn't matter if the Federation gives ten more or one hundred more."

With a move in her heart, Ye Qingyi also turned her own gaze on Su Yu.

"Is this a lucky little guy who got such a royal beast?"

When Commissioner Zhao glanced at Su Yu just now, Ye Qingyi noticed Su Yu.

I also understand that Commissioner Zhao said that the leader of their trip to Xishi this year is undoubtedly Su Feng.

"This classmate, can you release your imperial beast, let me have a look?"

Looking at Su Yu, Ye Qingyi said flatly.

The upgraded Familiar with dual attributes of ice and fire really aroused her interest greatly.


Seeing this, Su Yu looked at Commissioner Zhao.

Before, he reminded himself on the way here that he had to wait until the provincial capital to expose the strength of his own beast.

Sensing Su Yu's gaze, Commissioner Zhao also nodded, and said to him:

"Miss Ye wants to see, Su Yu, you can summon your imperial beast."

"As long as you can pass Miss Ye's eyes, the question you asked me before will not be a problem.

With that said, Commissioner Zhao also looked at Ye Qingyi.

"Well, that's right, as long as you can prove that you have enough potential, I will agree to your request on behalf of the Ye Family of the Federation.

Looking at Su Yu, Ye Qingyi also nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Su Yu didn't hesitate anymore, and with a thought, Xiao Huo's fiery and blue figure appeared above the square in front of the City Hall of White Cloud City.

After being released, Xiaohuo also fluttered its wings and flew high, followed by a high-security cry.

The aura of the fifth level of silver on his body also suddenly exploded.

"White...the fifth level of silver!!!"

When he saw Su Yu's half-ice-blue, half-red feathered beast appeared.

All the diamond-level powerhouses were shocked.

Especially the college entrance examination commissioners in White Cloud City and the three surrounding cities.

There was a stunned expression on their faces.

Although I heard that Su Yu's beast master was a beast with dual attributes of ice and fire.

They will also be surprised, but they are more impressed by Su Yu's good luck.

To be able to meet such an upgraded royal beast.

But when the small fire of the fifth level of silver appeared in front of several people.

They gave up their previous foolish thoughts one after another.

A high school student is able to cultivate his (acfj) imperial beast into a silver-ranked imperial beast.

Even among the high school students in Chencheng, the provincial capital, this was considered a genius.

What's more, this beast of Su Yu's is not only a silver-level beast, but also reached the fifth level of silver!

This kind of strength is not weak even compared to those top geniuses in Chencheng!

"He, his beast master is actually a silver-level beast master! Also, it's still a fifth-level silver beast! 11

"How is it possible! How can a champion of Yunxi, a third-rate city, be a silver-ranked beast master!"

"He is definitely not from Yunxi City, he must be a genius from other first-class big cities who came to Yunxi City to make up the numbers to grab a spot!"

When he heard that the surrounding diamond-level powerhouses all exclaimed that Su Yu's imperial beast was at the fifth level of silver.

The top three students in White Cloud City roared in their hearts.

Feeling the silver-level coercion emanating from the small fire in the sky, their faces turned pale.

It's hard to believe that Su Yu who walked out of a third-rate city is actually a silver-ranked beast master who is stronger than the students of these second-rate cities!

Dreaming, must be dreaming!

However, the facts in front of them completely shattered their thoughts.

Seeing the handsome and fierce bird hovering in the sky, they could only force themselves to accept this reality.

When they looked at Su Yu again, the previous confidence was no longer on their faces.

Su Yu's strength is so strong that he can suppress the three of them together by relying on this fierce bird of the fifth rank of silver.

What face do they have to put on the condescending arrogance before.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't quarrel with these students from third-rate cities before, and I didn't play a role to satirize them... Otherwise..."

Looking at Su Yu and those students who came out of the third-rate cities, the three of them felt a little bit of happiness.

If they really used their own strength to make insulting remarks before, they would really be slapped in the face at this moment.

It's okay now, as long as they keep silent and keep a low profile afterwards.

"Yes, your name is Su Yu, right? This upgraded Royal Beast is very good!"

"Moreover, it is still in an environment like Yunxi City that it is possible to cultivate the Royal Beast to the silver fifth-level.

"You also proved your talent to me!"

"Don't worry, after arriving in Chencheng, I will personally take you to pick up a copy of the evolutionary resources of the beast you fancy.

"Okay, put away your imperial beast, and we will set off for Chencheng."

At this time, Ye Qingyi, who had commented on the small fire in the air for a long time, finally had a smile on his lips.

He lowered his head, looked at Su Yu, and said with a light smile.

His smile is like a snow lotus blooming on an iceberg.

It made all the boys who are around the Blood Qi Fang Gang very excited.

Even Commissioner Zhao, a diamond-level powerhouse, was shocked when they saw the smile on Ye Qingyi's face.

Was it because of Ye Qingyi's beautiful smile that shocked them.

It was that she had always had a serious expression before, like an untouchable iceberg.

But at this moment, he smiled at Su Yu.

This is what shocked them, the diamond beast masters.

It is conceivable how powerful Su Yu's upgraded Royal Beast hovering in the air is.

Su Yu nodded when he heard the words, and in a flash of thought, he directly took the small fire in the air back into his own beast-monitoring space.

Crisp and neat.

Seeing that Su Yu took back the imperial beast, Ye Qingyi glanced at the others again.

Then he restrained the smile on his face, and said coldly:

"It's not too late. Now that everyone is here, let's go."

"It's a long journey, this time, everyone with Amethyst Apex's flying beasts will take the flying beasts on the road.

"No, squeeze with others."

"In this way, we will be able to reach Chencheng before it gets dark today."

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingyi jumped up, leaping tens of meters.

A clear sound came out.

The silver-winged ice falcon instantly appeared at her feet, leading her to fly directly into the air.


After her, several other diamond-level college entrance examination commissioners also summoned their own flying beasts.

Each of them is a diamond high rank beast master.

Naturally, there is no shortage of flying beasts.

Five college entrance examination commissioners.

Except for Commissioner Zhao and another college entrance examination commissioner from Mo Yun City, all the beasts are flying beasts from Amethyst Apex.

The flying beasts of the other three have all reached the diamond level.

"Let's go up too!"

Beside Commissioner Zhao, the silver griffin that had brought Su Yu and the others to White Cloud City appeared again by his side.

After summoning the Silver Griffin, he turned his eyes to Su Yu and Wang Teng.


The three of them nodded after hearing the words.

This time, under the coercion of Commissioner Zhao's power to control beasts.

The three of Su Yu came to the back of the silver griffin again.

The next moment, the Silver Gryphon is flying high.

Leading Su Yu and others directly chased Ye Qingyi's silver-winged ice falcon in the air.

Not only were they beside them, but other students from the inner city also took the flying beasts of their respective cities' college entrance exams and followed Ye Qingyi and flew forward together.

The crowd, led by Ye Qingyi's Silver Griffon, swept across the sky above White Cloud City together, with a huge momentum, causing countless people to stop and watch.

"Let's go, our geniuses from White Cloud City are going to the provincial capital!"

"Hahaha, this time, our White Cloud City has a bronze Apex student and a B-level Talent.

This time, I, the champion of the college entrance examination in White Cloud City, will definitely shine in the provincial capital Chencheng! Win glory for White Cloud!"

Watching the sky flash away, it flew into the distance in an instant, leaving only a few black spots that gradually faded away.

Everyone in White Cloud City who saw this scene shouted loudly.

Like Yunxi City, the city-wide core student assessment for the college entrance examination in White Cloud City was held in a grand manner.

Everyone knows that this is the college entrance examination commissioner of their own city who took the top three in the college entrance examination this time to the provincial capital.

"Finally out of the city, Ye Qingyi, the genius of Kyushu Academy!"

Not everyone is cheering like these guys, though.

On a pedestrian street full of people, a vendor who was setting up a stall selling some low-level beast-fencing resources saw several black spots going away in the air.

With a hook on the corner of his mouth, he quickly packed up the things under his feet and left in a hurry. .

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